Mitchell將捐給母校12M美金 - NBA

By Heather
at 2020-12-05T13:14
at 2020-12-05T13:14
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Donovan Mitchell gives back to Greenwich school with $12 million donation
Mollie Walker (New York Post)
After signing a five-year, $195 million rookie extension this offseason, Utah Ja
zz star Donovan Mitchell is sharing the wealth.
在簽下5年195M美金的合約之後,Donovan Mitchell便慷慨解囊。
Mitchell and his family agreed to the largest single pledge of support in the hi
story of the Greenwich Country Day School, promising $12 million to the school h
e graduated from in 2012, according to a press release Friday.
校Greenwich Country Day School,此承諾為該校歷史上最大的贊助。
His mother, Nicole, was a lower elementary school teacher at GCDS from 2007 unti
l just last year and his sister, Jordan, graduated from the school in 2017.
Some of the funds will be used for the Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund, which i
s set to help GCDS “remain a leader in providing need-based aid for students in
grades Nursery through 12,” per the release. There will also be a Nicole Mitch
ell Faculty Support Fund, awarded annually at the opening faculty meeting to a t
eacher in each of the four divisions at the school who has demonstrated the “pa
ssion, enthusiasm, optimism, and love for children always shown by Nicole Mitche
部分資金將用在他為該校設立的獎學金(Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund)上,用於為幼
也有部分用在以他母親命名的教師基金(Nicole Mitchell Faculty Support Fund)上,用於
Additionally, Mitchell’s donation will be used to build “The Determination Ove
r Negativity Mitchell Family Athletic Center.” According to the announcement, i
t will be a “state-of-the-art gymnasium and will house one full court (NCAA reg
ulation court) with full stands on both sides.”
除此之外,資金也將用來建造體育館(The Determination Over Negativity Mitchell Fami
ly Athletic Center),這將會是最先進的體育館,並有一個兩側看台的NCAA標準的球場。
“I know how lucky I have been to have the foundation of my education happen her
e at Country Day,” Donovan said via the school’s press release. “This school
has shaped who I am in so many ways, and I feel blessed to be able to give back
and make the Country Day experience available for more kids especially those fro
m inner-city neighborhoods or with backgrounds like mine.
“Over the past few years on my NBA journey, I have made it my mission to champi
on the causes of equity, social justice, and equal opportunity, especially in ed
ucation. There is no better school anywhere to carry forward this mission and my
family is excited to make this happen.”
During the 2019-20 playoffs in the Orlando bubble, Mitchell became the third pla
yer in NBA history to score 50 or more points twice in a playoff series, joining
Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson.
在2019-20的「泡泡」季後賽,Mitchell繼Michael Jordan和Allen Iverson之後,成為史上
It was a no-brainer for Utah to extend Mitchell, who quickly asserted himself as
a cornerstone of the organization when he was runner-up for the rookie of the y
ear award, to a guaranteed $163 million deal with an incentivized maximum of $19
5 million.
“As great an athlete as he was, Donovan was an even nicer young man,” GCDS hea
d Adam Rohdie said of the 2020 NBA All-Star. “He is a man of the highest charac
ter and he has lived his life embodying the Country Day creed of TIGER PRIDE whi
ch asks our students to be kind, empathetic, respectful, thoughtful, and to act
with the highest levels of integrity.”
「Mitchell是個出色的運動員,更是一名優先的年輕人。」該校負責人Adam Rohdie在2020
全明星賽時說道,「他是一個品格高尚的人,他秉持著本校TIGER PRIDE的信條,該精神要
Donovan Mitchell gives back to Greenwich school with $12 million donation
Mollie Walker (New York Post)
After signing a five-year, $195 million rookie extension this offseason, Utah Ja
zz star Donovan Mitchell is sharing the wealth.
在簽下5年195M美金的合約之後,Donovan Mitchell便慷慨解囊。
Mitchell and his family agreed to the largest single pledge of support in the hi
story of the Greenwich Country Day School, promising $12 million to the school h
e graduated from in 2012, according to a press release Friday.
校Greenwich Country Day School,此承諾為該校歷史上最大的贊助。
His mother, Nicole, was a lower elementary school teacher at GCDS from 2007 unti
l just last year and his sister, Jordan, graduated from the school in 2017.
Some of the funds will be used for the Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund, which i
s set to help GCDS “remain a leader in providing need-based aid for students in
grades Nursery through 12,” per the release. There will also be a Nicole Mitch
ell Faculty Support Fund, awarded annually at the opening faculty meeting to a t
eacher in each of the four divisions at the school who has demonstrated the “pa
ssion, enthusiasm, optimism, and love for children always shown by Nicole Mitche
部分資金將用在他為該校設立的獎學金(Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund)上,用於為幼
也有部分用在以他母親命名的教師基金(Nicole Mitchell Faculty Support Fund)上,用於
Additionally, Mitchell’s donation will be used to build “The Determination Ove
r Negativity Mitchell Family Athletic Center.” According to the announcement, i
t will be a “state-of-the-art gymnasium and will house one full court (NCAA reg
ulation court) with full stands on both sides.”
除此之外,資金也將用來建造體育館(The Determination Over Negativity Mitchell Fami
ly Athletic Center),這將會是最先進的體育館,並有一個兩側看台的NCAA標準的球場。
“I know how lucky I have been to have the foundation of my education happen her
e at Country Day,” Donovan said via the school’s press release. “This school
has shaped who I am in so many ways, and I feel blessed to be able to give back
and make the Country Day experience available for more kids especially those fro
m inner-city neighborhoods or with backgrounds like mine.
“Over the past few years on my NBA journey, I have made it my mission to champi
on the causes of equity, social justice, and equal opportunity, especially in ed
ucation. There is no better school anywhere to carry forward this mission and my
family is excited to make this happen.”
During the 2019-20 playoffs in the Orlando bubble, Mitchell became the third pla
yer in NBA history to score 50 or more points twice in a playoff series, joining
Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson.
在2019-20的「泡泡」季後賽,Mitchell繼Michael Jordan和Allen Iverson之後,成為史上
It was a no-brainer for Utah to extend Mitchell, who quickly asserted himself as
a cornerstone of the organization when he was runner-up for the rookie of the y
ear award, to a guaranteed $163 million deal with an incentivized maximum of $19
5 million.
“As great an athlete as he was, Donovan was an even nicer young man,” GCDS hea
d Adam Rohdie said of the 2020 NBA All-Star. “He is a man of the highest charac
ter and he has lived his life embodying the Country Day creed of TIGER PRIDE whi
ch asks our students to be kind, empathetic, respectful, thoughtful, and to act
with the highest levels of integrity.”
「Mitchell是個出色的運動員,更是一名優先的年輕人。」該校負責人Adam Rohdie在2020
全明星賽時說道,「他是一個品格高尚的人,他秉持著本校TIGER PRIDE的信條,該精神要
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2020-12-09T03:44
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By Suhail Hany
at 2020-12-11T18:35
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By Gilbert
at 2020-12-16T07:10
at 2020-12-16T07:10

By John
at 2020-12-17T02:18
at 2020-12-17T02:18

By Mason
at 2020-12-21T19:40
at 2020-12-21T19:40

By Isla
at 2020-12-23T06:28
at 2020-12-23T06:28

By Kristin
at 2020-12-25T18:49
at 2020-12-25T18:49

By Megan
at 2020-12-28T16:10
at 2020-12-28T16:10

By Kumar
at 2020-12-31T04:39
at 2020-12-31T04:39

By Jack
at 2021-01-01T08:49
at 2021-01-01T08:49

By Emily
at 2021-01-03T23:36
at 2021-01-03T23:36

By Cara
at 2021-01-06T15:30
at 2021-01-06T15:30

By Caitlin
at 2021-01-08T10:13
at 2021-01-08T10:13

By Zanna
at 2021-01-10T11:14
at 2021-01-10T11:14

By Zanna
at 2021-01-13T04:30
at 2021-01-13T04:30

By Bethany
at 2021-01-15T14:43
at 2021-01-15T14:43

By Dorothy
at 2021-01-15T20:35
at 2021-01-15T20:35

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at 2021-01-17T21:29
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By Carolina Franco
at 2021-02-02T18:21
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at 2021-02-06T03:10
at 2021-02-06T03:10

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at 2021-02-10T06:55
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at 2021-02-13T05:28
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at 2021-02-18T01:08
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By Barb Cronin
at 2021-03-05T22:43
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