Murray在推特玩Q&A 有人問他.. - 網球 Tennis

By Jacky
at 2015-03-13T01:22
at 2015-03-13T01:22
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印地安泉第一輪輪空,Murray 真的是吃飽很閒在推特上想跟大家聊天:
Andy Murray @andy_murray
It's been a while since I did a little QandA so let's go for it.. I've got a
good 30 minutes! Use #askAM
「好久沒玩你問我答了,接著 30 分鐘來玩玩吧(用 #問AM 的標籤)」
結果在茫茫推文海中...看到了也很閒的... Roger Federer 跑來問......
Roger Federer @rogerfederer
@andy_murray how do you get your hair to be so curly? #askAM #HelpABrotherOut
「你到底怎麼讓你頭髮弄得這麼捲的? #問AM #幫幫哥吧」
Murray 回個沒完沒了
Andy Murray @andy_murray
@rogerfederer haha I don't take as good care of mine as you! I saw you
checking your hair out during the photoshoot yesterday #silkysmooth
@rogerfederer however you do have beautiful hair
@rogerfederer let me know if you ever want to go down this route.. Think it
would be good for your image
(圖片是 Murray 早期的大爆炸頭:
Roger Federer @rogerfederer
@andy_murray It's all about the hair Andy, we both know that (cry)
Update: 剛剛再更新
Andy Murray @andy_murray
My twitter has gone into meltdown since the hair conversation I'm going to
get ready for practice!Have a great day...Because you're worth it
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Simon's Blog: 單車/登山/運動/社會/亂寫
Andy Murray @andy_murray
It's been a while since I did a little QandA so let's go for it.. I've got a
good 30 minutes! Use #askAM
「好久沒玩你問我答了,接著 30 分鐘來玩玩吧(用 #問AM 的標籤)」
結果在茫茫推文海中...看到了也很閒的... Roger Federer 跑來問......
Roger Federer @rogerfederer
@andy_murray how do you get your hair to be so curly? #askAM #HelpABrotherOut
「你到底怎麼讓你頭髮弄得這麼捲的? #問AM #幫幫哥吧」
Murray 回個沒完沒了
Andy Murray @andy_murray
@rogerfederer haha I don't take as good care of mine as you! I saw you
checking your hair out during the photoshoot yesterday #silkysmooth
@rogerfederer however you do have beautiful hair
@rogerfederer let me know if you ever want to go down this route.. Think it
would be good for your image
(圖片是 Murray 早期的大爆炸頭:
Roger Federer @rogerfederer
@andy_murray It's all about the hair Andy, we both know that (cry)
Update: 剛剛再更新
Andy Murray @andy_murray
My twitter has gone into meltdown since the hair conversation I'm going to
get ready for practice!Have a great day...Because you're worth it
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Simon's Blog: 單車/登山/運動/社會/亂寫
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at 2015-04-04T03:42
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By Irma
at 2015-04-06T08:44
at 2015-04-06T08:44

By Kama
at 2015-04-08T13:46
at 2015-04-08T13:46

By Andrew
at 2015-04-10T18:48
at 2015-04-10T18:48

By Todd Johnson
at 2015-04-12T23:50
at 2015-04-12T23:50

By Liam
at 2015-04-15T04:51
at 2015-04-15T04:51

By Steve
at 2015-04-17T09:53
at 2015-04-17T09:53

By Enid
at 2015-04-19T14:55
at 2015-04-19T14:55

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at 2015-04-21T19:57
at 2015-04-21T19:57

By Ethan
at 2015-04-24T00:59
at 2015-04-24T00:59

By Freda
at 2015-04-26T06:01
at 2015-04-26T06:01

By Damian
at 2015-04-28T11:03
at 2015-04-28T11:03

By Barb Cronin
at 2015-04-30T16:05
at 2015-04-30T16:05

By Joseph
at 2015-05-02T21:07
at 2015-05-02T21:07

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at 2015-05-05T02:09
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at 2015-05-07T07:11
at 2015-05-07T07:11

By Doris
at 2015-05-09T12:13
at 2015-05-09T12:13

By Puput
at 2015-05-11T17:15
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By Skylar Davis
at 2015-05-13T22:17
at 2015-05-13T22:17

By Bennie
at 2015-05-16T03:19
at 2015-05-16T03:19

By Linda
at 2015-05-18T08:20
at 2015-05-18T08:20

By Zanna
at 2015-05-20T13:22
at 2015-05-20T13:22

By Tom
at 2015-05-22T18:24
at 2015-05-22T18:24

By Olive
at 2015-05-24T23:26
at 2015-05-24T23:26

By Faithe
at 2015-05-27T04:28
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By Hedda
at 2015-05-29T09:30
at 2015-05-29T09:30

By Ula
at 2015-05-31T14:32
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By Rachel
at 2015-06-02T19:34
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By Joe
at 2015-06-05T00:36
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at 2015-06-07T05:38
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By Callum
at 2015-06-09T10:40
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at 2015-06-11T15:42
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at 2015-06-13T20:44
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at 2015-06-16T01:46
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at 2015-06-18T06:48
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at 2015-06-20T11:49
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at 2015-06-22T16:51
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at 2015-06-24T21:53
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at 2015-06-27T02:55
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at 2015-06-29T07:57
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at 2015-07-01T12:59
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By Kyle
at 2015-07-03T18:01
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By Enid
at 2015-07-05T23:03
at 2015-07-05T23:03

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at 2015-07-08T04:05
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By Ursula
at 2015-07-10T09:07
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