Li Na Announces She's Pregnant - 網球 Tennis

By Edwina
at 2015-01-19T16:54
at 2015-01-19T16:54
Table of Contents
Li Na Announces She's Pregnant
Li Na, who charmed the Melbourne crowds for years and years at the
Australian Open, let them in on a little secret on Rod Laver Arena on
Monday night...
MELBOURNE, Australia - Li Na made a very special announcement at her very
best Grand Slam on Monday, telling the Rod Laver Arena crowd that she and
husband Dennis are expecting their first child.
Li wasn't only one of the tournament's biggest champions over the last
several years - she reached finals here in 2011 and 2013, and then went
one step further by winning the title in 2014 - but she was also one of
its most popular champions, making some legendary trophy ceremony
speeches. One of the recurring themes in those speeches was poking fun at
her husband, Dennis, for several reasons.
But this time she gave him some major props, in terms of the announcement,
of course.
"I think Dennis is doing a good job - he just made one ace," the lovable
Chinese said.
Li Na, who charmed the Melbourne crowds for years and years at the
Australian Open, let them in on a little secret on Rod Laver Arena on
Monday night...
MELBOURNE, Australia - Li Na made a very special announcement at her very
best Grand Slam on Monday, telling the Rod Laver Arena crowd that she and
husband Dennis are expecting their first child.
Li wasn't only one of the tournament's biggest champions over the last
several years - she reached finals here in 2011 and 2013, and then went
one step further by winning the title in 2014 - but she was also one of
its most popular champions, making some legendary trophy ceremony
speeches. One of the recurring themes in those speeches was poking fun at
her husband, Dennis, for several reasons.
But this time she gave him some major props, in terms of the announcement,
of course.
"I think Dennis is doing a good job - he just made one ace," the lovable
Chinese said.
All Comments

By Mary
at 2015-01-22T21:14
at 2015-01-22T21:14

By Caroline
at 2015-01-26T01:34
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By Bennie
at 2015-01-29T05:54
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at 2015-02-01T10:14
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at 2015-02-04T14:34
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By Leila
at 2015-02-07T18:53
at 2015-02-07T18:53

By Sierra Rose
at 2015-02-10T23:13
at 2015-02-10T23:13

By Hedda
at 2015-02-14T03:33
at 2015-02-14T03:33

By Kumar
at 2015-02-17T07:53
at 2015-02-17T07:53

By Jack
at 2015-02-20T12:13
at 2015-02-20T12:13

By Genevieve
at 2015-02-23T16:33
at 2015-02-23T16:33

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at 2015-02-26T20:53
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