Miami決賽賽後訪問 - 網球

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-04-01T22:39

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Q. You're a great athlete, and an even greater professional. It got really
tough for you out there, two tumbles that you took. How are you feeling
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I feel okay. I just fell down twice in the match, and my
knee's hurt a little bit now. But it's okay. It's been a good fight. It's
been a good match, and I had many chances, many opportunities. I felt I was
better until the end of the second set. I felt I had the match under control,
and then the match turned over.

Yeah, I was playing a good game. I was really aggressive. But when I had to
close the match, I got maybe tense a little bit.
And Serena is a fighter; she never gives up. And she proved it on the
match points because she took her chances at the time, she played really
aggressive. She played better than me on the important points.
It's been very close, but a little bit disappointed for sure. But also I take
a lot of positive things from this tournament to go back home.

Q. You sat on the ground for a few minutes. What were you thinking when this
was happening?
JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, just I hurt my knee at the time, and I needed a little
bit of time to see how things were going for me. It's nothing serious, so
it's okay.

Q. After the first fall, when you skinned your knee?

Q. Do you feel it inhibited your game in any way?
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, for a few points maybe I wasn't really focused anymore
like I was before that. But no excuses. I mean, at that time I had my chances
before that, and I still had my chances after that. I didn't take the
opportunities. I didn't play aggressive enough when I had to on the important
points at the end of the match that made the difference at this level.
And the only thing I can have regrets about is that for a few games I wasn't
really focused on every point, and I lost a couple of games in a row because
I was maybe still focused on these match points and these opportunities that I
missed. At this level, games are going pretty fast.

Q. Has this been something of a problem in the past, where you get off to a
fast start, and then you seem to relax a little bit and get a little too
JUSTINE HENIN: No, I've proved many times, I think, that I'm mentally pretty
tough out there. I won matches saving matchpoints, and I lost matches when I
had matchpoints. That's life, that's tennis. And I will have other chances,
I'm sure about that. I don't have anything else to prove about my mental

Q. You haven't played her in a long time, and can you just comment on her
level? Is it different playing her than all the other girls on the tour
because of her fighting spirit and her game?
JUSTINE HENIN: For sure she's a fighter. It's tough to close the matches
against her, because she goes for it. I mean, she has a lot of experience.
She's a champion, and that makes a difference from the other players for
sure. She doesn't play really differently from what she did in the past, but
she's playing at her best level, and that's good.
I felt that I had the match under control and I missed a little bit of
things, yeah, on crucial points, so I'll wait for my next chance.

Q. It was great to see that neither of you used on court coaching. That was
the best part of the match for me.
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I don't think I need my coach on the court. I know what
he wants from me, and we've worked 11 years together. It's clear enough. And
I think I'm old enough now to know what I have to do on the court. So yeah,
it's been good.

Q. It looked like you had some pleasant conversation both at the net and on
the awards podium afterwards. Is there more of an ease to your relationship
now than there was years ago?
JUSTINE HENIN: The relationship is very good now. We have a lot of respect
for each other. We proved it during the match. We both have a lot of
qualities, and we both agree that we are very good players. So, I mean, what
happened in the past is far away from now. A lot of things happened since
And she has very nice words to me, and I think I have a lot of respect for
everything she's doing. We can make the difference between what's happening
on the court and off the court, so that's good.

Q. Would you be willing to tell us what she said?
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, no, she said it was good, that I'm a real competitor.
Yeah, she had nice words about that. It was a good fight, and I think we both
enjoyed the match. We showed a good match to the crowd also, and everyone was
pretty happy about that.

Q. When you lost that second set, obviously you must have been extremely
disappointed, then you lost three games in a row. Were you still struggling
mentally? What happened there, because it seems that things seemed to run
away from you a little bit?
JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, a little bit. That's the only thing I have regrets about
is that, yeah, things were going pretty quickly at that time. I lost my serve
and 1 0 in the third set. So yeah, probably I understood, I realized that I
had the match and lost it at that time, but the match wasn't over yet. So it
was tough, but the kind of thing that can happen. It's going to be another
experience for me, and I will take a lot of positive things from that match.

Q. This is a very emotional month for you, we all know that. But your success
here in the last 11 days, do you think it will change the way you feel about
this tournament in general?
JUSTINE HENIN: I hope so. Who knows? Everyone knows it's very special for
myself, and every year it's going to be very special because it's a tough
moment. And yeah, that's life.
So I really enjoyed my time here this time, even if it's been hard. I could
have been out of the tournament in my third round, I was down 5 1 and just
kept fighting.
It was much better this year. I enjoyed my game. I've played good tennis in
the last few days.
Yeah, that gives confidence even if I lost today, and I hope next year I can
come, you know, another way and be a little bit more confident about this
tournament. So much better this year for sure.

Q. The ball that Serena hits, we're not on the court, how would you compare
it? Is it heavier, harder than other top players, Sharapova, others?
JUSTINE HENIN: No, I don't think so. Her attitude is probably different. But
no, she hits the ball pretty hard, and she can be very consistent when she
wants. I think, you know, it's never over with her, and she gives everything
on every shot. She serves pretty good. I mean, very smart on important
points, also. And she just goes for it. She's not involved a lot. She knows
why she's on the court, and yeah, she's going for it. So that makes the
difference for it.

Q. If I could just follow up on the on court coaching comment, you personally
don't like it; you feel you have the maturity to handle this. Is it a bad
message for the women's game to have it in general? In other words, does it
seem to make other women players look weak if they need help between sets?
JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know what the others think about that. For myself, I
think I don't need it, because the goal of Carlos is to be a little more
experienced player on the court, and get everything take advantage of
everything I did in the past. I grew up a lot, and I don't need him beside me
to tell me. I know what I have to do.
I'm not quite sure it's going to be a good thing. Who knows, we'll see in the
next few months. But I didn't see a lot of top players using it. Maybe for
players that are not as high ranked, maybe they need it, but I don't think it
helps the players themselves.

Q. On the two matchpoints as you think back on them, do you feel that Serena
forced the play and seized those points or did you in some way make errors of
judgment on them?
JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, on the first one, she played unbelievable. On the first
one she's been very aggressive. I kept fighting, you know, these two lobs. On
the second one, her ball was pretty heavy, and I didn't hit as hard on my
forehand as I maybe did it a few games earlier. So maybe I have a little
chance over there. I played pretty short, and she goes for it with her
You know, we can talk about that when you see it, when you look at it, it's
two points in the match. So even if it's matchpoints, it's not as important
as the few games after that I lost. I should have stayed a little bit more
focused and concentrated at that time.

Q. At the end of the first set, you won obviously 6 0. Did you ever think
okay, she's burnt out, because she played back to back? Or played other great
players back to back?
JUSTINE HENIN: No. No. No. No, and she proved it early in the second set that
she was getting better. She was more aggressive. She didn't do as many
mistakes as she did in the first set after. No, she was in the match at the
time, so I never thought it's going to be easy.

Q. You look at the results, look at the Australian Open and stuff. Does the
women's game need you and Serena to be playing matches?
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, no, we did a lot of good things from the beginning of
the season, both of us. It's great to see her back. There's a lot of
concurrence, and it's good to see the best players in the world competing in
the big events now. But I just want to get focused on myself and see what I
I've had a couple of very tough times in the beginning of the year, and I'm
back on the court. I did a lot of good things in the last few weeks, so I'm
just going to keep going and practice now for a few weeks, rest, practice,
and be ready on clay.

Q. You'll take some time off now to refresh. How, typically how long does it
take you to make the transition from hard court to clay in Charleston and
feel really comfortable on the court?
JUSTINE HENIN: I'm not going to go to Charleston; I just withdrew from it.
Because I better go home and see a specialist also for my breathing problems,
and everything I had this week. So I need this time off, and I'm very sad.
It's a tournament I like a lot.
So I'll take the rest I need, and I'll get ready in a few weeks. My next
tournament's going to be Warsaw, but you need at least two weeks to feel
better, then you need matches on clay. Practice is one thing, but you need
matches, and I hope I will get a lot of matches before the French.

呼 賽後訪問 還是看看吧...
兩個跌倒應該算小傷 無大礙...
不過闖進決賽 又給小威一個蛋也算是個突破囉

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-04-06T04:33
板大 ,謝謝你貼上來喔 !別太難過了 !加油 ~
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-04-10T08:59
對阿 !那個貝果不是那麼容易送出的 ,小威居然吞了 ~
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2007-04-14T05:04
沒受傷就好 不過第一跌真的是個很大的轉捩點
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-04-15T23:16
好像那一跌之後也把運氣都跌光了 @@

科科 看板標題

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2007-04-01T17:14
Always NO. 1 隔壁的幾位板主會不會眼紅啊~XD 好像太高調了捏...哈哈 不過可以的話真希望這個板標可以變成真的~XDDD - ...

Re: 阿格西引退的行銷啟示 文/吳心怡

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-04-01T14:05
其實這就是角度了 在我們球迷的眼中 1.贏球 也許AA贏著退休 是最好的結局 2.輸球 至退而求其次 在05年美網輸球而退休 似乎也很悲壯而偉大 又甚至 輸給RAFA 好像也不錯 或者某些美國比賽輸給BLAKE或是重新出發的RODDICK 感覺上是某些世代交替的傳承 都會好過AA生涯的最後一場球賽 3. ...

小威兩救賽點逆轉海寧 拋鴨蛋陰影奪索愛賽冠軍(2)

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-04-01T11:46
最後小威保住了自己發球局後,在第12局再度破發,反而以7-5拿下了第二盤,將總比分扳平。    第2盤的勝利,顯然極大的提升了小威的氣勢和信心。她在第3盤一開始便延續了這種狀態。果斷的發球,乾淨利落的回球,小威成功的保住了自己的第一個發球局。相反,一直很冷靜的海寧貌似受到了第2盤比賽失利的影響,她在自己的發球 ...

小威兩救賽點逆轉海寧 拋鴨蛋陰影奪索愛賽冠軍(1)

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-04-01T11:39
WTA一級賽愛公開賽的冠軍之爭在小威廉姆斯與海寧之間進行,這兩位網壇名將都曾是WTA的世界第一選手,而且這也是她們四年來的首次交鋒,因此這場比賽也格外引人關注。最終,小威廉姆斯頂住了來自比利時人的強烈攻勢,在首盤被替光頭的不利情況下,成功的逆轉,以0-6/7-5/6-3的比分擊敗了海寧,舉起了這次邁阿密索愛公 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-04-01T08:19
一直要到4/30才會開始紅土賽季,說是要回家治療呼吸道問題! - ...