Mike Conley 入選Ohio State名人堂 - NBA

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-06-15T17:53

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內文:Mike Conley Jr. helped guide the Buckeyes to the NCAA championship game
as a freshman in 2007. Conley earned first team All-Big Ten honors and started
a wildly successful postseason performance, earning 2007 Big Ten Tournament M
ost Valuable Player honors, the first of four Buckeyes to claim the award in t
he Thad Matta era. Conley, who averaged 11.3 points per contest in his only se
ason and owns the Ohio State single season overall and freshman record for ass
ists with 238, followed the Big Ten Tournament effort with the 2007 NCAA South
Regional Most Outstanding Player Award. He averaged 6.1 assists a game, the s
econd highest average in Ohio State history, and is credited with six career g
ames with at least 10 assists, second all-time behind Shannon Scott with eight
(2012-15). A native of Indianapolis, Conley recorded 87 steals, the third mos
t overall and the most by a freshman in Ohio State single season history.

In Ohio State’s freshman record book, Conley Jr. ranks No. 8 in scoring (441
pts.), No. 8 in field goals made (160), No. 9 in field goal percentage (.518/1
60-309), No. 5 in made free throws (100), No. 1 in assists (238) and steals (8
7). Three times he credited with five steals in a single game to tie the Ohio
State rookie record for thefts in a game. His six games with 10 assists are ti
ed for fourth.

Conley was part of an Ohio State team that won a school record 35 total games,
won the Big Ten regular season and postseason tournament titles and advanced
to the 2007 NCAA National Championship game. He was the second of three Buckey
es selected in the first 21 overall picks of the 2007 NBA Draft. Conley Jr. we
nt No. 4 to the Memphis Grizzlies. High school and Ohio State teammate Greg Od
en went No. 1 to the Portland Trailblazers and fellow OSU rookie Daequan Cook
was selected No. 21 overall by the Philadelphia 76ers.

Mike Conley Jr.在大一時幫助俄亥俄州大學進入2007NCAA年的總決賽。康利獲得十大聯
是Thad Matta時代四個獲獎者裡面第一個獲得這個獎項的球員。Conley平均每場比賽可以
於Shannon Scot的八次(2012-2015)(也就是說第一名花了三個賽季才超過他)。在俄亥俄

在俄亥俄州的新生記錄簿,Conley Jr.名列8位在得分(441分),在進球數名列第八(16
0),投籃命中率排名第九(518 / 160-309),在罰球命中數排名第五(100),在助攻

uan Cook則被費城76人於21順位選中。

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-06-19T13:01
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2017-06-22T02:07
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-06-25T05:27
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-06-29T10:51
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-07-02T23:36
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2017-07-05T18:46


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-06-15T17:46
看到殺父仇人 MJ是苦練兩年回來報仇 KB是去嫖妓偷吃女人順便施壓高層補強不然閃人來搶一堆大腿報仇 LBJ是打團隊籃球KO回去 KD是眼看打不過 直接跪下來磕頭 認賊作父 回去殺原本和自己一起打拼的兄弟 然後還很無恥的公然性騷擾女星 意淫女人 但人家根本不愛他 愛LBJ 論厚顏 ...

奪冠商品透露玄機 聯盟本想製造第6戰?

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2017-06-15T16:55
※ 引述《Joseph5566 (約瑟夫5566)》之銘言: : 奪冠商品透露玄機 聯盟本想製造第6戰? : 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕勇士前天奪冠,以4-1擊敗騎士,但八卦網站TMZ卻爆料,在第5 : 戰當天,NBA官方商城上所釋出的冠軍紀念商品中,竟發現勇士4-2擊敗騎士的字樣。 : TMZ指出,在勇士奪冠後 ...

力挺KD成NBA第一人 湖人傳奇名將沃錫:他

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-06-15T16:53
我承認我是抱腿迷 恰巧最喜歡的球星就是被大家說抱腿的這兩隻大腿.. 看到有人拿插座插頭比喻還蠻喜歡的 加上很多討論到底誰是第一人 我就想分享一下身為這兩位的球迷 對這兩人的評價及最大不同在哪 今天如果球隊從零開始建隊 不用說一定是LBJ andgt;andgt;KD 有LBJ,你隨便配給他莫名其妙的球員 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-06-15T16:49
----- KD的正代鞋一開始很便宜,KD的說法是為了讓比較窮小孩也買得起他的鞋子 在1 2代時非常便宜 (當時在台灣Outlet隨便都看的到1000多塊 1代和2代) 2代聽說是非常好穿的一雙球鞋 不過我沒穿過 三代漲了不少,但我記得定價才3000左右,跟其他球星比起來還算是便宜 結果後來突然暴 ...

選秀系列之5:高風險高報酬 三大潛力新星等待養成

Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-06-15T16:40
https://nba.udn.com/nba/story/7791/2526314 [專欄] 選秀系列之5:高風險高報酬 三大潛力新星等待養成 2017-06-15 15:53 NBA台灣 / Marion 通常在選秀會前,我們經常會看到各大媒體發表的選秀球探報告,裡面會形容 各待選球員的球 ...