Justine's Diary - After Roland Garros 2006 - 網球

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-06-16T00:25

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Justine's Diary - After Roland Garros 2006

Hello Everyone,

I returned home on Monday, and recovered slowly from all those emotions. It
took two to three days to catch my breath from the excitement. I went back to
training on Wednesday and will do racquet practice at Eastbourne.

These two last weeks were extraordinary - from beginning to the end. I really
savoured this victory, and handled it better than others in the past. I had
less pressure in my mind because I knew that it's only one victory, and there
are more dates of reckoning. I finished this grand slam physically well, not
too much fatigued; this is important for the rest of the season.

Obviously, I know that this (GS) created an extraordinary stir in Belgium. I
again thank you for much support. A lot of people were behind me that didn't
say " It's only the fifth grand slam. It's not that big of a deal,
meaningless". I think that everyone experienced it in a very intense way, I
felt it too, and you lifted me.

To win it in two sets, and to defend my title meant a lot to me in my eyes,
but there are still other objectives. The season is not over. In regards to
the two principal objectives: health and the qualification for Wta year end
championships (Masters). Things are going in a good direction, and this is
very important.

I leave for Eastbourne, England on Friday morning. I will try to find my form
starting on Friday. In fact, new adventures await me. I hope the sequences to
follow won't be too difficult. I'm leaving early to find my feelings, and
sensations for grass. I never played at Eastbourne before. I'm excited to be
going there for the first time. My health situation has prevented me to go
there in the past. It feels good to get back on court, and into competition
quickly as possible. And as usual I will give it my best.

About Fed Cup. I do have the desire, and the will to play there, more than
ever. After what I experienced in April at Liege I want to continue the
adventure, but I cannot promise my presence right now. It will depend on my
results in these next weeks. My physical condition after Wimbledon, and state
that I finish it. Even if there are no problems, with my health there are
still things which I must be careful with, in particular my knees. To play on
grass then go directly onto hardcourt is difficult, and stressful on the
body. So, I cannot guarantee Fed Cup.

I will undoubtedly make my decision only after Wimbledon. I hope with my
heart that I can take part in Ostend on July the 15 and 16, but I prefer not
to commit myself then disappoint later.

I still thank you for all the support that you brought to me, and I will have
a rendezvous with you after Wimbledon.

See you soon,


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2006-06-20T06:16
Henin以前都沒參加草地熱身賽嗎 ?Henin GO GO GO !
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2006-06-21T00:17

挽救"最後的傳奇"阿加西 萬眾期待溫網老將續寫輝煌

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2006-06-15T08:03
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月14日 足球-勁體育    特約記者西蒙報道 如果要找and#34;活著的傳奇and#34;真的將淡出網球舞台的證據, and#34;女網杯and#34;首輪一場比賽的賽點時刻也許可算一個:36歲的阿加西一跤跌坐在如茵的 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-06-14T23:26
進版畫面的點陣圖是很久以前在荷比盧版的 但已經不知是誰做的 曾經有問過但沒人知道 借來用一下當進版畫面 麻煩若有人知道作者是誰還請告知 謝啦 真帥 - ...

Happy Birthday to Steffi

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-06-14T11:19
To 我心中永遠的女神.. 雖然發表在這 好像沒什麼意義.. 因為你也看不到 Anyway, just wanna to send my regards to you, Stefanie Graf. Happy Birthday to you!!~ - ...

美國傳奇名將復出首戰失利 阿加西否認溫網奪冠可能

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-06-14T01:17
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月13日 新浪體育    新浪體育訊  倫敦6月12日消息,在英國女王草地杯的首輪比賽中,36歲的 美國傳奇名將阿加西以4-6/4-6不敵「英國紳士」亨曼,無緣下一輪。阿加西此前 缺席了整個紅土賽季的比賽,此番在草地賽 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-06-13T23:40
http://www.willhill.com/iibs/EN/buildcoupon.asp?couponchoice=TE1074599 juju排在第三 只是我以為大威會是第二熱門 畢竟是衛冕者..三屆溫網冠軍耶 有沒有人要賭一下juju?哈 我看等熱身賽打完賭盤應該會有些變化 倒是Vaidisova ...