Justine Henin 溫網前三輪 - 網球

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-07-01T00:53

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Henin前三場比賽在超棒網站都有啦 網址換了 好像以前的不能上了....

這次ju迷運氣很好 衛視有兩場轉播到Henin呢
16強Henin對Schnyder 不知還看不看的到直撥 希望可以囉

2007 Wimbledon 3rd Round: Justine Henin vs Elena Vesnina

2007 Wimbledon 2nd Round: Justine Henin vs Vera Dushevina

2007 Wimbledon 1st Round: Justine Henin vs Jorgelina Cravero

Tags: 網球

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Hard case Henin finds the touch of a poet

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-06-30T22:43
http://0rz.tw/b12MJ Hard case Henin finds the touch of a poet Justin Henin combined elegance with precision as she made rapid progress. Richard WilliamsJun ...

Henin set to grace a bigger stage

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-06-30T22:35
http://www.theherald.co.uk/sport/headlines/display.var.1510160.0.0.php Henin set to grace a bigger stage HUGH MacDONALD, Chief Sportswriter June 30 2007 T ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-06-30T16:14
※ 引述《anduril426 (西方之炎)》之銘言: : Graf vs Hingis : 695MB : http://www.pidown.com/link.php?ref=yqEFU2Splm : 目前健康度為186% 剩下1% 可以請有seed的版友上傳一下嗎? Orz 拜託了 - ...

環顧女子網壇誰與爭鋒? 唯一一人堪比肩天王費德勒

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2007-06-30T14:38
http://sports.sina.com.cn/t/2007-06-30/01013009973.shtml 環顧女子網壇誰與爭鋒? 唯一一人堪比肩天王費德勒 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年06月30日01:01 燕趙都市報    要在當今女子網壇找出 ...

WIMBLEDON 07 - Perfect Way

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-06-30T02:17
http://www.justine-henin.be/public/index.asp?lang=en WIMBLEDON 07 - Perfect Way 29/06/2007: Regal Justine moved into the 4th round, and second week of the ...