Nats Wang to pitch for Suns Monday - 棒球

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-06-27T12:11

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Nats Wang to pitch for Suns Monday

Washington Nationals pitcher Chien-Ming Wang is scheduled to have his first
minor league rehab appearance Monday with the Hagerstown Suns.

This will mark Wang's first appearance with the Nationals organization and
will be his first professional start of any kind since July 4, 2009, with
the New York Yankees.

Members of the media who have requested credentials may pick them up at
will call beginning at 4:30 p.m. Media will be allowed into the ballpark
at 5 p.m.

This story was not subject to the approval of the National Association of
Professional Baseball Leagues or its clubs.


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2011-07-02T08:19
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-07-06T23:50
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-07-07T10:27
帥 衝阿!
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-07-11T04:59
帥 可惜不夠大張可以當桌面


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-06-27T00:00

不要線上的~~ 請給我網址^^! 3Q..

王建民最後練習賽 重返大聯盟?

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-06-26T10:15
經過一年多的漫長復建,王建民即將離開佛羅里達春訓基地,預定28日在小聯盟1A主投復 建賽,王建民一旦在復建賽表現良好,最快將在7月底回大聯盟,國民也設定王建民一旦 歸隊後,會直接回到他最熟悉的先發輪值。。 王建民在春訓基地最後一場練習賽表現理想,四局的投球中總共用了60球,其中42球是好 球,被打出三支安 ...

建仔補學分 練觸擊

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-06-26T10:14
〔特派記者徐正揚/美國佛州維拉報導〕王建民雖然從春訓基地「畢業」了,不代表他的 「學分」沒有「紅字」,復健投手教練葛雷特選在昨天幫他「補課」,要加強的竟然是觸 擊短打。 王建民前天投完4局,按照「投1休4」的作息,昨天只做傳接球、重量訓練即可,葛雷特 知道他的打擊實在不怎麼樣,「上工」前特別叮嚀:「記得把 ...

MLB/王建民離復出更近 美球迷:國民秘密武器!

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-06-26T10:13
記者陳浚錡/綜合報導 2011/06/26 努力復健500多天,國民隊台灣投手王建民終於將在台北時間28日,前往1A海格斯城太陽 隊進行小聯盟復健賽,而他即將復出的訊息也逐漸在國民球迷間傳開,微網誌「推特( Twitter)」 ...

建仔談心路:兩度幻滅 硬挺撐過去

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-06-26T10:00
〔特派記者徐正揚/美國佛州維拉報導〕 2011/06/26 回首在春訓基地1年多的復健,王建民認為,最痛苦的不是單調、無聊,也不是某個動作 或哪個階段,而是燃起的希望曾兩度破滅。 去年向國民春訓報到時,王建民不諱言,曾抱持5月或6月就能復出的想法,不料3月 ...