M叔對羽生世錦賽後採訪的想法 - 羽生結弦 花式滑冰

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-04-22T20:52

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M叔也看了賽後宮根羽生的訪問 有了下列感想

“I watched the video and my thoughts are these:


Hanyu, before leaving for Saitama,knew his physical condition was no
more than 80% of a potentially perfect form and he was aware of the fact
that he was going to take some risks,but in his mind he was confident he
could win the World Title with two clean programs, without mistakes.


After examining the scores and having understood precisely how the
current management / attribution of GOE and PCS is, some doubts came
to him, as we can understand from many of his statements.
The question that he asked himself several times after the
competition is the following:


"With two programs with no mistakes, could I have won?"

如果我兩個節目都沒有犯錯 我真的能贏嗎?

He, at this moment, is not able to give himself an answer,
because the reality is that,
without mistakes, he would have gotten more or less the same
score as Nathan Chen.

他跟N Chen的分數是會非常接近的

In particular, he realized how the new GOE attribution system
gives a huge advantage
to those who present programs with a higher Base Value.


In the past this was not the case, now things have changed,
but until you experience it directly it’s not easy to understand it.
So, since he has the mindset of the winner
and he has always competed to beat himself first and then his rivals,
he will work hard to create programs with the same Base Value as
Chen if not higher.


If the Base Value is the same (or almost the same),
Yuzuru would be able to win even by making some mistakes,
because he is superior to all the others on every aspect.
Otherwise, if the Base Value is much lower,
in order to win he can’t make mistakes, unless the others make
mistakes as well.


I found very interesting his words about the blade quad jumps,
which, as we [he and Angelo Dolfini] have often said even during
the live broadcasts, present some more risks than the toe jumps.
For all these reasons, he has very clear ideas about what he needs
and wants to do from now on,
but it all depends on how his body will respond,


because in the current situation
every small right ankle injury risks to become much more serious.
As I learned about him and his mindset in more than a decade of
competitions,I am sure he is very upset [kuyashii ^__^]
for having been forced to waste almost a year on his way to the
technical evolution he aspired to,
but I am also convinced that he will still be able to amaze everyone,
because the fire inside him continues to burn and he does not feel
at all satisfied.”

使人驚嘆因為他內心的火焰還在燃燒 他還不滿足於現況

老實說問題根本不在BV吧 這次羽生和N Chen長節目的BV記得算過不到三分吧
根本是GOE和P分亂灌水 還有GOE隨跳躍難度係數相乘
這次世錦我最不爽裁判的點 就是他們讓一個真正的GOAT都懷疑自己了
羽生根本不是在跟對手比賽 而是在跟裁判和ISU大戰啊


All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-04-24T11:41
看小分表都感到懷疑人生@ @ ISU打分的意思是請難度上好
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-04-26T02:30
上滿 沒國籍的難度請加到破表並且一定要Clean
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2019-04-27T17:19
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-04-29T08:08
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2019-04-30T22:57
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-05-02T13:46
沒寫清楚 他是去聽講座 然後發現主題是這個XDD
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-05-04T04:35
還說I was dead 大概因為是個陳三粉XD 陳三也統計系的吧
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2019-05-05T19:24
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-05-07T10:13
很心疼羽生得冒著受傷的風險,跟這腐敗的體制對抗 (怒)
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2019-05-09T01:02
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2019-05-10T15:51
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2019-05-12T06:40
M叔真的很棒 每次都說到重點
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2019-05-13T21:29
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2019-05-15T12:18
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-05-17T03:07
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-05-18T17:56

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Gilbert avatar
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at 2019-04-21T13:21
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