Nadal lost to Monaco 賽後訪問 - 網球 Tennis

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-08-17T17:42

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August 15, 2007


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Did you hurt yourself during the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Yeah, but I have some cramping here. I wasn't grasp
the racquet very well. I didn't feel nothing when I touching the racquet.
I wasn't feel very well when I go to the court. On the way, I feel dizzy
all time. It was tough day.

Q. So even before the match started you felt something was wrong?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, nothing. When I go to the court, I don't know,
strange feelings.

Q. When did to get really bad during the match, the way you felt?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, I start very bad.

Q. Started very bad?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. I started very bad feeling totally dizzy all time.
The mind wasn't there in no moment. Well, Monaco was playing well. I
can't play more than three ball on every point. I wasn't feel well.
My feelings is I wasn't have power in the legs. Well, I don't know,
strange feeling today.

Q. That's odd, because I thought maybe the first round bye might help
you coming from Montreal.
RAFAEL NADAL: It's important to have some off days always, but sometimes
that's happen, no? It's the first time in the season for me and here
humidity is a lot. It's tough.

So I don't know, I really don't know what's happening. But the true
is I wasn't feel well during the match and during the day.

Q. Why did you retire when you did? Did you think you would be able
to finish?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Well, because I can't continue, no? It was stupid
continue playing because I feel I can't do nothing. I can't move and I
feel going worse, the dizzy is going worse. It's stupid continuing
suffering on court for nothing, no?

Q. Was the dizziness worse or the arm?
RAFAEL NADAL: It was a little bit everything, no?

Q. Was your arm in pain or was it just tight?

Q. It seemed to really affect you on your forehand, your arm. Was it
worse on that side or no?
RAFAEL NADAL: Everything affect everything. I can't move. Through the
match I never run more than three balls. It's difficult play like this,

Q. It's just the bad luck, so to speak, sort of continues here for you
in Cincinnati. How frustrating is it for you to play this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not much, no? I was coming here with big illusion, but
these things can happen in any tournament. This is a heat tournament,
hot tournament, and anyway it can happen, that.

The important thing for me is I was here today in very important
tournament, but just disappointed for that. But it's nothing wrong
with this tournament, no? The surface is okay for me and I know when
I am here I can come here and win the tournament.

Q. Will you head to New York to prepare for the Open or what are your
plans now?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet. I have to think.

Q. Did you feel some pain during the warm up this morning?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I feel great. Playing well. Nothing bad. Strange.
When I go to the court definitely I feel pain, but...

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Susan avatar
By Susan
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-08-17T17:30
vs Hewitt (和Monaco vs Nadal那球異曲同工 都是救球從場外打進場內) 附上本場的載點 Cincinnati AMS 2R : Gasquet vs Hewitt part1: http://w ...

Re: [轉錄]Re: [問題] 公主的新拍??

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-08-17T17:19
※ [本文轉錄自 tennis_life 看板] 作者: capitalM (where the light is) 看板: tennis_life 標題: Re: [轉錄]Re: [問題] 公主的新拍?? 時間: Fri Aug 17 17:01:20 2007 有完整的照片出來了 XD http:// ...

Re: [問題] 公主的新拍??

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-08-17T17:01
有完整的照片出來了 XD;page=12 http://i ...

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