No Big Three tonight - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-04-07T00:29

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※ 引述《smalldick ( ß )》之銘言:
: Celtics All-Stars Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen will get tonight's
: game against the Bobcats off to get rest. Boston's magic number, combination
: of its wins and Detroit losses, is down to one to get homecourt advantage
: throughout the playoffs. Celtics coach Doc Rivers said that whether Garnett,
: Pierce or Allen play in remaining regular-season games will be decided on a
: game-to-game basis. Rivers not only would like to get the three All-Stars
: rest during the rest of the regular-season, but would also like to get his
: bench more minutes before the playoffs.
: 不只是這場三個都不會上,剩下的場次也都要讓他們休息
: 就是要練替補準備季後賽 摘錄自 Yahoo! Sports

With two days off before this game and two more days off before Tuesday’s
visit to Milwaukee, Rivers thought now was the time for extended breaks.
Rivers said two of the Big Three could also sit against the Bucks, but that
they would play in the remaining five games.






Tags: NBA

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-04-11T13:26
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-04-16T02:22
猜拳= =
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-04-20T15:19
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-04-25T04:16
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-04-29T17:13
其實是贏的才能上場 輸的不能上場然後不爽...XD

Re: 想比較兩個人

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-04-06T22:42
好兒的單打進攻能力很強 但是認為小王子攻擊撐不到第二攻擊手的位置 那未免太低估小王子的低調 基本上小王子只是認知整個活塞隊的平衡跟攻擊順序 所以不搶著進攻 但是不代表他沒辦法進攻 活塞的戰術上多所做給RIP C andamp; S 或者溪蛙禁區攻擊 這些是戰術上的設定 但是當戰術端比較失靈時 小王子往往就 ...

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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-04-06T16:23
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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-04-06T16:20
大概在忠孝東路六段吧 看到文大培在路邊招車 引起我注意的是他的肚子... 真是少見的肥阿 腰圍應該有100吋了 真的很誇張 我就跟我媽說那是緯來體育台球評很有名 我媽還問我說要不要過去要簽名... 媽~~~不必了吧~~~ - ...

Frank:“We Need More Shooting, More Toughness”

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-04-06T13:16
In an interview Friday, Lawrence Frank said he’d recommend the team acquire shooters and big men tough enough to protect the paint. The coach hinted key pl ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-04-06T09:38
原本現在的塞爾提克隊就已經難以應付~ 只有在很少的時候~ 主要的得分點Garnett與Pierce都狀況不好的時候~ 塞爾提克隊才會陷入苦戰! 而現在又在加入了Sam Cassell! 真是Super啊! 自火箭隊時代Sam Cassell的表現就是穩啊! 除了頭大像外星人外! 心臟也是特別大顆 ...