KI透過發言人發佈信件:新賽季會用場上 - NBA

By Emma
at 2020-12-07T11:10
at 2020-12-07T11:10
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※ 引述《VeryGoodBoy (很棒的男孩)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:(網址或出處)
: 內容:
: KI透過發言人發佈信件:新賽季會用場上場下的表現說話
: 12月05日訊 根據The Athletic駐籃網記者Alex Schiffer的爆料,籃網球員Kyrie Irving
: 通過發言人Ashley Blackwood發佈了一封郵件,
: 信件標題為“來自Kyrie Irving的一則聲明”:
: 新冠疫情對我們生活的方方面面都產生了影響,所以我會祈禱所有人能夠健康和平安。對
: 於即將到來的新賽季我感到非常激動,同時也希望所有人在這段旅程中都能健康安全。
: 我今天選擇用發佈這則信件聲明的方式取代了媒體採訪,是希望確保我的意思能夠被正確
: 地傳達。
: 我和我的隊友、籃網的其他同事們每天都有努力地訓練工作,我們已經做好準備去享受新
: 賽季、積極競爭、帶來出色表現和爭奪總冠軍了。我這個賽季的目標是希望能用我場上場
: 下的表現說話。
: 今年的生活對每個人施加重壓,這就要求我們、要求我,以另一種方式來應對。所以這就
: 是我轉變的開始。
: 短評或心得:
: @@
Kyrie Irving ‘Media Week’ boycott a one-time thing, says spokesperson
所以到底是一季還是一次性 搞的我好亂R
As Greg Logan first reported in Newsday Friday night, Kyrie Irving’s decision n
ot to speak to reporters during “Media Week” is a one-time thing and that the
Nets point guard anticipates doing “traditional media” during the season. That
would suggest that the Nets guard will engage with the media before and after g
ames and after practice.
到底是解答錯誤還是給台階 ..
Instead of speaking to the media today, I am issuing this statement to ensure that my message is properly conveyed,” the statement said, in part. “I am committed to show up to work every day, ready to have fun, compete, perform, and win championships alongside my teammates and colleagues in the Nets organization.
“... My goal this season is to let my work on and off the court speak for itself. Life hit differently this year and it requires us, it requires me, to move differently. So, this is the beginning of that change.”
原po引述的虎撲與「大多數的媒體」都解讀成 本季不給訪,我要專心
Logan wrote...
Although Irving confirmed in his statement that he declined the opportunity to do a media interview on Friday, a Nets spokesman said it would be a mistake to assume he will not speak to the media this season.
In response to a Newsday query, Irving’s publicist said: “This doesn’t mean he won’t do traditional media. He has every intent on building a mutually respectful relationship with the media. This is his first attempt to communicate directly/effectively with the people who cover him the most.”
到底是媒體超譯還是籃網幫忙給台階 只能自己判斷。
: 消息來源:(網址或出處)
: 內容:
: KI透過發言人發佈信件:新賽季會用場上場下的表現說話
: 12月05日訊 根據The Athletic駐籃網記者Alex Schiffer的爆料,籃網球員Kyrie Irving
: 通過發言人Ashley Blackwood發佈了一封郵件,
: 信件標題為“來自Kyrie Irving的一則聲明”:
: 新冠疫情對我們生活的方方面面都產生了影響,所以我會祈禱所有人能夠健康和平安。對
: 於即將到來的新賽季我感到非常激動,同時也希望所有人在這段旅程中都能健康安全。
: 我今天選擇用發佈這則信件聲明的方式取代了媒體採訪,是希望確保我的意思能夠被正確
: 地傳達。
: 我和我的隊友、籃網的其他同事們每天都有努力地訓練工作,我們已經做好準備去享受新
: 賽季、積極競爭、帶來出色表現和爭奪總冠軍了。我這個賽季的目標是希望能用我場上場
: 下的表現說話。
: 今年的生活對每個人施加重壓,這就要求我們、要求我,以另一種方式來應對。所以這就
: 是我轉變的開始。
: 短評或心得:
: @@
Kyrie Irving ‘Media Week’ boycott a one-time thing, says spokesperson
所以到底是一季還是一次性 搞的我好亂R
As Greg Logan first reported in Newsday Friday night, Kyrie Irving’s decision n
ot to speak to reporters during “Media Week” is a one-time thing and that the
Nets point guard anticipates doing “traditional media” during the season. That
would suggest that the Nets guard will engage with the media before and after g
ames and after practice.
到底是解答錯誤還是給台階 ..
Instead of speaking to the media today, I am issuing this statement to ensure that my message is properly conveyed,” the statement said, in part. “I am committed to show up to work every day, ready to have fun, compete, perform, and win championships alongside my teammates and colleagues in the Nets organization.
“... My goal this season is to let my work on and off the court speak for itself. Life hit differently this year and it requires us, it requires me, to move differently. So, this is the beginning of that change.”
原po引述的虎撲與「大多數的媒體」都解讀成 本季不給訪,我要專心
Logan wrote...
Although Irving confirmed in his statement that he declined the opportunity to do a media interview on Friday, a Nets spokesman said it would be a mistake to assume he will not speak to the media this season.
In response to a Newsday query, Irving’s publicist said: “This doesn’t mean he won’t do traditional media. He has every intent on building a mutually respectful relationship with the media. This is his first attempt to communicate directly/effectively with the people who cover him the most.”
到底是媒體超譯還是籃網幫忙給台階 只能自己判斷。
All Comments

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