Lyles Drops Plans For 100m Bid At WC - 田徑 Track and field

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2019-02-21T17:45

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Lyles Drops Plans For 100m Bid At World Championships
February 20, 2019

CLERMONT, Florida (Reuters) – American sprinter Noah Lyles is dropping plans
for a sprint double at September’s world championships in Doha and will
focus only on the 200 meters, he told Reuters.

For months Lyles had talked about going for gold in both the 100 and 200
meters in his first world championships.

But the emphasis now will be on his best event, the twice Diamond League 200m
champion said in an interview.

“My coach has now come to the conclusion that he believes that I should now
gain my first gold (at the world championships) before going into the
Olympics and trying to double,” Lyles said.

“And I agree with him. If I get in that final, I know I can win that 200.”

The 21-year-old still left the door slightly ajar for doubling.

“If something happens and we are doing really well and training has proven
that I can handle six rounds (three each in the 100 and 200m), then maybe we
will,” Lyles said. “But as it stands now, the 200 is the goal.”

The final decision will come before the U.S. trials in late July, his coach,
Lance Brauman, told Reuters.

Lyles has not lost a race in the 200m since 2016, but there is work to be
done in the 100m, especially on his start where Christian Coleman and Ronnie
Baker are America’s fastest.

根據新聞,Noah Lyles的教練認為,Noah Lyles應該要在2020奧運前得到一面世錦賽金牌
,因此Noah Lyles在本屆世錦賽可能會專注在200公尺上。當然他們在新聞內也不排除說


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