Khabibulin 出獄 - 曲棍球

By Hardy
at 2011-08-17T01:16
at 2011-08-17T01:16
Table of Contents
Oilers' Khabibulin released from Arizona jail
CBC News Last Updated: Aug 15, 2011 3:54 PM ET
Edmonton Oilers goalie Nikolai Khabibulin was released from an Arizona jail
on the weekend after serving some of his drunk driving sentence.
Edmonton Oilers goalie Nikolai Khabibulin was freed from an Arizona jail
after satisfying some conditions of his impaired driving sentence. (The
Canadian Press)
The National Hockey League player was sentenced last month to spend 15 days
in custody for extreme drunk driving.
Khabibulin was caught driving with a blood alcohol level more than twice the
legal limit in February of last year.
Now that the first half of his sentence is over, court records indicate he'll
have to spend the rest of August under house arrest.
The 30-day sentence was the minimum Khabibulin could have received. He could
have faced as much as six months in jail.
He must also take part in alcohol counselling.
上個月柏林圍牆酒駕被捕, 酒精濃度超標一倍
關了15天, 接下來一個月在家接受觀察, 這已經是最低處分
柏林圍牆表示: 德國人就是要會喝酒 (誤
Oilers' Khabibulin released from Arizona jail
CBC News Last Updated: Aug 15, 2011 3:54 PM ET
Edmonton Oilers goalie Nikolai Khabibulin was released from an Arizona jail
on the weekend after serving some of his drunk driving sentence.
Edmonton Oilers goalie Nikolai Khabibulin was freed from an Arizona jail
after satisfying some conditions of his impaired driving sentence. (The
Canadian Press)
The National Hockey League player was sentenced last month to spend 15 days
in custody for extreme drunk driving.
Khabibulin was caught driving with a blood alcohol level more than twice the
legal limit in February of last year.
Now that the first half of his sentence is over, court records indicate he'll
have to spend the rest of August under house arrest.
The 30-day sentence was the minimum Khabibulin could have received. He could
have faced as much as six months in jail.
He must also take part in alcohol counselling.
上個月柏林圍牆酒駕被捕, 酒精濃度超標一倍
關了15天, 接下來一個月在家接受觀察, 這已經是最低處分
柏林圍牆表示: 德國人就是要會喝酒 (誤
推 manning :應該因該傻傻分不清楚02/03 19:50
推 kfclikeshit :注英沒學好02/03 20:10
推 kaiDX :注音02/03 20:21
All Comments

By Mia
at 2011-08-20T10:15
at 2011-08-20T10:15

By Oliver
at 2011-08-24T01:47
at 2011-08-24T01:47

By Dinah
at 2011-08-24T07:38
at 2011-08-24T07:38
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過很久了 還是忘不了 溫哥華暴動XD

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