Nationals vs. Mets: Chien-Ming Wang … - 棒球

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-07-30T13:48

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※ 引述《WingKnight (金色紀元)》之銘言:
: Nationals vs. Mets: Chien-Ming Wang takes loss in first MLB start in
: more than two years


: By Adam Kilgore, Saturday, July 30, 10:16 AM
: Chien-Ming Wang once came as close as a pitcher could to resembling a
: machine.He wore New York Yankees pinstripes, crisp and perfect. His placid
: face, even with a nation watching for every twitch, betrayed nothing. He
: threw heavy, mid-90-mph sinkers, one after the next, that splintered bats
: and created groundballs. Over 2 1/2 seasons, he won 46 games and lost 15.
: He was just about automatic.

提到過去建仔穿著洋基條紋衣時,如機器般穩定地用 9x 英哩的伸卡球讓球棒裂成碎片、
創造滾地球出局,在兩個半的球季獲得 46勝15敗 的成績。

: Friday night at Nationals Park, he climbed a big league mound for the first
: time in more than two years, certainty having long ceded to ambiguity.
: Wang worked remarkably hard to make it back to the majors, but now that
: he had, no one knew what exactly what to expect.

曾經,回到大聯盟投手丘的時間表遙遙無期。 但在兩年多後的今天,他做到了。

: Wang is a major league pitcher again, but he is not yet the same pitcher he
: was before the injury, a fact made solemnly clear in the Washington
: Nationals’8-5 loss to the New York Mets before 30,114. After disaster struck
: in the first inning, Wang allowed six runs — four earned — in four innings
: on eight hits, a walk and a wild pitch. He flashed enough of his old self to
: make his next outing intriguing, but not enough to prevent the Nationals from
: losing their sixth consecutive game, their longest skid of the season.

今天國民隊與大都會隊的比賽,在30,114名觀眾前, 顯示建仔尚未回復過往身手。


: More than two years of grueling rehab following major shoulder surgery –
: subsidized by the Nationals for more than $3 million – finally led Wang
: back to the majors. No matter the nightmare first inning, the Nationals
: viewed Wang simply stepping on the mound as an accomplishment.
: "He’s come a long way,” Nationals pitching coordinator Spin Williams said.
: “From the first time I saw him throw a baseball until now, it’s an
: incredible story. A surgery like that, not many guys can come back from it.”

大聯盟。 即使第一局的投球有如夢魘般,國民隊仍視今日的登板是一項成就。

國民投教 Spin Williams說 "他已走了一段漫長的路。從我第一次看他投球到現在,這真

: Just after 7 p.m., with the temperature 101 degrees, Wang walked to the
: rubber and picked up the ball. More than 40 Taiwanese media members had
: received a credential. In Taipei, thousands gathered to watch on a big screen
: in a city square. When Wang walked up the dugout steps before throwing in
: the bullpen, 14 cameras shot pictures of him. In a pregame ceremony,
: Manager Davey Johnson presented a Nationals jersey with Wang’s name on the
: back to Jason Yuan, the Taiwanese ambassador to the United States.

王在晚上7點,氣溫華氏101度 (攝氏38.3度...)下登場。

: The comeback story quickly dissolved into cold reality. Wang walked the
: leadoff hitter, Jose Reyes, on four pitches, who then advanced to second on
: a wild pitch. The next three batters smacked singles, including one off the
: left field fence by David Wright, After pitching coach Steve McCatty visited
: the mound, Angel Pagan roped another single.
: At last, Wang induced a groundout from Jason Bay, which scored another run.
: By the time Wang recorded his first out, the Mets led 3-0. Lucas Duda flied
: to left field, a run-scoring sacrifice that ended the inning once
: Ryan Zimmerman caught another runner in a rundown.
: Once the miserable first frame mercifully ended, Wang settled down. He
: retired six of the next sever hitters he faced, striking out David Murphy
: with a sinker. In the fourth inning, second baseman Danny Espinosa booted a
: groundball, a rare error that could have been a double play, and certainly
: should have been one out. Center fielder Rick Ankiel helped Wang after one
: single by throwing a 250-foot bullet home for an out, but the Mets tacked
: two more runs, both unearned.


: With one last groundout, his sixth of the night, Wang ended the fourth and
: walked off the mound trailing 6-0. The Nationals got their first hit off
: Dillon Gee in the fourth, and they scored two runs when Jayson Werth forced
: a wild throw with a takeout slide of Jose Reyes with the bases loaded and one
: out.


在同一局,國民靠著Jose Reyes的一壘暴傳失誤從 Dillon Gee手中拿下兩分。

: The Nationals mustered little else until the eighth, when five straight
: singles gave them two runs and loaded the bases with one out. The Nationals’
: chance to get back in the game died, though, when D.J. Carrasco struck out
: Espinosa and Ryan Zimmerman.

第8局國民發起攻勢靠著5隻一安得2分,但是大都會投手 D.J. Carrasco在一出局滿壘

: As the Nationals sunk deeper into last place, Wang remained the most
: compelling subplot. He is still recapturing his old arm motion and, for at
: least now, had to change his pitch selection. With the Yankees, Wang relied
: almost solely on his sinker, a relentless approach that produced more than
: two groundouts for every flyout. His sinker averaged 93 mph in 2006 and 2007.
: Friday night, he hit 93 five times, throwing mostly between 90 and 92.
: “His stuff isn’t obviously that kind of stuff,” Williams said. “I think
: he’ll have to use all of his pitches. Before he was primarily a one-pitch
: pitcher. He had a power sinker. Now he’s going to have to use all of them.”
: In spring training, Wang’s motion was too “slingy,” Williams said – his
: arm moved like a catapult, as if he was throwing a pie. Even after he had
: healed from surgery and regained strength, a process chocked with constant
: setbacks, Wang had to correct that.




: “I was really concerned when I saw him throw in the winter,” said Manager
: Davey Johnson, who was then a front-office assistant. “I’m amazed that
: he’s come back and he’s throwing the ball like he is.”
: Wang has come a long way to reach the majors. Now that he’s back, he still
: has questions to answer, his future anything but automatic.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-08-04T10:05
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-08-07T10:07
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-08-08T23:29
不會翻的那段應該是"沒有人可以準確地去預測" 我猜的啦:D
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-08-13T23:06
就是別人曾經已經認定他很難回到大聯盟 但他做到了
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-08-14T01:21
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-08-15T05:54
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-08-18T05:53
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-08-22T11:09
今天看打者打偏高的球都很嚇人 心臟差點沒力
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-08-25T08:22
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-08-29T20:27
38.8度 好扯 = =


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-07-30T12:56
※ 引述《CWC2 (樂手一人拿一座)》之銘言: : 受傷後睽違兩年第一次在MLB投 : 而且是投手最重要的肩膀開刀 : 我不像很多人會分辨球種, : 但是我看 and#34;電視and#34;, 不只是看 and#34;數據and#34; : 省球數, 有球速, 有尾勁, 雖然沒有以前那 ...

建仔表現 國民隊教頭:沒失望

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-07-30T12:18
2011/07/30 11:56:19 (中央社記者江今葉、周永捷華盛頓29日專電)台灣投手王建民重返美國職棒大聯盟第一 戰,主投4局,雖然最後吞敗,不過王建民所屬的國民隊總教練強森肯定王建民今天的表 現,下1場比賽還是會讓他先發。 王建民暌違大聯盟754天之後,今天終於重返投手丘,出任華盛頓國民隊先發投 ...

Nationals vs. Mets: Chien-Ming Wang takes loss in first

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-07-30T11:46
Nationals vs. Mets: Chien-Ming Wang takes loss in first MLB start in more than two years By Adam Kilgore, Saturday, July 30, 10:16 AM!kr6 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-07-30T10:54
受傷後睽違兩年第一次在MLB投 而且是投手最重要的肩膀開刀 我不像很多人會分辨球種, 但是我看 and#34;電視and#34;, 不只是看 and#34;數據and#34; 省球數, 有球速, 有尾勁, 雖然沒有以前那麼猛 甚至第4局隊友失誤有小亂流, 但好壞球39/21, 四局6 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-07-30T10:33
推 Drogba11:又一個聽不懂話的人XD07/30 09:30 推 Drogba11:現在大都會的投手投101mile 還不是被打H07/30 09:33 → Drogba11:尾伯伸卡球速有很快嗎?07/30 09:38 → Drogba11:球速對現在王建民來說 夠了 07/30 09:40 → Dr ...