Matt Ebden 上海賽八強 - 澳網 Tennis

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-10-20T21:02

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13 October 2011 M. EBDEN / G. Simon (62, 26, 76)

An interview with: MATTHEW EBDEN

Q. By how far is that your best career win ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Well, yeah, maybe on ranking, I think he's about 12 at the
moment, so I think that's probably the best, yeah.

But, you know, I guess the situation, to play for a quarterfinal spot in a
Masters tournament is huge. So, you know, I was definitely a bit nervous out
there closing out the match. But I think, you know, he was, too. Third set
tiebreak, it was very exciting, incredible feeling when I eventually won.

Q. 這是你職業生涯目前為止的最佳戰果 ?

A. 嗯,從排名來講,的確。Simon 大概排在第12位左右,所以能打敗他很棒,

Q. Five set points. Were you starting to get the wobbles ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Five match points. Yeah, four or five. I think two of them I
had good plays and he hit two passing shot winners. One of them he hit an
ace. One of them I missed a volley I should have made. That was a bit

I managed to just hang in there. You keep going with it, stick to my game
plan, and eventually got over the line. Very relieving. Very, very exciting.

Q. 錯失了五個盤末點。那有開始動搖你的信心了嗎 ?

A. 是賽末點。四個還五個吧。剛開始兩個賽末點我都打得不錯,然後他擊出了
兩個穿越致勝球。後來有一個他發出了一記 ACE,再加上我網前補了一記失

Q. Why now in your career, do you think ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: I think, you know, it's been a journey for me. When I sat down
with my team probably five to seven years ago when we planned out the sort of
steps I'd have to take in my career when I was about 22 to 23, this would be
the time that I wanted to try to be maybe 50 in the world or something.

On a paper graph we might have set some plans and goals. I've been sort of
slowly knocking off the things one by one.

You know, it takes time. It's a very hard sport to break into. It takes a lot
of work, a lot of I think maturity and I think a lot of discipline and
perseverance. Those are some of the things I just kept at. It's finally
starting to pay off for me.

Q. 你有想過,是什麼原因,造就了你這次豐碩的戰果 ?

A. 我覺得,這對我來說就是場旅程。大概五年、七年前,當我和我的團隊待在一起
,我們準備了幾個計畫,主要是在22 ~ 23 歲間要達成的目標,也是在這個時候
,我開始希望能成為ATP 前五十名的球員。


Q. You are very calm on the court. Do you work on that ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Absolutely. You know, like I just said, it's one of those
things. I think you see all the top players in the world, they all have that.
That's a big side of it because I guess like I've even shown, I've been
ranked down the rankings, but I can hit the ball and beat these guys who are
right up there. Sometimes it's not always about the way you hit the ball,
it's a little bit about, yeah, if you can stay calm, collected, get the most
out of yourself. It sort of helps me play to my potential a little bit.

Q. 你在場上非常冷靜。有做過特訓嗎 ?

A. 當然,像我剛提到的,這是訓練的其中一環。你看到很多世界級的頂尖球員,他

Q. This being a Masters event, the superstars come thick and fast. After
Simon today, Murray tomorrow. What do you make of that matchup ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yeah, well, you know, when I started winning a few matches
early in the tournament, someone actually said to me, Who's in the
quarterfinals? I said, Murray. So here we are. I think he hasn't lost a match
for a while and he's playing obviously great tennis.

But I'm here in the quarterfinals. I've just got a huge opportunity ahead. So
that's the way I'm going to look at it. I guess anyone that gets to the
quarterfinals of a tournament now, you know, has an opportunity to try to win
the tournament.

Obviously it's a longshot, I guess, a little bit rankings wise or whatever.
But at the end of the day, there's eight people left in the tournament and
one of them's gonna win it. It's a big opportunity more than anything.

Q. 這是個大師賽,很多球星來來去去,Simon之後,你要對上Murray。
你覺得他如何 ?

A. 沒錯,當我開始在這賽事贏得幾場比賽後,有人問我,八強賽會遇到誰,我回答


Q. You've come up playing the challengers, futures tours. Can you give us an
idea of some of the more obscure places you've played quite recently ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Recently I actually haven't played this year I've actually
played on the tour, a lot of qualifying I've had to start in. I only played
maybe a few challenger events if that, and I haven't played any futures.

Where was the last challenger I played? It was in California. There's worse
places around than California. But, yeah, definitely back four or five years
ago, in sort of the country towns around Australia, in and around Asia. I
played some challengers in India. I've been around, that's for sure.

But I guess anything worthwhile is hard to come by. Everybody has to do the
hard road sometime. So hopefully I'm working my way in.

Q. 你打了一些挑戰賽、未來賽,然後來到這裡。能否和我們談一談這些比較少人知
道的小型賽事,就你最近參加過的 ?

A. 最近比較少了,今年巡迴賽打得比較多,我必須打很多會外賽。只參加了幾個挑


Q. Not so long ago if you hadn't made it in your teens, it was almost like
you're finished. Now that's sort of reversed itself. Have you given much
thought as to why that is? You're not the only guy who is enjoying the best
years at your sort of age.

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yeah, being 23, you know, I'm not 18, 19 like Tomic, Harrison.
There's only probably a handful of those guys anyway. The Rafas of the world
who break through at 18, that sort of thing.

I think I chose to sort of finish my schooling, start when I was about 18.
It's always going to take at least a few years. At 23, I think for where I'm
at in my path, I think I'm about right where I should be. Breaking in at 23,
sort of still got the whole of my career ahead of me.

Yeah, I mean, it's very tough physically, mentally, being such a long
schedule all year round. I think the maturity certainly has to be there and
the discipline. I think that comes with age a little bit.

Obviously you have the young guys who are just amazing players from the start
so they break straight in. That's why I guess the average age for guys in the
top 100 is 26 or something like that, yeah.

Q. 要是你沒在青少年時進到前一百位,那幾乎像是生涯的終結一樣。現在情勢轉變
,你有想過是什麼原因嗎 ? 因為在你這年紀,有很多人也表現得很傑出。

A. 對啊,23歲了,我不像18、19歲的Tomic還是Harrison。不管怎樣他們算是少數。
Rafa也是。我選擇完成我的學業,18 歲開始打職業賽,總要花上幾年的時間,考


Q. I know it's not over yet, but you've guaranteed yourself 80 grand for
this. Have you thought about the money at all ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yeah, a little bit. I've set some things I'm aiming towards.
It's just a process along the way. Yeah, it's lovely. I'm going to get taxed
on a bit of that. Definitely got a lot of expenses to pay.

But, no, I don't know what I'll do with it. At the moment I'm looking at
nothing other than the opportunity tomorrow night to play Murray on a big
court here, quarterfinal of a Masters. That's all I'm thinking about at the

Q. 這個賽事還沒結束,但你曉得自己打到八強,已有八萬美金入帳。錢這方面,

A. 有一點。這只是比賽的過程。聽起來還不賴。但我也要繳點稅金,那可不便宜,

Q. Correct me if I'm wrong, but almost a year ago to the week you were
playing in Scotland, weren't you ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yes. Actually next week last year.

Q. 要是我講錯了請糾正我,大約離此時一年前,你在蘇格蘭參賽,對嗎 ?

A. 對,在去年下一週的時候。

Q. What sort of hotel were you staying in? Where were you eating at night ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yeah, that was actually not meant to happen. I was playing a
couple of the big challengers in France. I rolled over from the one and
missed the entry for the next one. I had nothing to do that week. So my
association figured, Oh, there's a tournament in Scotland, I could go play a
future. I wasn't entered. The last minute they gave me a wild card into the
event. I won the event, which is great.

But, yeah, it was actually very nice. I had my girlfriend there with me. The
hotel wasn't too bad.

Q. 那時你住什麼樣的旅館 ? 晚餐在哪裡吃 ?

A. 嗯,那其實不算太糟。我當時在法國打兩個高級別的挑戰賽,第一個很快地被

Q. In Glasgow ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Yeah, it actually wasn't too bad.

Q. 在格拉斯哥 ?

A. 對,那裡其實沒那麼糟。

Q. There is one then.

MATTHEW EBDEN: I can't remember the name of it. Maybe you should ask Murray.
I think he's more familiar with Scotland than me.

Yeah, I mean, this time last year... I guess it's just a process, a road that
I've been on. Here I am now.

Q. 然後接下來還有一場。

A. 我忘記它的名字了,或許你可以問問Murray,蘇格蘭那裡他比我熟。去年此時,

Q. Quite ironic, though, isn't it ?

MATTHEW EBDEN: Well, depends which way you look at it. For me I guess it's
something that's been planned. I've expected it to happen in stages. It is
ironic, yeah. A year ago playing a futures event, and a year later you're in
the quarters of a Masters with a huge opportunity ahead. So yeah.

Q. 不覺得這有點諷刺嗎 ?

A. 嗯,看你用什麼方式看待它。對我來說,這是計畫好久的事,我也期待過它會


今天才發現訪談 做個記錄

本週Ebden爬升了44個名次 來到ATP 第80名

恭喜他 :)

Tags: 網球

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Re: Stockholm, Moscow, Luxembourg

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-10-20T19:38
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