Montreal第一輪落敗interview - 網球

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2005-08-11T22:02

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THE MODERATOR: Ladies and Gentlemen, Andy Roddick. Questions, please.

Q. Is that something you can put down to fatigue from Washington?

ANDY RODDICK: Not really fatigue. I just think the conditions are -- you
almost feel like you're playing -- you know, it just felt totally different
out there than it did, you know, two days ago. The court, the balls, they're
all a little bit different. You know, I just didn't adjust.

Q. The balls fly?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, it's a different ball. I mean, in Washington we use the
ones that we actually use at the US Open. Here we have a completely different
maker of the balls. It's not even the same company who makes them. They're
almost softer, but they fly a little bit more, whereas the other ones are
harder and kind of stay smaller. It was tough. I just couldn't -- I wasn't
hitting it with, you know, conviction because, you know, I'm not used to the
conditions. I just didn't feel like I was doing anything real comfortably out

Q. Should there be a uniformity of the balls if they're all part of the US
Open Series now?

ANDY RODDICK: You'd think so.

Q. Did you get any practice in these conditions?

ANDY RODDICK: I did. I mean, how much are you going to come up and practice
when you just played five days in a row in heat like we had in Washington? I
mean, I came out and hit yesterday and hit today. But, you know, you have to
try to find a happy medium, and sometimes there's not an answer.

Q. What do you think of Paul-Henri today?

ANDY RODDICK: I thought he played great. Let's get that out there right now.
You know, with as much as I struggled, he came up and just beat me off the
court. I mean, he came up and was hitting winners up the line. I think he
served really well tonight. You know, a lot of credit to him. He didn't let
me settle in and try to find my bearings. He really took it to me so I was
playing reactive instead of active.

Q. When you've won a tournament, have you ever started the next week exactly
where you were the tournament before?

ANDY RODDICK: Sometimes. Sometimes. I came here two years ago and I think I
lost the first set 6-1 or 6-0 or something to Xavier, then just kind of felt
like I was scrapping and clawing and somehow got through that one. Then you
adjust a little bit. But this time I just -- you know, that's where
Paul-Henri came in and he just took it to me and didn't let me settle in at

Q. Did the troubles with the conditions translate to troubles with your first

ANDY RODDICK: In warm-up for the match, I hit about 10 serves about four feet
long coming off a week where I served about as well as I have ever. I
definitely didn't feel super confident in my serve tonight. I didn't feel
like I had my range on it. You know, when I did, he found a way to hit
screamers back at me. You know, that's not a good equation for me.

Q. What is your feeling tonight? Frustration, not to be able to play more

ANDY RODDICK: I don't know frustration. I think I'm more ticked off. I know
that I'm playing well. I came off playing well last week. I know I've been
hitting the ball well. I think frustration sets in a little bit more when
you're worried, you know, about the way things are going. But, you know, I'm
just a little ticked off that I wasn't able to click in. Sometimes if you get
through the first one, you give yourself a chance, then you kind of hit your
stride in the tournament. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that tonight.

Q. On your way to the US Open, is it a problem for you to play just one hour
this week?

ANDY RODDICK: Not really. I played tons last week. I'm not really worried
about my preparation right now. I still -- I don't know if this loss will
affect my confidence too much. I feel like I'll get to Cincy and get used to
the conditions there and give it a go.

Q. How did you try to cope with it tactically? Did you try to ease back a bit
and contain some of the time?

ANDY RODDICK: I was trying. I mean, I was trying to -- okay, I said I'm going
to settle in and just try to put the ball between the lines for a while and
see. But that's where he came in and stepped up and was hitting, you know,
playing very aggressive. Didn't really give me that opportunity to kind of
just work my way into it. Then you're kind of scrambling. You feel like
you're changing tactics every two games. That's not a good thing.

Q. He seemed almost shaky around 5-All, like you were getting hold of the
match, then you had that terrible game. Where did that come from, the last
game of the first set?

ANDY RODDICK: I don't know. Not from any good place, that's for sure. You
know, I don't really have an explanation for it. It was just a bad game.

"I'm not trying to hide from Federer. The more we play, THE BETTER."
-Ivan Ljubicic

Tags: 網球

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