Kwame Brown:Kobe很虛偽 背後說人不是 - NBA

By Robert
at 2017-06-04T11:50
at 2017-06-04T11:50
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※ 引述《Preach (溫哥華八弟)》之銘言:
: 當初頂著被MJ選進來又在湖人打球的光環
: 頂級的體能素質,可是身體就是很不協調,也一直給人一種沒啥專心打球的感覺
: 之前有糖果人最水的位置被他搶了,好險現在有一個比他更水的...
: 他的問題點還是出在心態啦,我們看看Kobe講的這個狀況
: 他在籃下拒絕接球被Kobe嗆跟受傷這part上一篇有翻譯了,來看下兩句吧
: With the comments he made, I have two thoughts.
: 對於科老大對他的評論,布朗只有兩個想法啦
: One, I just didn’t understand the timing of it.
: 一 我只是不理解那個時間點(應該是不爽幹我都不在湖人了你該小?)
: Two,why would you want a guy who shoots 50 percent from the free throw line
: 二 為啥老大你要一個只有50%罰球命中率
: and has a bad shoulder trying to shoot free throws?!
: 然後肩膀又壞掉惹的人去投罰球勒?
: 然後我們看看之前講的故事 原文在下面一行 想看的可以點 我貼在下面一行
: 反正kobe講誇米的那場大意就是最後剩沒多久時間 kobe被一堆人包抄
: 他傳進去禁區有空擋結果誇米又傳出來,反正就是沒自信能得分就是了
: 最後再回頭看看誇米的看法 他有提到他家有八個小孩 有四個兄弟入獄
: 他反問記者 我是一個第一順位的球員 你覺得我是懶惰又笨的嗎?
: 然後他目前也不排斥接受NBA等級的測試 有機會回歸他也想試試
: -
: 可見誇米是一個很努力又不笨的狀元,可能鄉民們粉絲們都誤解他了
: 我受傷然後罰球命中率又低,老大你還要傳進來給我?
: 而且事隔多年了你還要靠杯逆? 你明明都知道原因,還有啥好靠杯的?
: 然後kobe本版新聞王,大家都知道他最不爽那種人
: 綜合以上,只能說他跟老大彼此不爽不太意外
原po拜託一下 英文原文跟你講的差很多XD
“I got to say, it was tough doing it that year. I was playing with guys, God
bless them — God bless them — but Kwame Brown. Smush Parker. We had one
game right before…by the way, what I say here, I say directly to them, see
what I’m saying, I don’t talk behind people’s back. Things that I say to
you, I’m comfortable saying this to them and I’ve said this to them...
"the game before we traded for Pau, were playing Detroit and I had like 40
points towards the end of the game. This is back when Detroit had Rasheed
[Wallace], Chauncey [Billups] and those guys, so we had no business being in
the game"
" So down the stretch of the game, they put in a box and one. So I’m
surrounded by these players, Detroit players, and Kwame is under the basket,
all by himself. Literally, like all by himself. So I pass him the ball, he
bobbled it and it goes out of bounds."
“So we go back to the timeout and I’m [upset], right? He goes, ‘I was wide
open.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’ This is how I’m talking to him, like, during the
game. I said, ‘You’re going to be open again, Kwame, because Rasheed is
just totally ignoring you.’ He said, ‘Well, if I’m open don’t throw it to
me.’ I was like, ‘Huh?’ He said, ‘Don’t throw it to me.’ I said, ‘Why
not?’ He said, well, ‘I’m nervous. If I catch it and they foul me, I won’
t make the free throws.’ I said, ‘Hell no!’
老大:Nick Young問號.jpg
“I go to Phil [Jackson], I say, ‘Hey Phil, take him out of the game.’ He’
s like, ‘Nah, let him figure it out.’ So, we lose the game, I go the locker
room, I’m steaming. Steaming. I’m furious. Then, finally I get a call, they
said, ‘You know what, we got something that’s happening with Pau.’ I was
like, ‘Alright. Cool.’…That’s what I had to deal with the whole year.”
然後突然消息來了,我們交易拿到Pau Gasol囉...好吧超讚的
那場訪談的錄影在此 聲音很破
: 當初頂著被MJ選進來又在湖人打球的光環
: 頂級的體能素質,可是身體就是很不協調,也一直給人一種沒啥專心打球的感覺
: 之前有糖果人最水的位置被他搶了,好險現在有一個比他更水的...
: 他的問題點還是出在心態啦,我們看看Kobe講的這個狀況
: 他在籃下拒絕接球被Kobe嗆跟受傷這part上一篇有翻譯了,來看下兩句吧
: With the comments he made, I have two thoughts.
: 對於科老大對他的評論,布朗只有兩個想法啦
: One, I just didn’t understand the timing of it.
: 一 我只是不理解那個時間點(應該是不爽幹我都不在湖人了你該小?)
: Two,why would you want a guy who shoots 50 percent from the free throw line
: 二 為啥老大你要一個只有50%罰球命中率
: and has a bad shoulder trying to shoot free throws?!
: 然後肩膀又壞掉惹的人去投罰球勒?
: 然後我們看看之前講的故事 原文在下面一行 想看的可以點 我貼在下面一行
: 反正kobe講誇米的那場大意就是最後剩沒多久時間 kobe被一堆人包抄
: 他傳進去禁區有空擋結果誇米又傳出來,反正就是沒自信能得分就是了
: 最後再回頭看看誇米的看法 他有提到他家有八個小孩 有四個兄弟入獄
: 他反問記者 我是一個第一順位的球員 你覺得我是懶惰又笨的嗎?
: 然後他目前也不排斥接受NBA等級的測試 有機會回歸他也想試試
: -
: 可見誇米是一個很努力又不笨的狀元,可能鄉民們粉絲們都誤解他了
: 我受傷然後罰球命中率又低,老大你還要傳進來給我?
: 而且事隔多年了你還要靠杯逆? 你明明都知道原因,還有啥好靠杯的?
: 然後kobe本版新聞王,大家都知道他最不爽那種人
: 綜合以上,只能說他跟老大彼此不爽不太意外
原po拜託一下 英文原文跟你講的差很多XD
“I got to say, it was tough doing it that year. I was playing with guys, God
bless them — God bless them — but Kwame Brown. Smush Parker. We had one
game right before…by the way, what I say here, I say directly to them, see
what I’m saying, I don’t talk behind people’s back. Things that I say to
you, I’m comfortable saying this to them and I’ve said this to them...
"the game before we traded for Pau, were playing Detroit and I had like 40
points towards the end of the game. This is back when Detroit had Rasheed
[Wallace], Chauncey [Billups] and those guys, so we had no business being in
the game"
" So down the stretch of the game, they put in a box and one. So I’m
surrounded by these players, Detroit players, and Kwame is under the basket,
all by himself. Literally, like all by himself. So I pass him the ball, he
bobbled it and it goes out of bounds."
“So we go back to the timeout and I’m [upset], right? He goes, ‘I was wide
open.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’ This is how I’m talking to him, like, during the
game. I said, ‘You’re going to be open again, Kwame, because Rasheed is
just totally ignoring you.’ He said, ‘Well, if I’m open don’t throw it to
me.’ I was like, ‘Huh?’ He said, ‘Don’t throw it to me.’ I said, ‘Why
not?’ He said, well, ‘I’m nervous. If I catch it and they foul me, I won’
t make the free throws.’ I said, ‘Hell no!’
老大:Nick Young問號.jpg
“I go to Phil [Jackson], I say, ‘Hey Phil, take him out of the game.’ He’
s like, ‘Nah, let him figure it out.’ So, we lose the game, I go the locker
room, I’m steaming. Steaming. I’m furious. Then, finally I get a call, they
said, ‘You know what, we got something that’s happening with Pau.’ I was
like, ‘Alright. Cool.’…That’s what I had to deal with the whole year.”
然後突然消息來了,我們交易拿到Pau Gasol囉...好吧超讚的
那場訪談的錄影在此 聲音很破
All Comments

By Isabella
at 2017-06-07T18:40
at 2017-06-07T18:40

By Zora
at 2017-06-12T04:47
at 2017-06-12T04:47

By Vanessa
at 2017-06-13T06:16
at 2017-06-13T06:16

By Liam
at 2017-06-16T23:51
at 2017-06-16T23:51

By Mason
at 2017-06-17T05:09
at 2017-06-17T05:09

By Selena
at 2017-06-21T19:36
at 2017-06-21T19:36

By Jessica
at 2017-06-25T21:07
at 2017-06-25T21:07

By Caitlin
at 2017-06-30T08:33
at 2017-06-30T08:33

By Candice
at 2017-07-02T18:34
at 2017-07-02T18:34

By Edith
at 2017-07-03T01:10
at 2017-07-03T01:10

By John
at 2017-07-06T04:40
at 2017-07-06T04:40

By Joe
at 2017-07-06T11:24
at 2017-07-06T11:24

By Mia
at 2017-07-07T18:33
at 2017-07-07T18:33

By Joseph
at 2017-07-11T10:54
at 2017-07-11T10:54

By Quanna
at 2017-07-16T00:18
at 2017-07-16T00:18

By Mason
at 2017-07-20T21:00
at 2017-07-20T21:00

By Donna
at 2017-07-25T06:32
at 2017-07-25T06:32

By Damian
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By Doris
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