Mientkiewicz suffers concussion - 美國職棒

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2007-06-03T16:39

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First baseman also has cervical sprain, fractured bone in wrist
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com

BOSTON -- Yankees first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz will be placed on the
15-day disabled list after being involved in a violent collision at Fenway
Park on Saturday.
Mientkiewicz was struck in the head by the left knee of Boston's Mike Lowell
in a collision at first base, which came as Lowell was beating out a
potential double-play grounder against New York's Scott Proctor.

The baseball trickled away and two runs scored as Mientkiewicz lay motionless
on the infield dirt, at which time play was halted. Tests at Massachusetts
General Hospital revealed a mild concussion, cervical sprain and a fractured
scaphoid bone in Mientkiewicz's right wrist.

The first baseman will be kept overnight for observation and will be replaced
on the Yankees' roster before Sunday's game against the Red Sox.

"Right now, that's really all that's on my mind," said Proctor, who was the
losing pitcher in New York's 11-6 defeat. "You get a guy, a teammate like
that, who's going out there busting his [rear] every day, and lose him. To
see him take such a hard hit, we're hoping and praying that he's going to
come out OK. He's a gamer, he's a big part of this team, and we want him

Lowell hit a bases-loaded ground ball to second baseman Robinson Cano, who
fed the play to shortstop Derek Jeter on an awkward throw, forcing out Kevin
Youkilis at second base. Appearing to have issues gripping the ball, Jeter
relayed a one-hop bouncer to Mientkiewicz.

Mientkiewicz, a former Gold Glover, went into a split in an attempt to corral
the throw but was clipped by Lowell, who barreled down the line and went to
second base on the throwing error charged to Jeter.

"It's frightening," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "[Mientkiewicz was]
trying to catch the ball, and it was an ugly play to start with. You could
see Dougie sort of backing in to try and get a good hop to catch it, and Mike
ran him over. I don't think [Lowell] did anything wrong, though."

"That was almost inevitable," Red Sox manager Terry Francona said. "It was
just two bodies in the way of each other. That's tough. That makes you
nervous, regardless of what team you're with."

Lowell expressed concern over Mientkiewicz's state.

"Doug's a guy I hang out with sometimes in the offseason," Lowell said. "I
know him from growing up in Florida. I just hope he's OK."

Mientkiewicz lay motionless on the ground for several moments before being
attended to by team trainer Gene Monahan, team physician Dr. Stuart Hershon
and Torre, as Mientkiewicz sat on the infield with dirt caked in his hair and
on his face.

Torre said Monahan checked Mientkiewicz's extremities and sensations of
feeling, which the manager relayed all checked out. Torre said Mientkiewicz
had a lump over his left eye.

"Geno was conversing with him," Torre said. "As time went by, he seemed to be
a little more [aware]. He never lost consciousness."

Torre added that Mientkiewicz alertly overheard a conversation discussing a
possible stretcher or medical cart, which Mientkiewicz interrupted and said
he wouldn't need. Regardless, the Red Sox summoned the cart to escort
Mientkiewicz, who won a World Series ring in 2004 with Boston, off the field.

As Josh Phelps took over at first base, the crowd of 36,924 gave Mientkiewicz
an ovation as he was driven out the left-field gate.

In 50 games for New York this season, Mientkiewicz is batting .224 with four
home runs and 16 RBIs.




All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-06-06T23:59
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2007-06-09T04:31
希望他趕快好 我們04年的冠軍成員
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-06-10T18:50
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-06-13T12:41
Good Luck at all
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-06-13T17:52
See what happens when you don't
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-06-15T07:20
give the ball bacK?
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-06-20T05:02
red sox sucks
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-06-22T16:51
樓上的準備一下包袱 水桶等你
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-06-25T13:46
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-06-29T11:59
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-06-30T11:28
小明 ~ 好了以後就站穩先發吧
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2007-07-03T15:54
gt 水桶等你
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-07-05T04:20
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-07-06T20:13
George avatar
By George
at 2007-07-08T13:57
Good luck to Mientkiewicz
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-07-11T00:56
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-07-11T04:49
他好像還球了吧? 之前記得有說


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-06-03T11:59
Painful loss for Red Sox Lowell, Drew injured in Fridayand#39;s opener against Yankees 紅襪的重大損失 賣肉和絕地豬在跟養雞打球的第一場受傷了 BOSTON -- Not long ago, the Red S ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-03T11:31
好甜蜜的夫妻檔 噢噢噢...第一次看他們站在一起 還蠻登對的呢 天天岡有美嬌妻,感情事業兩得意 http://myurl.com.tw/555c 恭喜天天岡拿下在MLB第一場勝投! \andgt;////////andlt;/ -- 日劇、日本電影、堤真一 http://blog.yam.co ...

自家討論 出外當看戲

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-06-03T11:16
今天很多版友跟我一樣 從3-4點就開始看球 就算下雨+PTT維修 我們也沒有離開 堅持到最後一顆球(中間有落後過) 所以Lowell整個情況 都看的很清楚(今天超衰 問題都發生在他身上~_~) 先就第1點講吧 照棒球規則,跑壘員只能在跑壘線左右[三呎]的範圍內跑, 但是守備員可以拿著球到處跑(只 ...

好衰 = =

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2007-06-03T10:39
昨天還以為 Lowell 的傷勢怎麼了,就把他從我的 FB 放到 BN 上 結果今天來個大爆發 囧囧囧 然後今天 Youk 的連續安打場次又中斷... 囧囧囧 我都快把 FB 整隊換成紅襪了啦 XD - ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-06-03T10:39
今天賣肉弄了隔壁一下,就一堆人一直呱呱叫 要比誰髒是吧,那就來翻一下舊帳 1.前幾天 pedroia的就不用多說了 2.四月底有一場(應該是松先發?),cairo在一壘(似乎是上來代跑) 忘記誰打個二滾,cairo滑進二壘前,兩隻手伸的老長去抓lugo的腳  雖然他體是在壘線上,你雙手張開往上揮就算了 ...