Justine Invites 3 Children from her 20 Hearts Foundation - 網球

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2006-07-08T10:15

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Justine Invites 3 Children from her 20 Hearts Foundation to Wimby Finals



Aurelie , Michiels & Myriam's Adventure At Wimbledon
Justine has given three kids Aurelie, Michiels and Myriam, through her 20 Hearts
foundation, a special invitational trip to England on Saturday July 8 to watch
her play in the finale at Wimbledon.

On Thursday night Aurelie, Michiels and Myriam were riveted watching the
proceedings of Justine's semi-final match at Wimbledon on TV.

After one hour and thirty minutes of nail biting suspense Justine won her match
over Kim Clijsters. Now it's Aurelie, Michiels and Myriam's turn. They shall
depart to England, and give Justine all of their support live on center court
for the big final match.

The three children will board the Euro Star on Saturday morning, cross the
English Channel from Belgium to England, and fulfil their adventure. The little
winners will also have a rendezvous with Justine after the match.

Don't miss Aurelie, Michiels, Myriam and Justine's special 20 Hearts in England
news report in the following days.


Tags: 網球

All Comments


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-07-07T22:00
Ladiesand#39; Singles - Semis Justine Henin-Hardenne BEL (3) 6 7(7) Kim Clijsters BEL (2) 4 6(4) ╭════════╦═════ ...

Re: 爽啦!五條好漢在很好混爽翻啦

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2006-07-07T21:19
※ 引述《JustinWang (Jand#39;adore Henin.)》之銘言: : 爽 : juju打超好 : 我們五條好漢在很好混包場啦 : 爽 : 決賽大家一起來看大螢幕吧 : 真的很讚 大家此起彼落呢 : 好啦 我要換人po啦 讚讚 昨天沒有網路,所以到現在才po 包場的感覺真的很不錯 決賽大 ...

評述:海寧勝利令人信服 小克退守底線難逃失利命運

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2006-07-07T20:43
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/476138d30100055a 評述:海寧勝利令人信服 小克退守底線難逃失利命運 2006-07-07 14:39:46 Ladiesand#39; Semifals 海寧 6-4/7-6(4) 克裡斯特爾斯 海寧的勝利令人信服,因為她以更加全面的作 ...

〈溫布頓〉Henin也瘋世足 預測卻槓龜

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-07-07T17:50
〈溫布頓〉Henin也瘋世足 預測卻槓龜 中央社 07-06 19:32 (中央社記者唐秉鈞布魯塞爾六日專電)國際知名的比利時女子網球明星Justine Henin-Hardenne雖是個十足的足球迷,但對預測哪一隊能贏得世界盃足球賽的冠 軍,卻自承並不內行。 目前Henin的職網生涯正如日中天,除不久前 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-07-07T10:18
http://www.mininova.org/tor/359723 不過它是Chinese audio atat 畫質...不明...我也還在下載 希望之後能有更好的版本=.= btw很少看到Clijsters打完臉臭成那樣... - ...