Kelly Oubre Jr.手腕韌帶撕裂、手掌骨裂 - NBA

By Lydia
at 2021-05-02T19:31
at 2021-05-02T19:31
Table of Contents
噓 pttdouble : 對於勇士搞爛KD非常不爽 比整個勇士重要好嗎~狂噓!! 05/02 09:
噓 chenborruey : KD當初自己要上場的,跟勇士完全沒關係好嗎 05/02 09:
Do you regret deciding to play in game five of the NBA finals?
I don't want to say regret I do think i wish I'd have made a different decis
ion, I mean, obviously, right now I can say that but at the moment, like I w
as really excited to play.
can you describe the atmosphere around the Warriors. fornt office coaching s
taff teammates, what the expectations of you were did you feel pressure to p
not at all, I mean I'm one of the best players on the team and we're losing
in a finals. Of course in the back everybody's mind is wondering when I'm go
nna come back to play but nobody said that
I'm not talk about the Warriors. I'm talking about fans. People looking at i
t's way far away man this is fight Championship on the line, you got to do t
his. And that's the reason that you elected to play in the finals
not i really wanted to be in a finals. I've seen that my presence could defi
nitely help the team and flip the series. And I knew that I can help guard P
ascal siakam or Kawhi Leonard and I can provide spacing for Steph, Curry and
KT, and Draymond. I wasn't thinking about I can prove what I can prove to
anybody out. It was really, I wanted to go out there and help the team
不我是真的自己想打 我覺得我復出絕對可以幫助球隊逆轉系列賽,我知道 我可以幫忙
防守Siakam、Kawhi,還能為Curry KT DG 拉開空間,我想的就是這些,我沒想過去跟任
I want to know your top five players in the NBA right now. Give it to me.
KD:TOP five players.???
I'm gonna give you the five players. I like in the league, obviously, Kyrie,
LeBron. James Harden. Joel Embiid, I'm missing a lot of guys, I enjoy, but
Damian Lillard, is a last guys, but I mean, so many great players and i nam
e just five, I just enjoy watching they play.
的球員,Lillard最後一個吧,有那麼多偉大的球員,但只我說出了這5個 我只是喜歡看
噓 chenborruey : KD當初自己要上場的,跟勇士完全沒關係好嗎 05/02 09:
Do you regret deciding to play in game five of the NBA finals?
I don't want to say regret I do think i wish I'd have made a different decis
ion, I mean, obviously, right now I can say that but at the moment, like I w
as really excited to play.
can you describe the atmosphere around the Warriors. fornt office coaching s
taff teammates, what the expectations of you were did you feel pressure to p
not at all, I mean I'm one of the best players on the team and we're losing
in a finals. Of course in the back everybody's mind is wondering when I'm go
nna come back to play but nobody said that
I'm not talk about the Warriors. I'm talking about fans. People looking at i
t's way far away man this is fight Championship on the line, you got to do t
his. And that's the reason that you elected to play in the finals
not i really wanted to be in a finals. I've seen that my presence could defi
nitely help the team and flip the series. And I knew that I can help guard P
ascal siakam or Kawhi Leonard and I can provide spacing for Steph, Curry and
KT, and Draymond. I wasn't thinking about I can prove what I can prove to
anybody out. It was really, I wanted to go out there and help the team
不我是真的自己想打 我覺得我復出絕對可以幫助球隊逆轉系列賽,我知道 我可以幫忙
防守Siakam、Kawhi,還能為Curry KT DG 拉開空間,我想的就是這些,我沒想過去跟任
I want to know your top five players in the NBA right now. Give it to me.
KD:TOP five players.???
I'm gonna give you the five players. I like in the league, obviously, Kyrie,
LeBron. James Harden. Joel Embiid, I'm missing a lot of guys, I enjoy, but
Damian Lillard, is a last guys, but I mean, so many great players and i nam
e just five, I just enjoy watching they play.
的球員,Lillard最後一個吧,有那麼多偉大的球員,但只我說出了這5個 我只是喜歡看
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By Todd Johnson
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at 2021-06-11T19:54
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