Kelly與Quiksliver終止合約 - 衝浪運動討論

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-04-02T02:26

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Kelly Slater於今日宣布終止與Quilsilver 23年的合約.
並加入新的團隊 Kering Group

Breaking News: Slater Splits from Quiksilver

Dave Prodan

Monday, March 31, 2014
In a move tantamount to Michael Jordan splitting with Nike or David Beckham
leaving Adidas, Kelly Slater has announced he parted ways with Quiksilver,
his sponsor of 23 years.

Slater signed with Quiksilver in 1990 at the age of 18, just before winning
the US$100,000 Body Glove Surfbout at Lower Trestles in a performance that
put the surf world on notice. The first of his 11 ASP World Titles came just
two years later, at the age of 20.

Here is Slater's open letter on the move:

There is little I can say that would give the credit due or cover the debt of
gratitude I feel on a personal and professional level to Quiksilver. As a
brand and on a human level, they have been a part of my life, career, and
personal relationships for more than 23 years now, well over half my life.
They've supported me through good times and bad, personal hardships and
competitive triumphs, and never wavered in backing my choices and desires in
all that time. Under the tutelage of Bob McKnight, Bruce Raymond, Alan Green,
Pierre Agnes and Danny Kwock (and many others), Quiksilver signed me to a
100% sponsorship deal in 1990, finishing up my amateur career and guiding me
into my professional life and adulthood.
Having their support group around the world allowed me to create a life I
only dreamt of as a child...making a documentary (Kelly Slater In Black and
White) about the start of my professional career, going on boat trips and
small charter planes to remote locations I'd likely never see, taking long
car rides and promo tours to places I'd otherwise never visit, doing film
trips to tropical islands few people have ever seen, etc. There could have
been no better partner for me to have than Quiksilver.

The memories I have of joining the team and becoming like brothers with my
heroes and team riders Tom Carroll and Ross Clarke-Jones and making lifelong
friendships with Stephen Bell and others has fulfilled my life exponentially.
There aren't enough pages or words to express my heartfelt thanks and
appreciation for the experiences that have come from this relationship we've
shared together. So it is with a heavy heart and a lifetime of positive
memories that I move in a new chapter of my life.

As I contemplate the amazing opportunities I've had in life and the amount of
good fortune I've encountered along the way, I’m excited to announce today
that I’m embarking on a new journey. For years I've dreamt of developing a
brand that combines my love of clean living, responsibility and style. The
inspiration for this brand comes from the people and cultures I encounter in
my constant global travels and this is my opportunity to build something the
way I have always wanted to.

So I am excited to tell you that I’ve chosen The Kering Group as a partner.
They share my values and have the ability to support me in all of my
endeavors. I look forward to exploring all of the new opportunities this
partnership will provide, but this hasn't happened by chance, nor has it
happened without an incredible amount of work by a few key individuals. As I
embark on this new journey, I am sticking to my gut instincts and the belief
that your dreams can become reality with the right intentions. I look forward
to sharing more about it soon...

-- Kelly

Bob McKnight, Founder and Executive Chairman of Quiksilver, said the

"Kelly has been a part of the Quiksilver family for over 20 years. It’s been
an incredible journey watching him grow from a young surfer with great
potential, to the 11-time World Champion he is today. We wish Kelly all the
best as he enters this next phase of his career."

Often celebrated as the greatest surfer to ever live, Slater owns 11 ASP
World Titles, 54 elite ASP WCT victories and countless other accolades. At 42
years old, his ability to both compete with the world's best surfers and
continually challenge for the top spot is the stuff of sports legend.

After finishing Equal 5th at the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast, Slater will next
do battle with the rest of the ASP Top 34 this coming week at the Drug Aware
Margaret River Pro from April 2 - 13, 2014.

Tags: 衝浪

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-04-04T13:13
所以我的QS kelly冠軍褲會漲價嗎???
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2014-04-05T18:29
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2014-04-08T16:57
kelly在fb寫了勒勒長一篇 應該不是愚人節玩笑
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-04-12T16:24
my god!!
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2014-04-15T06:52

新烏石港租板+教學 請問有推薦店家嗎?

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-04-01T18:12
我與朋友是第一次接觸衝浪 想去烏石港租板+找人教學 教學人數約2~3人 日期大約4月底5月初 請問有推薦店家嗎? 有爬過文不過都蠻久以前了 謝謝大家啦~ -- → reneeviolet:樓上:因為做賊的喊抓賊啊 ( ′-`)y-~11/10 21:08 推 airslas2006:soga~~ ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-03-28T19:22
明天聽說會上30度 這幾天宜蘭一帶的水溫怎樣呢? 我只有一件3mm全身 應該會熱死吧 可以光上半身下水了嗎 謝謝!! -- 請勿穿卡式車鞋入廳。 - ...

墾丁4/1~4/7 (彈性)

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-03-27T11:19
大家好 我打算4/1從台北下墾丁一周 如果有好心車主剛好可以共乘的的(只要往南下,不一定要到墾丁或從台北出發) 或者4/7要返北的 我時間很彈性, 日期前後一天都可以 一人一短板, 乾淨友善好乘客, 也可幫忙開 等著被接走!! 拜託拜託~~~ 站內信可連絡 - ...


James avatar
By James
at 2014-03-26T15:19
氣溫逐漸升高 不知道烏石或是北台灣其他浪點 浪況如何? 假日/平日人會不會太多? - ...

WaveOnBoard,fish short板型何處買?

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-03-24T20:31
幫朋友找,朋友想買個fish or short,不過有問到的地方都沒貨了 只剩funboard板型 不知道鄉民大大有沒有知道哪裡有現貨的?? yahoo 露天 ebay 都查某~~ 有二手的也可以站內信聯絡聯絡 麻煩各位大大了!! - ...