Nick Senzel Changes Agencies - 棒球

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2019-12-24T22:35

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Nick Senzel Changes Agencies

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By Anthony Franco | December 22, 2019 at 11:32am CDT

Promising Reds’ outfielder Nick Senzel has hired the Scott Boras Corporation
as representation, tweets Jon Heyman of MLB Network. The 24-year-old remains
two seasons from arbitration eligibility.

The former University of Tennessee star and second overall pick made his MLB
debut in 2019. He tallied 404 unremarkable plate appearances
(.256/.315/.427), although he did expand his defensive profile. A third
baseman in Knoxville, Senzel added the keystone to his resume in the minors.
Last season, he moved to center field, where he logged all 92 of his MLB
starts. He figures to stick in center now that the Reds have inked Mike
Moustakas to join Eugenio Suárez on the roster.

Senzel hasn’t wowed to the extent some may have hoped, but he remains a key
long-term asset for the Cincinnati organization. A former consensus top ten
prospect, he comes with six seasons of team control. He’ll first need to
bounce back from season-ending shoulder surgery; at last check, the Reds were
“optimistic” he’d be a full go in 2020.

Senzel’s change in representation will be reflected in MLBTR’s Agency
Database, which contains agent info on thousands of Major League and Minor
League players. If you see any errors or omissions within, please let us
know: [email protected].

4. 新聞連結:

5. 備註:

根據MLB Network Jon Heyman的推文,紅人隊潛力外野手Nick Senzel聘請Scott Boras

他在414個打席中繳出.256 / .315 / .427。Senzel在選秀前是位三壘手,他在小聯盟期間
簽下Mike Moustakas,將與Nick Senzel和Eugenio Suarez組成球隊核心。


[email protected]

Tags: 棒球

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By Mary
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Enid avatar
By Enid
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