Justine Takes On Loit Live From Paris Tonight - 網球

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-02-08T00:48

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Justine makes the big return to center court tonight at 19:00 hrs (Paris time
CET) in her first match of the year. The delectable Belgian will face France's
WTA #47 Emilie Loit. The left-handed Loit defeated Greek Eleni Daniilidou in
the first round on Monday in three sets; 7-6 6-7 6-4. It will be the first
meeting between Justine and Emilie on the WTA tour. No doubt the Frenchwoman
will try to count on local support, but multi-grand slam winner Justine has
other plans. The match will be aired live on station La Deux in Belgium, but
you can follow the action via our chatroom among Justine supporters worldwide.
Match scores will also be available from the Gaz de France website.



Tags: 網球

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海寧:痛苦時光將永成秘密 溫網奪冠是最大願望

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-02-07T21:24
海寧:痛苦時光將永成秘密 溫網奪冠是最大願望 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年02月07日10:38 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間2月7日消息,回到了WTA賽場的海寧承認,過去的兩個月對她 和她的前夫皮埃斯而言,是一段非常痛苦的日子。她還是不肯談起她剛剛破裂的婚姻 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-02-07T12:11
On: February 7, 2006 Time: 19:00 hr (Paris Time CET) 台灣時間8號凌晨兩點 對手是 EMILIE LOIT (FRA) 生平第一次交手 根據報導Henin是第三次參加巴黎室內公開賽,前兩次分別為2000年2002年,最好成績僅 進入八強。 = ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-02-06T23:28
從官網看來的 Hereand#39;s a French Belgian news clip of yesterdayand#39;s press conference. (Pick the middle speed for you browser screen) 這訪問是法文 還蠻長的 ju好像變好看了 ...

Henin ready to kick-start season

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-02-06T23:19
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/6328575.stm Henin ready to kick-start season Justine Henin says she hopes this weekand#39;s Paris Open will mark th ...

海寧歸來對比賽充滿渴望 惟願今年能重溫去年輝煌

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-02-06T00:02
海寧歸來對比賽充滿渴望 惟願今年能重溫去年輝煌 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年02月05日17:10 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間2月5日消息,在本周的巴黎室內賽中,比利時名將海寧將重返 賽場。在因為離婚而錯過了悉尼賽和澳網後,重新歸來的海寧已經準備好再次出發。 ...