Nadal lost to Djokovic 賽後訪問 - 網球 Tennis

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-08-12T17:48

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Le 11 aout 2007 - August 11, 2007


7-5, 6-3


Q. Did you expect him to come out so hard right off the bat?
RAFAEL NADAL: Can you repeat, please?

Q. Did you expect Djokovic to come out so hard from the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: From the baseline?

Q. Did you expect him to be so aggressive?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I tell you yesterday, no? He was playing a very
good tournament, very good season. He beat Roddick. Roddick was winning
the last tournament last week, so he's coming in with good confidence.
And he beat Roddick. He beat Nalbandian. So he's coming with big
confidence. He played very, very good match. Very complete match, and
he's unbelievable today.

Q. How was your knee today?

Q. Your knee?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no problem.

Q. How did you feel about the way you played today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I wasn't play bad, no? I play good tennis, but
maybe I have to improve a little bit more. No, I am not disappointed
about my game. But I think it's the first week on hard court. Anyway,
I played good week, semifinals is a good start of the American season
in hard. But I know I have to improve a little bit more for the next

No, I hope, well, in the week I am coming better every day, and I hope
that's continuing to Cincinnati and New York. Well, anyway, Djokovic
he's a great player, and I would love to play against him another time
next week. Because I hope I have -- I know I have to improve a little
bit more, and he's a nice match for play.

Q. Did you feel you were moving as well as you would like to?

Q. Did you feel you were moving as well as you would like to?
RAFAEL NADAL: I need move a little bit better, no? Well, before coming
here I have one week off, I have to stop one week for the knee. The next
week I just, I tell you before, I just play with my uncle very, very slow.
And I need a little bit more rhythm in the movements, no.

But I am getting slowly but, I think every day is coming a little bit
better. And I have maybe a few days right now for practice for Cincinnati.
And Cincinnati I hope play a few more matches, and that's going to help me
a lot me.

Q. I want to ask you a question: I saw you with the Real Madrid team
for the last game of the season they won. Your father used to play for
RAFAEL NADAL: My father?

Q. No? That's what I had read somewhere?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, not my father. Was uncle.

Q. Your uncle played for Barcelona. So, how come you're a Real Madrid
RAFAEL NADAL: No, well, my uncle was in Barcelona maybe eight, nine
years. While my uncle was in Barcelona, I support him. I support
Barcelona. But before Barcelona, my uncle was playing in Mallorca and
I am fan to Mallorca and Real Madrid. Before my uncle goes to Barcelona,
I'm a fan of Real Madrid. So when my uncle finished with Barcelona, I
come back to Real Madrid.

Q. You had some very tough match in the last round, how do you feel
physically tonight? You feel fatigue or?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I am fine. The truth is I need a little bit more
speed in the movements for have better return the ball, especially when
I am running to the forehand. But that's always I can improve always,
playing and playing more matches and more practice.

So, that's it. I know that. But the important thing for me is I am
feeling better hit the ball. So I feel better hit the ball every day
with the forehand. If you compare the match against Mathieu and yesterday,
I improve, and today I improve a little bit more so that's always important.

Q. You talked to the referee a couple of times. Do you think it's useful
to talk to the referee after he's made his call?
RAFAEL NADAL: Can you repeat, please?

Q. You talked to the referee after he make his call. Do you think it's
useful to do that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think so (smiling). It doesn't matter, but I have
to say. Because if the ball is going like this up over the net, and he's
saying, Net, first serve. So I have to say because the shit machine is
not working never (laughing). Always using the machine the machine every
area it's having lot of mistakes, so ATP has to check that.

Q. So you got a time warning, but Djokovic takes a long time to serve,
too. Do you think he should have gotten some?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, not today, no.

Q. You didn't?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, not today.

Q. I was wondering if your new doubles partner, Lleyton Hewitt, has he
taught you any Aussie expressions?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not yet, no. I just played with him this week. But anyway,
it was a nice experience. Disappointing we have to retire in the second
round. We played very tough matches, and I had some with the elbow. I
have some trouble the elbow, and he has some problem with the nail on
the foot, and we have to retire.

But it was a nice experience to play one match with him. I hope in the
future we can play a little bit more, but no.

Q. Are you playing doubles in Cincinnati?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe. Maybe, I think. I think, yes. We'll discuss it.

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