Julian Wright 發文了 - 籃球

By Belly
at 2021-11-08T09:39
at 2021-11-08T09:39
Table of Contents
Having been overseas almost 10 years, it is clear based on first-hand experien
ce, fellow colleagues, and people I’ve spoken to about other industries, that
a slavery system still exists. Although order and a hierarchical structure is
necessary, ethical business should still be the goal as humans are interactin
g with each other.
I have contacted Hsinchu Lioneers upper management all summer and autumn to fi
nd a date of my return this preseason and have yet to receive any formal respo
nse. My contact was from March 2021 until August 2022. Unless I did not hold u
p my part of the agreement, there was no reason for me to expect that when I w
ent to the United States that I would not return to work as a player developme
nt coach. If so, I would have brought all of my belongings with me!
So unfortunately, due to a breach in the contract of me being flown back to Ta
iwan to continuing work as is in our agreement, I will not be retuning to the
team. Also, if a mutual termination agreement isn’t settled by Friday, I will
have no choice but to contest this with a lawyer in Taiwan’s civil court.
As a side note, if I added up all the money I am owed due to the other party b
reaching a contract, I would literally be owed millions of dollars! I’m not b
ragging nor am I emotionally connected to these situations [it’s just (bad) b
usiness]. By my actions of suing, I’m showing how unethical business continue
s if it goes unchecked and hopefully my cases without sports organizations’ a
ssistance, can give other expatriates courage to do the same!
Lioneers fans and staff, I will deeply miss you all, but if God allows, I hope
to return sooner than later! I am applying for the Gold Card to receive perma
nent residency as I want to bring my basketball and fitness training business
to Taiwan! I consider Hsinchu, Taiwan my home away from home and will do my be
st to support the team and the P-League.
Ownership and staff can change, but I know my connection to the fans will alwa
ys be there!
Jai yo!
ce, fellow colleagues, and people I’ve spoken to about other industries, that
a slavery system still exists. Although order and a hierarchical structure is
necessary, ethical business should still be the goal as humans are interactin
g with each other.
I have contacted Hsinchu Lioneers upper management all summer and autumn to fi
nd a date of my return this preseason and have yet to receive any formal respo
nse. My contact was from March 2021 until August 2022. Unless I did not hold u
p my part of the agreement, there was no reason for me to expect that when I w
ent to the United States that I would not return to work as a player developme
nt coach. If so, I would have brought all of my belongings with me!
So unfortunately, due to a breach in the contract of me being flown back to Ta
iwan to continuing work as is in our agreement, I will not be retuning to the
team. Also, if a mutual termination agreement isn’t settled by Friday, I will
have no choice but to contest this with a lawyer in Taiwan’s civil court.
As a side note, if I added up all the money I am owed due to the other party b
reaching a contract, I would literally be owed millions of dollars! I’m not b
ragging nor am I emotionally connected to these situations [it’s just (bad) b
usiness]. By my actions of suing, I’m showing how unethical business continue
s if it goes unchecked and hopefully my cases without sports organizations’ a
ssistance, can give other expatriates courage to do the same!
Lioneers fans and staff, I will deeply miss you all, but if God allows, I hope
to return sooner than later! I am applying for the Gold Card to receive perma
nent residency as I want to bring my basketball and fitness training business
to Taiwan! I consider Hsinchu, Taiwan my home away from home and will do my be
st to support the team and the P-League.
Ownership and staff can change, but I know my connection to the fans will alwa
ys be there!
Jai yo!
All Comments

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By Tom
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By Hedda
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By Andy
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By Suhail Hany
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By Blanche
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By Noah
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By Tom
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Steve
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By David
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By Sandy
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Joe
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Noah
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By Joseph
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By Ophelia
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By Ethan
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Jacky
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Callum
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Andrew
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Odelette
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Adele
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By Puput
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By Carol
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Poppy
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Rosalind
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Ivy
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Blanche
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Wallis
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Kelly
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Zora
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Irma
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Madame
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Edwina
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Candice
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Poppy
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By John
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Erin
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Cara
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Isla
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Harry
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Connor
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Emma
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Brianna
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Callum
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Suhail Hany
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Ophelia
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Ophelia
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Damian
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By Rachel
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By Yedda
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By Gilbert
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Jacob
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Andrew
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Doris
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Dora
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Xanthe
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Linda
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Linda
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By Oscar
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By Margaret
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By Hazel
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By Ula
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By Zanna
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By Noah
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By Puput
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By Daniel
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Oscar
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Valerie
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By Eden
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By Oscar
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By Brianna
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By Jessica
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Heather
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Suhail Hany
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Queena
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Sandy
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Bethany
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Madame
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Kristin
at 2021-11-12T07:01
at 2021-11-12T07:01

By Elvira
at 2021-11-13T13:25
at 2021-11-13T13:25

By Eden
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Hedy
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Agatha
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Emily
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Jacob
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Linda
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Harry
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By Isabella
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By Hedy
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By Franklin
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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By Noah
at 2021-11-12T07:01
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By Quintina
at 2021-11-13T13:25
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