Ju 跨足演出音樂劇 - 網球

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-10-21T12:14

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還記得一年前 Ju 又唱又跳的演出嗎? XD

Justine Henin - Now, it's time

根據比利時Le Soir周刊報導,Ju 將會參與一場紀念她的音樂劇。

Belgium prepares to dance to Henin's tune

(AFP) – Oct 11, 2011

BRUSSELS — Belgium's former world number one Justine Henin is to be
immortalised in a musical celebrating her life according to Wednesday's
edition of the weekly magazine Le Soir.

根據 Le Soir 周刊在周三報導,比利時前世界第一 Justine Henin 將有場傳記式的音樂

The show's choreographer Joelle Morane tells the publication that Henin - who
retired for a second and final time in January this year because of a
niggling elbow injury - will also make a brief appearance in the musical.


The show will be a mix of dance, text, songs, and animated choreography
performed mostly by children and will be premiered in 2012 at the tennis
academy which 29-year-old Henin runs in Limelette, south of Brussels.


When Henin first retired in May 2008 it was with a feeling that with seven
Grand Slams and 43 singles titles - including 2004 Olympic gold - she had
achieved what she wanted to achieve professionally, having spent two years as
world number one.

However, her desire to taste that success again forced her back onto the
circuit early in 2010.

The injury that was to eventually force her to definitively call time on her
career came at Wimbledon that year.

She suffered a partial ligament fracture in her right elbow when she slipped
while playing a fourth-round clash against compatriot Kim Clijsters,
requiring an operation.

She returned to the courts in October 2010, aiming to start the 2011 campaign
fit and hoping to add to her trophy cabinet, only for the pain to return
during the Australian Open.


Just enjoy ur life, Justine. :)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2011-10-23T22:20
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-10-26T08:26

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Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-10-21T02:53
http://tinyurl.com/5rtxc6w 在Q andamp; A with Andy Murray中 小安迪被問了一系列問題 他必須在每個問題的兩個選項中選一個他較偏好的答案 例如 正拍或反拍 倫敦或紐約 硬地或草地 哈利波特或變形金剛 還有 納豆或喬帥 小安 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-10-21T01:03
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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-10-21T00:12
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