My first Grand Slam - 網球

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2005-08-30T21:04

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Last night, I went to the Grand Slam for the first time in my life.

When I arrived by evening, the sky was getting dark,
but the stadium was still so bright, hope and dream are flaming up there.
It's Arthur Ashe, where I was about to see Andre's match.
Coming up with this idea in my mind, I just could help trembing.
I was just too excited!!

It's not a competitive game, and Andre won easily.
The winning moment, many people stood up applaud, of couse including me.
He bowed and gave kisses to the audience, just like always.

And I cried. And cried. And cried.

You know what? People have different fantasies about NY.
To me, however, seeing the legendary man run on court and fight for his life
is defenitely the most beautiful and inspiring American dream.
Yeah, he's my American dream, no doubt.


雲非雲 夢非夢 蝶戀花 終是空 殘雲情深千萬種 再回首已是夕陽紅

情非情 怨非怨 千秋悟 白髮添 天地相思幾時絕 看紅塵多少人依戀

Tags: 網球

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21 years!!!

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2005-08-30T15:28
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: pulp (Before Sunrise) 看板: Tennis 標題: Re: 衛冕冠軍Kuznetsova慘敗出局.. 時間: Tue Aug 30 14:26:52 2005 ※ 引述《zerkchu (Hates Change)》之銘言: : Wom ...

US Open - Round 1. vs. Sabau

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2005-08-30T10:29
稍微翻一下賽後訪問。 主要講他一開始有些緊張, 他的背傷感覺還不錯。 他只希望能夠健康地好好打每場球。 還有講到他生涯起起伏伏但從沒錯過US Open, 他覺得這第20年比第19年還好。 以上。 ※ 引述《ouch (Soma)》之銘言: : Andre踏上球場,將是他連續20年在美國公 ...

US Open - Round 1. vs. Sabau

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2005-08-30T02:27
Andre踏上球場,將是他連續20年在美國公開賽單打賽事的第一場. 晚場比賽第二場, 預估大約在8點~9點左右開打(要看前一場女單的進行速度) 視頻應會轉播,大家早起守著網路吧! 對手Sabau,現年28歲,這是他的第二次大滿貫會內賽出賽(第 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2005-08-28T16:21
照片好了,到這裡看看吧:;book=2 你也可以看其他的: 裡面有年初去澳網的還 有以前看球賽的照片喔。 如果你 ...

阿加西透露離別之意 美網可能成為老將掛拍之戰

James avatar
By James
at 2005-08-27T19:11 2005年08月26日新浪體育 新浪體育訊 英國倫敦時間8月26日消息,19年前轉入職業網壇的阿加西初次登上法拉 盛大球場的比賽場地。時光荏苒,下周,他將第20次登陸美網。也許,這是他最後一次出 現在大滿貫比賽的賽場之上。 如果背傷的疼痛繼續 ...