Lita「love fury passion energy」 - 摔角 Wrestle

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-05-06T02:24

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So fuck your rules man you step up, you'll go down fast
I've got to release all the shit that has made up my past.

So go let your soul dance baby time to free yourself at last,
unshackle your life's spirit fly away far from the past

She's like a lost flower growing up through a crack in the bustling
sidewalk moving like a river so sad.
So hey, where we going? Tell me where we've gone was there love and fury,
energy and passion.

So fuck your rules man you step up, you'll go down fast
I've got to release all the shit that has made up my past.

So go paint your face and proclaim thy warrior soul, cuz life is a brutal
fight until we show.
A shade of timelessness for we are all distinct and a waiting hour
transcendental release.


So go let your soul dance baby time to free yourself at last, unshackle your
life's spirit fly away far from the past, cuz it's gone.

Like a lost flower growing with mad wind, like a sad river who has no end.

So fuck your rules man, cuz here comes my passion.
So fuck your rules man, cuz here comes my love.
So fuck your rules man, here comes pure energy.
So fuck your rules man, cuz here comes my fury.


So fuck your rules man you step up, you'll go down fast
I've got to release all the shit that has made up my past.

So go let your soul dance baby time to free yourself at last,
unshackle your life's spirit fly away far from the past



▃▃▃▃ 男人只要具備了三個條件時,即使明知道不行也得戰鬥! ▁▁
██▅ 第一!面臨到了關鍵時刻! ▕極惡▏
█▃█▃▄   ▁▁ 第二!現在就是關鍵時刻!! ▕非道▏
▕熱血▏ 第三!因為我們正是男人……!!!  ̄ ̄
▕小羽▏ *shiningwing
▅▅  ̄ ̄

Tags: 摔角

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-05-08T23:21
她跟Matt Hardy、Kane、Edge到底是什麼關係? 是真的還演的?
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-05-11T20:19
KANE 的部份是演的 EDGE 剛開始是真的 之後開始劇情加料
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-05-14T17:16
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-05-17T14:14
想到Edge之前跟Mick Foley打比賽 Lita也遭殃 真的是...好恐怖阿 被Foley用鐵絲弄
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-05-20T11:11 這場好好笑
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-05-23T08:09


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-05-06T02:14
有點嚇人,拜託不要桶我 第五試合 ○長島☆自演乙☆雄一郎  14’03” 飛びつき回転十字固め ●佐藤耕平 -- 神技 八方萌殺陣 此乃博麗巫女眾多不為人知的裡技中,威力最大的一式 利用神秘的博麗大結界之力,靈夢 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-05-05T07:06;feature=related ECW最後的大會,這裡講的不是WWECW,是正宗ECW。 這是在2001年1月31日舉辦的HOUSE SHOW,之後ECW就停止一切活動 最後在4月4日宣布倒閉,從此展開了被 ...

這次緯來會播Extreme Rules嗎??

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-05-04T18:25
小羽: 橘大,我很歹勢白目的來問一下,WWE官網上面我選擇Taiwan之後,竟然顯示5/14禮拜六 晚上十點要播PPV極限規則!?這次真的有買版權來播嗎!?o__Oa Orange Mr.NeckBreaker: 沒有喔XDD 這應該是他們筆誤XDDD -- WWE官網出包也不是第一次了…… - ...

5/6 SD 大大雷

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-05-04T12:52
有雷,空一頁~   SD的GM Teddy Long要求摔迷們在Mark Henry、Khali和Randy Orton三人 中間挑選出一位頭號挑戰者,今晚可以挑戰Christian的World Heavyweight Title,想當然爾觀眾挑的就是Viper。 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-05-04T10:31
話說剛剛看完美國進度的RAW 當CM胖帶著小八帝出場時 台下觀眾幾乎沒什麼反應........ 感覺席夢絲.祝英台這些新人的觀眾反應都還比較大一些 加上賽後myson還給了kane和big show兩大發絕技 之後便氣著不理punk了... nexus加上punk剩下三位在擂台上不知所措..... ...