Kuznetsova 7-5 5-7 2-6 S. Williams - 網球 Tennis

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-01-30T04:08

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先看戴娃的 他進行訪問的時候屋頂正在關閉中

Q. They're closing the roof now. Do you think they should have closed it
before your match?
他們正在關屋頂 你覺得他們應該在你比賽前就關嗎?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Yes, for sure. I'm really surprised, you know, 'cause when
you see the forecast, like it's going to be 41 today, 43 tomorrow, the
hottest week in a month, why not to close the roof? Not only for the players,
but for the spectators, as well.
當然 我很訝異 當你看到今天氣象預報說會41度 明天會43度 是這個月最熱的一個禮拜
為什麼他們不關屋頂? 這不僅是為了選手 也是為了觀眾

Q. Is that the hottest you've ever played in?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I had some pretty hot days in Sydney playing last week, you
know, last tournament. But, I mean, I think if you have a roof, why not use it?
我在上個禮拜的雪梨也很熱 但我的意思是 如果你今天有屋頂 為什麼不早點用它?

Q. Did anyone give you any explanation why it wasn't being closed?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Actually, I didn't want to go any discussion or arguing
before the match. I was trying to get ready and focus. I mean, but, uhm,
yeah, I don't know why.
坦白說 在賽前我並不想針對這件事情討論或爭辯 我當時只想要集中精神做好準備
但 是啊 我不知道為什麼屋頂沒關

Q. Do you or any of the other players you know understand the heat policy
here, how it works?
你或者是其他選手了解高溫條例嗎? 它是怎麼運作的?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, it looks like nobody really knows how it works here.
I think when it's 40 and over you have to close the roof.
But saying that in our match was like 39 and a half, well, I don't know, when
you're on the court it feels like 45 inside in the center court.
I don't really know how it works here.
看起來似乎沒有人了解 我想如果高於40度就應該關上屋頂
但如果說我比賽的時候氣溫是39.5度的話 當你在場館內部感覺就像是45度


Q. Did the closing of the roof greatly affect your chances of winning?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: It's gave her more chances, I guess (smiling). I mean, I
don't know.
Yeah, definitely it was a big change. I was very comfortable playing outside.
我想這給了他更多機會 這絕對是個很大的改變 其實我在室外是很舒服的

Q. What were the conditions? You obviously prepared, did you, for the
conditions today?
外在條件如何? 你有為比賽條件做什麼特別的準備嗎?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Well, yeah, I guess it's two different games. One you
play inside; one you play outside. She has big serve. She was using it very
good when the roof was closed. I guess it was in her favor very much.
But, still, I tried to do my best and I had my chances even like that. I was
5-3 up.
我覺得在室內跟室外打球是兩回事 他發球很好 屋頂關上後他發球非常好
所以我想關上屋頂幫了他大忙 但我已經盡力了 我仍然有機會結束比賽的 我5-3領先

Q. Some people that were in the tunnel when you came off court suggested that
you were a little bit angry to have been brought off court. Is that correct?
有些當時在走道邊的人說你有點生氣 真的嗎?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Well, yeah, definitely angry. Why should I not be? Game
going my way. I'm fine playing with the roof. I think the guys yesterday, it
was the same weather. Everybody was playing with the roof. Why today they had
to close it? I didn't get it. Yeah, that was why I was angry.
是啊 我有點生氣 我有什麼理由不生氣? 我領先 而且覺得在室外打球感覺不錯
我覺得昨天天氣跟今天一樣 每個人打球都沒有關屋頂 為什麼今天要關?
我不知道 這就是我生氣的原因

Q. Who are you angry at?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: I don't know (laughter).

Q. Did you ask the referee?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: What I have to ask them? It's the tournament, what I
have to say. I'm just a player. I play. That's it. It's not in my hands, you
我該問他們什麼? 這是個比賽 我只是其中一位選手 這不是我能決定的

Q. Is it difficult for you and the other players to understand how the rule
on heat works here?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: I didn't get the rule at all. Closing the roof middle of
the match, I don't get it.
我完全不懂這個條例 居然在比賽中關屋頂 我不能理解

Q. Was it especially surprising for you that you started with an open roof
and then during the match they closed it?
對於開賽的時候開著屋頂 卻在比賽中關上 有什麼是讓你最訝異的?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Yeah. I mean, how you do that? I don't know. You just
playing outdoor tennis, and one set you play indoor tennis. It's very good.
Serena was tough. She's playing great. I give her credit. But I don't get
this rule. This is it.
為什麼這樣做? 我不能理解 你本來在室外打球 一盤過後你居然在室內 真是棒啊
但Serena很堅強 他打得很棒 我肯定他的表現 但我不能理解這個條例 就這樣

Q. In your heart of hearts, do you think if the roof stayed open you would
have won the game?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: You know, there is one saying that they say. It's not
very good one. I mean, you can say what happen if, if, if? The match is over.
She won. This is it. But it could have been different way.
結果只有一個 沒甚麼好說如果如果的 比賽結束了
他贏了 就這樣 但本來可能有不同的結果的

Q. Did you feel okay out there? You didn't feel any physical discomfort or
所以你覺得還可以? 你不會感覺到身體有什麼威脅嗎?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: What, in the heat?

Q. Yes.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No. I was completely fine. It was not easy to play
because it's heat. But we are in Australia. It's normal, no, to play with the
噢 我很好 在這樣的高溫下打球很不簡單 但我們在澳洲 在高溫下打球很正常


Q. Should the roof have been closed a little earlier?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Uhm, it was definitely hot. Should it have been closed? I
don't know. I think I was just trying to prepare myself for it to be open the
whole time.
ummm 今天真的很熱 該不該關嗎? 我不知道 我只是試著讓自己準備好整天屋頂都是開的

Q. Did the roof closing help you?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I mean, I think it did because it was really hot out there.
Uhm, again, I was just gonna try to go for a third set with the roof open.
But with the roof closed, as well, it was definitely helpful.
我想是有的 因為外面真的很熱 但我那時候還是試著把比賽逼到第三盤 即使屋頂還是開的

Q. How would you describe the heat?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Like I said, it was really an out-of-body experience. Like I
felt I was watching someone play in a blue dress, and it wasn't me, because it
was so hot out there. And I kept trying to tell myself that it's not hot, you
know. But it got hotter, so...
感覺就像是靈魂出竅一樣 就像我正在看著另外一個穿著藍衣服的人打球一樣
實在太熱了 我試著告訴自己其實沒這麼熱 但它變得越來越熱 所以....

Q. Can you remember a hotter day than today in your career?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Honestly, I think my hottest match was against Mauresmo. I
don't know what year that was. But I think it was 42. It was miserable.
坦白說我想我打過最熱的一場比賽是對上Mauresmo 我忘了那是哪一年
但那天好像是42度 簡直是人間煉獄

Q. Where was that?


Q. How quickly did it cool down once the roof was closed?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I felt that it cooled down pretty fast once the roof was
closed. Really fast.
感覺是還蠻快的 屋頂關起來很快就涼了下來

Q. The weather is supposed to be hotter tomorrow. Would you like to see the
organizers take their decision to close the roof before you went out there?
明天氣溫可能會更高 你希望明天你比賽前屋頂也關起來嗎?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I'll be ready for whatever, whether it's hot or cold. I
actually like to play in the heat, so... I'll try not to have any more
out-of-body experiences.
我會做好準備 不管天氣是冷或熱 我其實喜歡在高溫下打球

Q. So your racquets were in trouble today; you were in trouble. If the roof
didn't close, do you think you would have lost the match?
所以你的球拍今天碰上了點問題 你也碰到了問題 如果屋頂不關 你覺得你會輸球嗎?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. Like I say, whenever I lose the first set, I'm
automatically thinking third. So I think I would have been able to last. Who
我不知道 如果我輸了第一盤 我會自動想著把比賽逼到第三盤
所以我覺得我可以倖存的 誰知道呢?


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-02-01T04:45
KUZ真的蠻可憐的 我想除了關屋頂這件事 她也蠻氣自己
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-02-03T05:21
5-3怎麼還不贏! (關屋頂時0-0) 唉大會也真是怪怪的
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-02-05T05:58
有屋頂不早點用 用了卻又與條款不盡相符??????
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-02-07T06:35
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-02-09T07:11
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-02-11T07:48


John avatar
By John
at 2009-01-30T01:59
看看今年澳網Andy對Robredo Santoro的比賽 再看看今天對Federer的比賽 真的可以發現 差別最大的就是-自信! 有沒有自信對Andy來說真的很重要 看看03年蒙特婁名人賽這場 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=o2b8mXXvwQs 他的正拍 上網 完 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-01-30T01:52
每次看nadal打球 最明顯的就是他的球很旋 看他動作 他感覺都向用甩的 我不禁會想手腕不會受傷嗎똊 - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-01-30T01:39
(以下純個人感覺 有錯我會虛心受教 但是勿戰) 首先我要說的例子就是07美網四強前兩盤的7比6了(都是Fed 7) 沒破Fed發球局 也沒被破發 沒記錯是前兩盤發球局連破發點都沒遇到 依上面的例子跟今天的比賽來說個人覺得要說是輸在發球 更應該說輸在接發球吧 如果要說輸在接發球再之 ...

Re: [頒獎] Elena Dementieva

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-01-30T01:04
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: yevvi (yevvi) 看板: Tennis 標題: Re: [頒獎] Elena Dementieva 時間: Fri Jan 30 00:18:29 2009 1.2008 法網 http://tinyurl.com/cku2x4 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ...

Elena Dementieva

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-01-30T00:18
1.2008 法網 http://tinyurl.com/cku2x4 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ...