Leo Castledine 加盟 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2020-03-13T00:45

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Leo departs Wimbledon after seven years to join Chelsea

10 March 2020

AFC Wimbledon can confirm that an agreement has been reached with Chelsea
FC for the transfer of academy player Leo Castledine.


The 14-year-old midfielder, who has been at Wimbledon since the age of
seven, joins the Premier League club for an undisclosed fee.

A current England Under-15 international, Leo became the youngest-ever AFC
Wimbledon academy player to feature for our Under-18s, making his debut
last summer.

Academy Manager Michael Hamilton said: "Naturally, we are very
disappointed to lose Leo, but we wish him every success in the future and
will be monitoring his progress. Leo's development is down to not only his
hard work and application, but also to all the staff here behind the
scenes, so I'd like to acknowledge James, Rob and anyone else who has
played a part in this young man's journey.”

Leo is the son of Stewart Castledine, who played for Wimbledon FC from
1991 until 2000. After joining AFC Wimbledon, Leo first filled a more
defensive role in his early years, but he now plays further up the pitch
in midfield.

Everyone at AFC Wimbledon wishes Leo all the best.



Very excited to say that I have signed for @chelseafc today. My time at
@afc_wimbledon was amazing and I can't thank them enough, however, it's
time for a new chapter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR0lkOPMA9o 技術


Burrell: "If the Gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back.
It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The Gods will not save you."

- The Wire Season 3 Episode 3

Tags: 足球

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