Nominations of 2004 IRB awards - 橄欖球

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2004-10-09T20:13

Table of Contents

Player of the year:
Serge Betsen (France);
Schalk Burger (South Africa);
Gordon D'Arcy (Ireland);
Matt Giteau (Australia);
Marius Joubert (South Africa).

Team of the year:
South Africa

Coach of the Year:
Bernard Laporte (France);
Tomas Morais (Portugal);
Gordon Tietjens (New Zealand Sevens);
Jake White (South Africa)

Under-19 player of the year:
Fabien Cibray (France);
Jeremy Thrush (New Zealand);
Mikaele Tuu'u (NZ)

Under-21 player of the year:
Jamie Heaslip (Ireland);
Jerome Kaino (New Zealand);
Luke McAlister (New Zealand)

Sevens team of the year winner:
New Zealand

Sevens player of the year:
Simon Amor (England);
Ben Gollings (England);
Lucio Lopez Fleming (Argentina)



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Wilkinson to lead England

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2004-10-09T20:02
Monday, 4 October, 2004, 14:08 GMT 15:08 UK Wilkinson to lead England Fly-half Jonny Wilkinson has been named as Englandand#39;s new rugby union captain ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2004-09-27T01:10
英格蘭,目前世界第一的球隊(應該是吧),也是去年世界盃的冠軍 為什麼英格蘭會如此的強大呢, 原因就是因為他們有強大前鋒陣容在加上一隻精準無比的10號射腳 英格蘭的前鋒我認為應該是目前最優秀的吧,我優秀的定義是以前鋒支援的角度來看的 因為前鋒最主要的目的地就是要支援我方的後衛,將球權持續的保持在我方 ...

影片 紐西蘭開賽五分鐘TRY三球

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2004-09-25T12:18 ...

England drop Dawson

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2004-09-21T13:12
Monday, 20 September, 2004, 14:41 GMT 15:41 UK England drop Dawson Matt Dawson could be facing the end of his Test career after he was dropped from Engla ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2004-09-19T22:58
紐西蘭,是我最喜歡的一支球隊,為什麼呢? 就跟我標題寫的一樣,他們有著世界上最好的進攻陣容, 如果說紐西蘭說他們的進攻排第二的話,我想應該沒有人敢說他是第一吧, 我這麼說應該不算太過份吧, 每個人在看球賽會欣賞的部分因人而異,有的人專看自己喜歡的球員 有的人喜歡看兇悍的防首,不過大部分的人看比賽應該 ...