Lord Attenborough 過世 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2014-08-25T06:36

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Lord Attenborough 1923-2014

Sun, 24 Aug 2014

Chelsea Football Club is tonight deeply saddened to learn of the passing
of our Life President Lord Attenborough, CBE at the age of 90.


He led a long and successful life and always found time for the things in
life he loved most, one of which was Chelsea FC.


Renowned throughout the world for his work in cinema which honoured him
with awards for acting, directing and producing, football - and Chelsea in
particular - was never far from his thoughts.


His personality was woven into the tapestry of the club over seven
decades. He was a consistent force for good at the club, even in dark


He was a club director during the glamorous, trophy-winning seasons of the
early 1970s and a decade later helped keep the club at Stamford Bridge
when our stadium came under serious threat from property development.


Born in Cambridge in 1923 and growing up in the Midlands before making
Richmond in west London his long-time home, it was the acting profession
that first brought the young Richard Attenborough to Chelsea FC.

In the late 1940s he had been selected for the role of young gangster
Pinkie in the film Brighton Rock. Asked to improve his physical condition,
he was given the choice of training with either the Chelsea players or
with Fulham for a fortnight. To our everlasting good fortune he chose the
Pensioners and soon became friends with Tommy Lawton, the most revered
centre-forward in English football at the time, and others, and was given
tickets to matches by them.

Lawton transferred to Notts County soon after but the bug had bitten Lord
Attenborough and he remained a Chelsea supporter for the rest of his life.

Brighton Rock established him as a major star and many more successes
followed. Few of his show business friends escaped an attempt at
indoctrination at Stamford Bridge. He shared his love of the club not just
with English stars such as Laurence Olivier and John Mills, but brought
Hollywood's greatest to the grandstands including John Wayne and Frank
Sinatra. The Chelsea players were amazed when he introduced Steve McQueen
into the dressing room at the height of his fame. The club’s indelible
association with such glamour is, to a huge degree, his doing.

Richard was knighted in 1976 and in 1993 Prime Minister John Major made
him Lord Attenborough – Lord A, as most people affectionately called him.

As plain Dickie he joined the Chelsea board in 1969 and stayed until 1982,
those initial years marked by the lifting of our first FA Cup and our
first European trophy, the Cup Winners' Cup.

Work commitments, not least the making overseas of the Oscar, Golden Globe
and BAFTA-winning film Gandhi, made it difficult to serve as a director.
Not long after standing down Lord Attenborough made perhaps his most
important contribution to Chelsea history.

The club – and freehold for the lucrative land on which it played its
football – had changed hands and in the fallout many shares fell into the
clutches of property developers whose plans threatened the club's very

Crucially, Lord Attenborough's shares did not, which eventually helped the
club take back control of the freehold for the future. Chairman Ken Bates
thanked him by appointing him Life Vice-President. Typically, Lord A later
gently but firmly took advantage of the goodwill he had earned by securing
design changes for disabled supporter areas when the stadium was
redesigned. Throughout his connection with Chelsea he has remained a
benign advocate for the club.

Lord Attenborough with Terry & Lampard

When the first Chelsea FC museum required a person to appear in a
welcoming film he was the obvious and perfect candidate. He helped
relaunch the current club badge in 2005, though personal tragedy had hit
him hard when his daughter Jane and granddaughter Lucy were killed in the
2004 tsunami in Asia.

In 2008 Lord A became Life President. On being handed a commemorative
plate to mark the occasion, he said: 'I'll sweep the Oscars off the
mantelpiece and put this plate right on top now. It means as much to me as
any award or honour I have been given in the past.' He meant it – he
adored Chelsea FC.

At club events he would share wistful memories, moist-eyed with passion,
about favourite players and managers past and present, and he watched many
of our recent successful seasons joyfully from the directors' box at
Stamford Bridge. The journey to his seat could take an age as he stopped
to chat to well-wishers. He was often accompanied by his wife, fellow
actor Sheila Sim or son Michael, until his health made it impossible.

As well as football and the world of stage and screen, Lord Attenborough
devoted much of his time to charities and he continued to help improve
facilities for disabled fans at Stamford Bridge.

Help A London Child, a charity he had launched, was the club's official UK
charity partner and to mark his 90th birthday in August last year, funds
were collected at Stamford Bridge prior to the home game against Aston
Villa for another charity he supported, the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Lord A was a thoroughly lovely and talented man who used his fame and
influence for the good of the many causes close to his heart. We will
always be grateful that our football club was one of them.


He will be greatly missed, and the thoughts of everyone at Chelsea FC are
with his family and friends at this sad time.


阿滕伯勒爵士 1923-2014
上載於 : 2014年8月25日 星期一 12:38


To Ginola: 強者我朋友清純妹 的媽媽說:
To Ginola: "那個球評眼神看起來品性不端正"
★Ginola 哈哈哈哈
To Ginola: 看來你不只會騙推文 還會騙地方的媽媽
★Ginola 騙不到少女心,失敗

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-08-29T13:29
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-09-02T20:22
R.I.P. 紀錄片有介紹他 老先生一路好走QQ
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-09-07T03:15
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2014-09-11T10:08
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-09-15T17:01
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-09-19T23:54
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-09-24T06:47
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2014-09-28T13:39
Wiki的巧喜簡介有老先生的照片 以前聽說過有關他的軼事
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2014-10-02T20:32
就是總仔剛來的時候 不知道老先生是會長 看他隨性的穿
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-10-07T03:25


David avatar
By David
at 2014-08-25T00:51
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