NBA正與國際運動賭博公司協商 - NBA
By Franklin
at 2015-05-07T11:48
at 2015-05-07T11:48
Table of Contents
The Score
Blake Murphy 2015/5/6
The NBA is now doing more than just publicly supporting the legalization and
regulation of sports betting.
The league has also been in negotiations with multiple global sports betting
companies in search of an official league partner, according to a report from
Jared Zwerling of Bleacher Report. The report indicates that the league wants
an official partner for Europe's regulated markets, which allow for betting
on American sports.
NBA現在不只公開支持運動賭博的合法化. NBA也正在與數家國際運動賭博公司協商,
以尋找官方合作夥伴, 根據Bleacher Report的Jared Zwerling報導. 報導指出, 聯盟想要
為了歐洲市場找一個官方夥伴, 而歐洲市場允許美國運動的賭博.
As a source told Zwerling, the NBA is looking to the EPL for best practices -
and results - as they dip their toe into the water:
"The NBA has seen the success that English Premier League soccer clubs have
had with sports betting operators, and they're following that same model.
They've seen the naming rights and the size of those deals, and they
understand that it's an opportunity to open up another revenue stream
overseas, in the hundreds of millions of dollars."
一個消息告訴Zwerling, 當NBA小心翼翼進入這塊市場時,他們正在注意英超足球聯賽,
"NBA看見了英超足球聯賽與運動賭博營運者的成功, 而他們正跟隨相同的模式. 他們對
於命名權以及賭注的大小則有些知識了. 而他們了解這是在海外開啟其他產品線營收
(revenue stream)的一個機會, 有著數億的金額."
Commissioner Adam Silver has been very clear that he supports eventual sports
gambling in the United States, with the NBPA throwing their support behind
the idea as well. Silver believes that gambling improves engagement and
therefore is good for business. He also believes legalization and government
regulation could help with potential conflicts rather than create them.
NBA總裁Adam Silver明白的支持美國運動賭博, 而NBA籃球員公會也支持這個主意.
Silver相信賭博能增加參與度, 所以這對商業非常有利. 他也相信, 與其是製造衝突,
Adam $ilver
Blake Murphy 2015/5/6
The NBA is now doing more than just publicly supporting the legalization and
regulation of sports betting.
The league has also been in negotiations with multiple global sports betting
companies in search of an official league partner, according to a report from
Jared Zwerling of Bleacher Report. The report indicates that the league wants
an official partner for Europe's regulated markets, which allow for betting
on American sports.
NBA現在不只公開支持運動賭博的合法化. NBA也正在與數家國際運動賭博公司協商,
以尋找官方合作夥伴, 根據Bleacher Report的Jared Zwerling報導. 報導指出, 聯盟想要
為了歐洲市場找一個官方夥伴, 而歐洲市場允許美國運動的賭博.
As a source told Zwerling, the NBA is looking to the EPL for best practices -
and results - as they dip their toe into the water:
"The NBA has seen the success that English Premier League soccer clubs have
had with sports betting operators, and they're following that same model.
They've seen the naming rights and the size of those deals, and they
understand that it's an opportunity to open up another revenue stream
overseas, in the hundreds of millions of dollars."
一個消息告訴Zwerling, 當NBA小心翼翼進入這塊市場時,他們正在注意英超足球聯賽,
"NBA看見了英超足球聯賽與運動賭博營運者的成功, 而他們正跟隨相同的模式. 他們對
於命名權以及賭注的大小則有些知識了. 而他們了解這是在海外開啟其他產品線營收
(revenue stream)的一個機會, 有著數億的金額."
Commissioner Adam Silver has been very clear that he supports eventual sports
gambling in the United States, with the NBPA throwing their support behind
the idea as well. Silver believes that gambling improves engagement and
therefore is good for business. He also believes legalization and government
regulation could help with potential conflicts rather than create them.
NBA總裁Adam Silver明白的支持美國運動賭博, 而NBA籃球員公會也支持這個主意.
Silver相信賭博能增加參與度, 所以這對商業非常有利. 他也相信, 與其是製造衝突,
Adam $ilver
All Comments
By Lauren
at 2015-05-11T11:22
at 2015-05-11T11:22
By Oscar
at 2015-05-13T21:13
at 2015-05-13T21:13
By Tom
at 2015-05-16T04:46
at 2015-05-16T04:46
By Necoo
at 2015-05-21T03:52
at 2015-05-21T03:52
By James
at 2015-05-22T17:24
at 2015-05-22T17:24
By Lauren
at 2015-05-27T16:39
at 2015-05-27T16:39
By Jacky
at 2015-05-28T21:38
at 2015-05-28T21:38
By Bennie
at 2015-05-29T13:02
at 2015-05-29T13:02
By Todd Johnson
at 2015-05-31T16:38
at 2015-05-31T16:38
By Rosalind
at 2015-06-01T03:33
at 2015-06-01T03:33
By Audriana
at 2015-06-03T10:15
at 2015-06-03T10:15
By Hedda
at 2015-06-05T02:47
at 2015-06-05T02:47
By John
at 2015-06-08T06:13
at 2015-06-08T06:13
By Victoria
at 2015-06-09T01:57
at 2015-06-09T01:57
By Eartha
at 2015-06-10T16:31
at 2015-06-10T16:31
By Frederic
at 2015-06-13T10:08
at 2015-06-13T10:08
By Edwina
at 2015-06-16T07:07
at 2015-06-16T07:07
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-06-17T17:47
at 2015-06-17T17:47
By Catherine
at 2015-06-21T17:32
at 2015-06-21T17:32
By Susan
at 2015-06-26T12:29
at 2015-06-26T12:29
By Kelly
at 2015-06-28T12:22
at 2015-06-28T12:22
By Andrew
at 2015-06-30T02:07
at 2015-06-30T02:07
By Valerie
at 2015-06-30T23:22
at 2015-06-30T23:22
By Ophelia
at 2015-07-04T10:43
at 2015-07-04T10:43
By Jessica
at 2015-07-08T14:11
at 2015-07-08T14:11
By Joseph
at 2015-07-09T01:49
at 2015-07-09T01:49
By Lydia
at 2015-07-10T18:45
at 2015-07-10T18:45
By Oliver
at 2015-07-14T07:08
at 2015-07-14T07:08
By Robert
at 2015-07-17T03:12
at 2015-07-17T03:12
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-07-19T06:11
at 2015-07-19T06:11
By Bennie
at 2015-07-23T09:40
at 2015-07-23T09:40
By Bethany
at 2015-07-25T16:55
at 2015-07-25T16:55
By Enid
at 2015-07-30T09:58
at 2015-07-30T09:58
By Hazel
at 2015-08-04T08:04
at 2015-08-04T08:04
By Lily
at 2015-08-08T09:05
at 2015-08-08T09:05
By George
at 2015-08-11T18:14
at 2015-08-11T18:14
By Faithe
at 2015-08-11T20:43
at 2015-08-11T20:43
By Yedda
at 2015-08-12T12:28
at 2015-08-12T12:28
By Rachel
at 2015-08-17T08:09
at 2015-08-17T08:09
By Puput
at 2015-08-18T15:42
at 2015-08-18T15:42
By Regina
at 2015-08-19T12:47
at 2015-08-19T12:47
By Hedda
at 2015-08-22T06:05
at 2015-08-22T06:05
By Zanna
at 2015-08-23T18:55
at 2015-08-23T18:55
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