Maria Kirilenko談她的人生和WTA巡迴賽 - 網球 Tennis

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By Rebecca
at 2012-08-10T04:02

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Matt Cronin: Maria Kirilenko on her life on the WTA Tour
3/14/2012 10:00:00 PM

Maria Kirilenko談她的人生和WTA巡迴賽

In a tour filled with talented Russians, Maria Kirilenko nearly stands alone
as a high variety player, who depends more on brains than she does brawn. Now
25, the soft-spoken and life-loving Russian, who has graced the pages of more
than a few lifestyle magazines, will face her childhood friend, Maria Shara
-pova in the quarterfinals of the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells.

在充滿了俄羅斯選手的巡廻賽事中,Maria Kirilenko很獨特,技巧多變,打球是使用腦
不同的雜誌。她將會在印地安那泉BNP Paribas公開賽的八強賽事中,對上她的童年好友
Maria Sharapova。

Currently ranked No. 23, Kirilenko reached a career high No. 18 in 2008 and is
coming off a long three-set victory over her doubles partner, Nadia Petrova.
Here, she discusses her goals, how she deals with fame, and her undying love
for tennis.

目前世界排名23的Kirilenko (譯註:Makiri於2012年7月9日達到更高排名的第14位),在
2008年時曾達到生涯最高的18位。她剛剛在三盤激戰中,打贏了雙打搭檔的Nadia Petrova

TENNIS CHANNEL: I asked Maria Sharapova about the first time she met you and
she said it was in BadenBaden (Germany) at a junior tournament when you were
12. She said: “We were running around BadenBaden like freely, like little
girls out of control,” and that you immediately hit it off. Do you remember


KIRILENKO: The first time we saw each other we didn’t say anything. We were
just looking at each other and then my coach and her father started talking,
and we started talking. And then we got crazy. We got along so easy.


TC: That was 13 years ago, half your life. While 25 is young life wise, tennis
wise you have been playing a long time.


KIRILENKO: That’s what I’m thinking now. Oh my god how many years have I
been on tour now, nine? I started very early. There are good things - like I
have a lot of experience. I feel when I play with the younger players that
sometimes even if my game doesn’t work. I still know what to do know against
them. But I don’t feel old, I still feel young.


TC: Do you still like the traveling, the grind of the tour?


KIRILENKO: Yeah I always find something to do and I’m not bored. When I have
a break. I’m home for two weeks and then I feel I want to practice, to travel,
to compete. I miss the rhythm of this life. I didn’t reach my goal yet, so I
just want to keep doing it.


TC: Do you reset your goals every year, or does it stay the same? It’s pro
-bably like a lot of players have: win a Grand Slam and reach No. 1, right?


KIRILENKO: If I can do that it would be huge, but the first goal would be to
reach the top 10. I feel I’m close and my game has improved a lot. I move
better, my forehand is better, so I just have to be consistent every tourna
-ment, and not like Nadia was today, up and down. I want to make the semi
-finals of a Grand Slam because I reached a quarterfinal once and then go from
there. But when you are in the semis, you never know what’s going to happen.
It’s about health, luck and the moment. You are more motivated and you are
playing well, so you can play unbelievable tennis.


TC: How long to it take you to get over the marathon loss to Sam Stosur at the
US Open (a 6-2 6-7(15) 6-3 victory for the Australian)?

問:妳在美網的馬拉松式比賽中輸給了Sam Stosur (6-2 6-7(15) 6-3),花了多少時間才

KIRILENKO: She was lucky and maybe physically stronger than me because I re
-member in third set I was feeling really tired and I was looking over at the
other side and I saw for her it didn’t matter. She was ready to keep going.
She won the tournament and deserved it. But I beat her twice after that!


TC: I think you came into net more than 60 times in that match and you won the
majority of those points. You don’t normally see that much net rushing in
women’s tennis.


KIRILENKO: That was my tactic and it worked well and I started to move in more
and it has brought me a lot of success. I’ve always been a good volleyer,
even in juniors. I was building up that game from a young age. Then, I was not
afraid to use it, but I didn’t know the exact moment to come in, and now I
feel it more when I have to go and I have to stay back.


TC: Are you happy with your season so far?


KIRILENKO: I’m happy with my game and my shots. I’ve improved a lot. Some
-times even if I lose, I know I played very good and it keeps me positive.


TC: If you hear people say ‘Maria can’t reach the top 10 because she’s too
small and not powerful enough and she can’t match up with the big girls and
big strokes,’ what do you think?


KIRILENKO: I’m small, but I’m clever. Maybe it’s better to be taller so
you can serve better and win easy games. but my return is good, so I’m not
really struggling. I can make it even with their serves and my returns.


TC: Do you see a lot of other clever players on tour?


KIRILENKO: It’s hard to say, the bigger the girl is. the harder she hits the
ball and she doesn’t think about whether she has to use a slice. Some girls
can’t slice or play volleys, so they just hit the ball. I’m a little diffe
-rent. Of the young players, I think Christina McHale, you can see she is
thinking and she knows what to do. She’s not big as well. I understood quite
early that I’m not big girl and what kind of game I had, that I couldn’t hit
a big ball every time and don’t have a lot of power. I’m fast, I can play
counterattack and hit the ball on the rise and I try to change the rhythm.
That’s my game.

我想可以看到Christina McHale有在思考,而且知道該怎麼去打。她的體形也不高大。我

TC: Do you like being famous?


KIRILENKO: It’s not important, it’s my personal results that are more im
-portant. To be famous is also hard because you get tired of it, so I’m not
looking to be very famous.


TC: It must be hard to have a private life when you are dating a famous hockey
player like Alex Ovechkin, so when you two go out you cannot have private time.

問:妳和出名如Alex Ovechkin這樣的冰上曲棍球員交往,私人生活上應該很不容易,兩個

KIRILENKO: It’s not too bad. People recognize him, especially in America (he
plays for the Washington Capitals and she spent part of the off season there),
but he’s an easy going, nice guy. He gets bothered sometimes, but he doesn’t
show it. He’s very relaxed.


TC: Do you get bothered, or does it depend on the day?


KIRILENKO: It depends on the day. Sometimes nobody will know me and then I’ll
be in a super market or on the plane and they start coming. Sometimes too many.
So I never know. Sometimes I think I should be recognized and I’m not, and
other times I don’t think anyone will know me, and then they do.


TC: Petrova says that Russian players work hard, but sometimes they are too
hard on themselves.


KIRILENKO: Yes maybe sometimes we just push ourselves too hard, but I’m not
talking about myself. I’m fine - I’m not pushing myself. I’m enjoying it.
Some of the girls are crying during the matches and you can see they don’t
enjoy playing, but it’s healthy and to travel and play and to have people
come and watch you is nice. Of course you want to have results quickly, but
it’s not possible. Of course it's tough if you are practicing a lot and still
losing and losing and you start to think, ‘What’s going on,’ and you have
to go and practice again. I’ve had that many times but that’s sport.


TC: Have you ever woken up and said, ‘I’ve been playing tennis since age 7,
maybe this isn’t for me, maybe I should have chosen another career?


KIRILENKO: No, it’s the sport for me. I can’t see myself in drawing, or
singing (I’m really bad), maybe a dancer, but who knows who a good dancer
is? But my parents chose the right thing for me. When I was really young. my
mom and dad didn’t just give me the racket and say I have to play, they gave
me different things and saw some things I’m better at than others. They saw
I wanted to play. Every day I’d wake up and I’d say ‘Mama, Papa, I want to
go to training,’ and they’d say, you have the day off, and I’d say to my
dad, ‘Maybe I can go play with you?’ They saw I was really enjoying it, and
I never had a day when I’ve woken up and said to myself, ‘I don’t want to
go – never.”

球了- 永遠都不會。」

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All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-08-12T02:50
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-08-14T01:37
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-08-16T00:25
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-08-17T23:12
can’t slice or play volleys 是不會切球和截擊吧?
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-08-19T21:59
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-08-21T20:47
能當職業運動員的人都不簡單, 尤其網球這種孤獨的行業
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-08-23T19:34
二樓是有看過她本人? :D
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-08-25T18:22
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-08-27T17:09
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-08-29T15:57
冰上曲棍球員撞斷牙齒是常事 還在打的話 補了可能又斷
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-08-31T14:44
2010澳網是八強 輸給鄭潔 2012溫網也是八強 輸給Aga
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-09-02T13:32
所以MaKiri 是想更進一步取得四強的機會才對
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-09-04T12:19
印象中Makiri之前的男友是男網的Andreev 他們倆啥時分的?
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-09-06T11:07
據Wiki 在2011年11月時Ovechkin在推特上指認她為女朋友
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2012-09-08T09:54


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