KD、Conley 監製的《遙遠的陌生人》贏得奧斯卡最佳實景短片 - NBA

By Andrew
at 2021-04-26T11:19
at 2021-04-26T11:19
Table of Contents
標題:Kevin Durant, Mike Conley join Kobe Bryant as NBA Oscar winners after
'Two Distant Strangers' takes Best Short
NBA 現役球員 Kevin Durant 及 Mike Conley 以《遙遠的陌生人》成為繼 Kobe
Bryant 之後的奧斯卡獎得獎者
來源:CBS Sports https://bit.ly/3viGjX9
作者:Colin Ward-Henninger
In 2018, late Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant made history by becoming
the first professional athlete to win an Academy Award with his production,
"Dear Basketball," which took home Best Animated Short Film. During Sunday's
ceremony, Brooklyn Nets forward Kevin Durant and Utah Jazz guard Mike Conley
joined Bryant in the pantheon of Oscar winners when "Two Distant Strangers"
won the Academy Award in the Short Film (Live Action) category.
在2018年,已故湖人隊傳奇球星Kobe Bryant 以《親愛的籃球》創造歷史,成為第一位贏
典禮中,由籃網隊前鋒Kevin Durant 及爵士隊後衛 Mike Conley 參與的《遙遠的陌生人
Both Durant and Conley served as executive producers on the film, currently
available to stream on Netflix, in which the protagonist, played by rapper
and actor Joey Bada$$, finds himself in a time loop where he is repeatedly
re-living a deadly run-in with a police officer.
Durant 及 Conley 都是該短片的監製,目前在網飛有上架,講述由饒舌歌手兼演員 Joey
Bada$$ 飾演的主角發現自己身處在一個不斷重複著與一位警官之致命衝突瞬間的時間輪
Durant gave a shout out to everyone involved in the film following the win.
Durant 在獲知得獎消息後,於推特上轉發消息、表達喜悅。
The Jazz also congratulated their point guard via Twitter.
Writer and director Travon Free has spoken about how much the involvement of
Durant and Conley led to the film's success and recognition, noting that both
NBA All-Stars were much more than a source of funding. Durant's business
manager Rich Kleiman and mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs also served as executive
編劇兼導演 Travon Free 在談到 Durant 與 Conley 在製作上的參與如何讓該短片得到
成功與認可時,表示這兩位全明星球員不僅僅在資金上有所投入。Durant 的商務經理
Rich Kleiman 及大亨 Sean Combs 也是該片的聯合監製。
"Guys in the locker room were giving me grief about it the other day, just
like, 'You might win an Oscar before you win a championship' " Conley said in
an interview with CBS Los Angeles before the Oscars. "I was like, hey if I
could win both, that'd be great, but obviously an Oscar was not something I
thought I'd ever be a part of."
Conley 曾在奧斯卡頒獎典禮前,在 CBS 洛杉磯站的一場專訪中表示:
'Two Distant Strangers' takes Best Short
NBA 現役球員 Kevin Durant 及 Mike Conley 以《遙遠的陌生人》成為繼 Kobe
Bryant 之後的奧斯卡獎得獎者
來源:CBS Sports https://bit.ly/3viGjX9
作者:Colin Ward-Henninger
In 2018, late Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant made history by becoming
the first professional athlete to win an Academy Award with his production,
"Dear Basketball," which took home Best Animated Short Film. During Sunday's
ceremony, Brooklyn Nets forward Kevin Durant and Utah Jazz guard Mike Conley
joined Bryant in the pantheon of Oscar winners when "Two Distant Strangers"
won the Academy Award in the Short Film (Live Action) category.
在2018年,已故湖人隊傳奇球星Kobe Bryant 以《親愛的籃球》創造歷史,成為第一位贏
典禮中,由籃網隊前鋒Kevin Durant 及爵士隊後衛 Mike Conley 參與的《遙遠的陌生人
Both Durant and Conley served as executive producers on the film, currently
available to stream on Netflix, in which the protagonist, played by rapper
and actor Joey Bada$$, finds himself in a time loop where he is repeatedly
re-living a deadly run-in with a police officer.
Durant 及 Conley 都是該短片的監製,目前在網飛有上架,講述由饒舌歌手兼演員 Joey
Bada$$ 飾演的主角發現自己身處在一個不斷重複著與一位警官之致命衝突瞬間的時間輪
Durant gave a shout out to everyone involved in the film following the win.
Durant 在獲知得獎消息後,於推特上轉發消息、表達喜悅。
The Jazz also congratulated their point guard via Twitter.

Writer and director Travon Free has spoken about how much the involvement of
Durant and Conley led to the film's success and recognition, noting that both
NBA All-Stars were much more than a source of funding. Durant's business
manager Rich Kleiman and mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs also served as executive
編劇兼導演 Travon Free 在談到 Durant 與 Conley 在製作上的參與如何讓該短片得到
成功與認可時,表示這兩位全明星球員不僅僅在資金上有所投入。Durant 的商務經理
Rich Kleiman 及大亨 Sean Combs 也是該片的聯合監製。
"Guys in the locker room were giving me grief about it the other day, just
like, 'You might win an Oscar before you win a championship' " Conley said in
an interview with CBS Los Angeles before the Oscars. "I was like, hey if I
could win both, that'd be great, but obviously an Oscar was not something I
thought I'd ever be a part of."
Conley 曾在奧斯卡頒獎典禮前,在 CBS 洛杉磯站的一場專訪中表示:
All Comments

By Callum
at 2021-05-01T08:46
at 2021-05-01T08:46

By Vanessa
at 2021-05-05T21:01
at 2021-05-05T21:01

By Ingrid
at 2021-05-06T18:14
at 2021-05-06T18:14

By Liam
at 2021-05-11T09:29
at 2021-05-11T09:29

By Frederica
at 2021-05-12T09:44
at 2021-05-12T09:44

By Joseph
at 2021-05-13T02:40
at 2021-05-13T02:40

By Franklin
at 2021-05-17T20:08
at 2021-05-17T20:08

By Gary
at 2021-05-20T15:01
at 2021-05-20T15:01

By Callum
at 2021-05-25T09:32
at 2021-05-25T09:32

By Joseph
at 2021-05-26T15:03
at 2021-05-26T15:03

By Genevieve
at 2021-05-27T21:06
at 2021-05-27T21:06

By Zenobia
at 2021-05-28T07:00
at 2021-05-28T07:00

By Elizabeth
at 2021-05-29T14:42
at 2021-05-29T14:42

By Hazel
at 2021-05-30T00:09
at 2021-05-30T00:09

By Kama
at 2021-05-30T14:47
at 2021-05-30T14:47

By Quintina
at 2021-06-02T18:02
at 2021-06-02T18:02

By Vanessa
at 2021-06-04T22:36
at 2021-06-04T22:36

By Donna
at 2021-06-08T15:19
at 2021-06-08T15:19

By Kumar
at 2021-06-08T23:54
at 2021-06-08T23:54

By Dorothy
at 2021-06-11T17:52
at 2021-06-11T17:52

By Caitlin
at 2021-06-13T10:47
at 2021-06-13T10:47

By Andrew
at 2021-06-14T22:12
at 2021-06-14T22:12

By Eden
at 2021-06-18T04:47
at 2021-06-18T04:47

By Edward Lewis
at 2021-06-18T19:22
at 2021-06-18T19:22

By Zora
at 2021-06-23T09:30
at 2021-06-23T09:30

By Hedda
at 2021-06-24T13:41
at 2021-06-24T13:41

By Edwina
at 2021-06-27T21:03
at 2021-06-27T21:03

By Connor
at 2021-06-29T22:05
at 2021-06-29T22:05

By Elizabeth
at 2021-07-03T02:47
at 2021-07-03T02:47

By Madame
at 2021-07-03T17:12
at 2021-07-03T17:12

By Eartha
at 2021-07-04T09:28
at 2021-07-04T09:28

By Rachel
at 2021-07-07T06:16
at 2021-07-07T06:16

By Edwina
at 2021-07-10T13:05
at 2021-07-10T13:05

By Selena
at 2021-07-10T14:48
at 2021-07-10T14:48

By Candice
at 2021-07-12T14:12
at 2021-07-12T14:12
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