Liverpool International Tennis Tournament - 網球

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-06-05T21:13

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比賽時間: June 10-15th 2008

最新的訪問 of all Martina, we are all so pleased that you
will play at Liverpool this summer,we haven't heard from you for a while,
what have you been doing since announcing your retirement?

MH: I have been enjoying some quiet time.I like to keep in pretty good
shape so I still go out there and hit the ball around.
Of course, I continue to spend a lot of time with my horses.
Being retired has given me a little extra time with them which has been

簡而言之 公主很享受退休生活 有時候還是會打打球 花很多時間跟馬玩

Is there a reason why you picked Liverpool to come out of

retirement and face the public eye again?

MH: I still get a lot of enjoyment from playing tennis and I think I
have a lot to give back to the game. Liverpool is a city I have not
yet been to but I have heard good things about it. The players speak
highly of the event so I'm looking forward to coming for tje first time.

被問到為什麼選擇利物浦為退休之後的第一場比賽, 公主覺得打網球還是一件


Justin Henin has just announced her retirement at the age of 25.
What do you think the reason is that female players in this
generation tend to retire so early?

MH: Tennis takes a lot out of you.People think it is a very glamorous lifestyle,
which in some ways it is, it can also be tiring traveling from city to city
around the world for most of the year. Girls tend to start their careers
very young so by the time you have reached your mid-20's, you could have
been on the tour for 10 years already.


公主說: 因為網球是很累人的. 雖然看起來很亮麗,但是一整年都在移動非常累



What do you think your future holds? Will you continue to play
tourment such as Liverpool or do you see yourself doing something
completely different?

MH: I will definitely want to stay in good shape so I can see myself playing
some more exhibition event.I'll definitely keep up horse riding too.




Tags: 網球

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-06-07T13:53
公主 去當賽馬手吧!!!
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-06-09T06:32
當賽馬界的公主也蠻不賴的 XD
George avatar
By George
at 2008-06-10T23:11
好開心又聽到公主的消息 希望很enjoy現在的生活
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-06-12T15:51
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-06-14T08:30

怎麼都寫:Not Broadcasting"呀@@

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-06-05T20:10
昨天謝謝高手解答!!^^ 可是....現在進去了卻都不是播網球耶@@ 是不是我選錯啦~好比CCTV5,都一直沒播網球~ 時間表上寫14:00到20:00可是都沒有耶@@;part=sports 從上面 ...

S.Kuznetsova V.S D.Safina

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-06-05T20:08
兩個球員我都很喜歡 D.Safina def. S.Kuznetsova 6-3 6-2 首次闖進大滿貫決賽:) Kuznetsova leads 4-3 Winner 2000 MALLORCA 3 (CLAY) D. SAFINA 4-5(0) ...

Tsung-Hua Yang TPE d Evgeny Donskoy RUS

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-06-05T19:58
Quarter Finals Evgeny Donskoy RUS 6 3 6 Tsung-Hua Yang TPE 4 6 8 Elapsed Time by Set: 34 33 43 ...

盧彥勳2度取得奧運男子網球資格 台灣第1人

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-06-05T19:57
盧彥勳2度取得奧運男子網球資格 台灣第1人 更新日期:2008/06/05 18:49 記者歐建智台北報導 台灣網球好手盧彥勳將成為第一位連續2屆參加奧運網球賽的台灣選手,雖然北京奧運參 賽名單要在6月9日才公布,但目前他在職業排名位居世界第72名,是除了張德培之外,排 名最高的華裔球員,可望直 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-06-05T19:55
我發現了一個怪異定律 沙芬妹似乎跟納豆一樣 看到5出現就爆氣...... 這次莎娃對沙芬妹的比賽 第二盤5-3的時候(破一個發球局),5出現了! →被追到6-7 而Tiebreak也適用! 莎娃5-2領先,5又出現了!!! 結果5-2→5-7 而前年法網八強就更是血淋淋的例子了~and#34;~ 決勝盤5- ...