Lucic & Majoli的故事 - 溫網 Tennis

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-06-20T14:08

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1C7Qziai ]

作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Tennis
標題: Lucic & Majoli的故事
時間: Sun Jun 20 14:04:26 2010

1997年竄起之後 1998拿到澳網女雙冠軍

而Majoli則是1997年拿下了法網 隨後因傷好幾年都起起伏伏
1998之後也沒能再闖過大滿貫第三輪 到2004年才宣布正式退休
兩個人都是克羅埃西亞的選手 被遺忘很久了
最近在TF才又出現一篇關於他們家庭教育.訓練的文章 翻來給大家看看

Mirjana Lucic and Iva Majoli couldn't take a pressure from their fathers but
this story goes into 2 different directions; 2 different life destiny. Very
interesting story...

Mirjana Lucic跟Iva Majoli都承擔不了來自他們父親的壓力
但他們的故事卻往兩個不同的方向走 不同的宿命 非常有趣的故事

Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucic created a "family project" term that is not
so popular here in Croatia. They are the one who putted all credits for
vibrant sports results and careers of their daughters Iva and Mirjana.
Although the precise work out sports plans of Majoli's and Lucic's fathers is
provided by either to become the world's mega stars, there are significant
differences in the basis of their lives and sports ways very match.

Stanko Majoli與Marinko Lucic開始了一個在克羅埃西亞並不常見的"家庭計畫"

Iva Majoli and Mirjana Lucic exclusive products of the sacrifices of their
families, which are all things that have invested in sports development of
their daughters, but their sporting life and destiny are very different.
While their daughters were very young Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucic were
sure that their daughters will become the top athletes. Stanko Majoli and
Marinko Lucic, who have never engaged in sports, target their children
towards tennis, mostly due to the large money that is turning this attractive
and "fancy" sport. After all, neither one of them did not hide that the main
motive was the engagement of their earnings.

他們註定獻身於運動當中 但他們的職業生涯跟命運卻很不同
當他們的女兒還很年輕的時候 兩位爸爸很確定自己的女兒將會成為頂尖運動員
他們雖然對運動並無所知 但目標卻一直瞄準網球

Precisely the huge financial investments of Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucica
was crucial for the successful start of the sports career of Iva and Mirjana:
they had to invest a lot of money to pay coaches and sparing partners, bought
set of equipment, travel costs etc.
Without these huge investments, chance of their parents, that the funds very
quickly started to return to a vastly larger quantities of "investments"
would never start. It was, after all, very quick good return "investment":
Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucic signed the first professional contracts for
their daughters when they were only 12 years old.

如果沒有一開始的投資 也不會有接下來更大量的贊助
他們發現報酬來得很快 他們在女兒還只有十二歲的時候就簽下了職業合約

Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucic never were engaged in sports, before the
birth of their children; had no racket in their hands, even now they do not
know to play tennis. Did not finish either tennis school for coaching, are
not guided by some old sports battles as some other parents, they were
coaching their children in terms of reaching the money and glory.

在他們的女兒出生之前 兩個爸爸從來沒有投身體育 甚至也完全不懂網球
沒有經過當教練所需要的訓練 他們所知道的只是用錢還有榮譽教導他們的女兒

Majoli and Lucic left regular education at the age of 12, spent hours and
hours per day to carry out training, spent weeks and months on trips and
competitions while their friends were playing around in local parks, were
going to school and hang around with their school-mates. They were separated
from mothers, the rest of the family and peers, surrounded only by fathers,
sparing partners and coaches. Iva lived in Florida with her father and
brother, while Lucic was exclusively in the company of sparing partner and
father. They have not had time to socialize with other children, to enjoy, go
to disco clubs, boyfriends, friends...

他們被迫跟媽媽以及其他家人分開 身邊只有爸爸.練球搭檔以及教練
Iva跟爸爸還有哥哥住在佛州 Lucic則和搭檔.爸爸一起住
他們沒有時間跟其他孩子交際 也沒能享受很多該有的樂趣

Stanko Majoli and Marinko Lucic admitted that they were "strict" in terms of
training and sports life in general: Iva and Mirjana trained MUCH more
comparing to their friends also athletes. Fathers were "taking out" their
maximum, exhausted their organisms and body to end border.

兩位爸爸都承認他們對於訓練很嚴厲 Iva和Mirjana的訓練比其他運動員都要多很多

After few years of common life and training, when without any suspicion and
resistance fulfill all parental wishes, with Mirjana and Iva come first
saturation, then the first dispute with fathers, who are in the case of
Mirjana Lucic turned into physical fight and the dissolution of the family.
At the family Lucic fracture occurred very early: Mirjana was 16, while Iva
resisted only until she was 20. Precisely their cases show how the complex is
relationship of young talented players and their fathers.

兩位女孩所承受的都已經達到飽和 接下來開始第一次的爭執
Lucic家的裂痕出現得很早 在Mirjana十六歲就已經開始

Mirjana couldn't handle anymore father's tyranny so she ran away. It was the
middle of 1999. the biggest sports scandal in Croatia. Although she had great
conditions for training, secured a guaranteed existence and peace, conflict
with the father left an indelible trace. Mirjana felt ba big fear, for some
time she had her personal bodyguards and she couldn't imagine her life
without them while she was walking outside the tennis court.

Mirjana無法在忍受父親的嚴苛 因此在1999年年中選擇逃家
這是克羅埃西亞體育史上的最大醜聞 雖然他有很好的訓練條件
但與父親的衝突卻是難以抹去的傷痕 Mirjana身線巨大的恐懼中
有時他甚至必須雇請私人保鑣 他無法想像如果沒有保鑣 他在球場外怎麼生活

Between Iva Majoli and her father story is different, not physical fight,
because her father, as soon as he felt that the saturation occurs, quietly
withdrawn and Iva started to work with her brother Dado. After Iva Majoli won
tournament at Rolland Garros which was the crown of her sports career, she
was not ready for more victims: started to entertain and realized that tennis
is not everything in her life.

而Majoli父女間的故事卻完全不同 他們沒有肢體衝突
他選擇離開 讓Iva開始與哥哥一起繼續工作
但在1997年Iva拿下法網之後 他並不想準備作更多犧牲

Iva's dad was very disappointed about this and in one of his interview in
1998 he said, "Iva could be the best in the world, but, unfortunately, does
not work enough. Player who wants to be first in the world must train at
least four hours a day, and she trained up to two hours. Thats not enough to
be a top athlete. My daughter loves successes, she is a sort of person who
enjoys popularity and the glory, and she can't live without that. Those kind
of people keep saying that had enough of paparazzi and journalists but
actually can't live without them. It is obvious that Iva and I had enough of
working together, I can't change or help her or try to change her lifestyle,
or even to "push" her to do something which obviously provokes resistance in
Iva. so I've decided to let other people to work with Iva" said Stanko Majoli

Majoli爸爸非常失望 在他1998年的訪問中說到:
"Iva可以成為世界上最好的選手 但可惜他的努力不夠 如果想當第一
你必須至少每天訓練四小時 但他最多只練兩小時 對於頂尖運動員而言並不夠
我的女兒愛好勝利 他是那種享受人氣和榮譽的人 他無法離開掌聲
像這樣的人 他們雖然口口聲聲說受不了狗仔和記者們 但其實卻離不開他們
但很明顯的Iva跟我的合作已經夠了 我再也沒辦法改變或幫助他繼續嘗試
也無法改變他的生活方式 或甚至強迫他去做什麼 所以我決定讓其他人陪他繼續努力"

im your biggest fan ill follow you until you love me, papa paparazzi.
baby theres no other superstar you know that ill be your papa paparazzi

It is obvious that Stanko Majoli was personally disappointed, but his
reaction was reasonable and tolerant attitude and thanks to this he has saved
a relationship with his daughter. On examples of Iva Majoli and Mirjana Lucic
thesis "that burns fathers, coaches, the better athlete daughters." doesn't

明顯的 Majoli爸爸很失望 但他的反應卻很合理

Overall, Iva Majoli and Mirjana Lucic in other areas would surely have all
the opportunities for steady and natural sports development, would be
processed without so many victims and sacrifices of their parents, their
talent would be enough to care for them, sports Alliances, rich sponsors…
quite certainly would not have been exposed to such a stress and trauma like
they were exhibited in Croatia.

整體說來 Iva和Mirjana或許在其他領域都會有機會有更穩固.自然的運動發展
也許可以不必犧牲這麼多 他們的天份也許已經足夠讓他們照顧好自己
甚至能顧及其他的運動聯盟或贊助 不需要承受他們展示在克羅埃西亞人們面前的這般壓力

In Croatia, in fact, no one more seriously investing in sports education of
children. Society, the general poverty, struck a negative seal, especially
individual sports where you can only deal with children's of rich parents.
Penury has become a factor limiting the development of sport: successes of
children depend solely on material status of parents and their readiness to

事實上在克羅埃西亞 沒有人會更認真的投入在體育教育上
社會中充滿貧窮的現象 像這種個人化運動只適合給富裕家庭的孩子們
若要成功 孩子們只能依靠物質條件以及犧牲自己的意願


- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Lucic & Majoli的故事

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-06-20T14:04
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