Mailbag - 美國職棒

By Brianna
at 2007-03-20T16:25
at 2007-03-20T16:25
Table of Contents
I heard in December that the Mariners were going to trade Sexson and Rafael
Soriano for Tim Hudson and Jeff Francoeur. Whatever happened to that trade
proposal? -- Amy W., Ronan, Mont.
Most trade rumors that circulate during the offseason are either
fabricated or not consummated for one reason or another. From what
I understand, a Sexson-Soriano for Hudson-Francoeur deal was never
discussed, but Soriano for Horacio Ramirez was and that's the one
that worked out. If Spring Training is any indication, the left-handed
Ramirez could become one of the biggest steals of the season.
想搶劫 JS 不是件容易的事啊 XD
不知道 Rafael Soriano 在勇士適應得怎麼樣?
It seems to me that a majority of the Mariners' losses this spring have come
in the seventh or eighth innings. I know it's Spring Training and [manager
Mike] Hargrove is trying to work and develop the younger players, but is
there any cause for concern? -- Brian H., Albuquerque, N.M.
Relax, Brian. The fact that the team is losing a lot of games in the late
innings this spring is more of an indication that the depth in the Minor
League system needs to be improved than a red flag for the Major League team.
A better indication will come the final week of camp, when the regulars are
playing together for six or seven innings and the relievers are slotted into
their regular-season roles.
(突然想起 Chris Snelling,今年春訓成績 .310/.432/.690,3HR,11RBI)
不過就今年牛棚的主要戰力而言,Putz 狀況不明,Sherril 跟 Reitsma 都不大理想,
期待 Arthur Rhodes 大爆發嗎? 囧
1.Mark Lowe 說如果這週末檢查順利,下週就可以繼續投球,而他是希望能在七月復出。
2.在春訓營表現火熱的 LaHair,官方定位是 Sexson 四年合約屆滿後的接班人,但今年
I heard in December that the Mariners were going to trade Sexson and Rafael
Soriano for Tim Hudson and Jeff Francoeur. Whatever happened to that trade
proposal? -- Amy W., Ronan, Mont.
Most trade rumors that circulate during the offseason are either
fabricated or not consummated for one reason or another. From what
I understand, a Sexson-Soriano for Hudson-Francoeur deal was never
discussed, but Soriano for Horacio Ramirez was and that's the one
that worked out. If Spring Training is any indication, the left-handed
Ramirez could become one of the biggest steals of the season.
想搶劫 JS 不是件容易的事啊 XD
不知道 Rafael Soriano 在勇士適應得怎麼樣?
It seems to me that a majority of the Mariners' losses this spring have come
in the seventh or eighth innings. I know it's Spring Training and [manager
Mike] Hargrove is trying to work and develop the younger players, but is
there any cause for concern? -- Brian H., Albuquerque, N.M.
Relax, Brian. The fact that the team is losing a lot of games in the late
innings this spring is more of an indication that the depth in the Minor
League system needs to be improved than a red flag for the Major League team.
A better indication will come the final week of camp, when the regulars are
playing together for six or seven innings and the relievers are slotted into
their regular-season roles.
(突然想起 Chris Snelling,今年春訓成績 .310/.432/.690,3HR,11RBI)
不過就今年牛棚的主要戰力而言,Putz 狀況不明,Sherril 跟 Reitsma 都不大理想,
期待 Arthur Rhodes 大爆發嗎? 囧
1.Mark Lowe 說如果這週末檢查順利,下週就可以繼續投球,而他是希望能在七月復出。
2.在春訓營表現火熱的 LaHair,官方定位是 Sexson 四年合約屆滿後的接班人,但今年
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