Jones - 美國職棒

By Lucy
at 2007-08-01T17:49
at 2007-08-01T17:49
Table of Contents
實況文裡有版友推文了,官網談到一點有關 Jones 的壞消息,
以下節錄一部分,No room for Jones right now.
Manager John McLaren doesn't believe there should be any doubt with the
Mariners' combination of Raul Ibanez, Ichiro Suzuki and Jose Guillen,
from left to right field.
"He's a multitalented player," McLaren said. "He can run and he's a great
athlete. He's got a good arm, good range and good power. He's got a chance to
be a star player."[but no chance to play Mariners' outfield this season?]
他對 Jones 的溢美之詞。(不要只會誇他,把他拉上來!)
McLaren doesn't want to risk losing team chemistry now, especially with the
team in the midst of a crucial series against the division-leading Angels.
Jones 上不來的原因是,麥拉倫不希望破壞球隊現在的 chemistry,
尤其在此爭冠的關鍵時刻(要跟翅膀一爭長短,我們需要 Jones!)
"We know when we need him, he's going to be there, and he's going to be
ready," McLaren said. "In the meantime, the mix we've got going now is
playing well, and that's how we look at it."
(Now it's the time we need him,and he HAS ALREADY been ready.)
PI 的報導
來自 Bill Bavasi 的一線曙光:
"Knowing we had Adam Jones was very much a part of our decision-making
process," Bavasi said. "Now that the trade deadline is past, (calling up
Jones) is in play."
大家期待一下吧。其實 Ibanez 打得好,升上 AJ 與否倒也不急,但是
椰子現在正在防守端與攻擊面雙重傷害球隊,Jones 可能就是扭轉乾坤
"I heard the Royals wanted Jones for (reliever Octavio) Dotel," closer J.J.
Putz said before Tuesday's game. "When you hear something like that, it's
just ridiculous."
Balentien for Grienke 還有點機會啦 XD
以下節錄一部分,No room for Jones right now.
Manager John McLaren doesn't believe there should be any doubt with the
Mariners' combination of Raul Ibanez, Ichiro Suzuki and Jose Guillen,
from left to right field.
"He's a multitalented player," McLaren said. "He can run and he's a great
athlete. He's got a good arm, good range and good power. He's got a chance to
be a star player."[but no chance to play Mariners' outfield this season?]
他對 Jones 的溢美之詞。(不要只會誇他,把他拉上來!)
McLaren doesn't want to risk losing team chemistry now, especially with the
team in the midst of a crucial series against the division-leading Angels.
Jones 上不來的原因是,麥拉倫不希望破壞球隊現在的 chemistry,
尤其在此爭冠的關鍵時刻(要跟翅膀一爭長短,我們需要 Jones!)
"We know when we need him, he's going to be there, and he's going to be
ready," McLaren said. "In the meantime, the mix we've got going now is
playing well, and that's how we look at it."
(Now it's the time we need him,and he HAS ALREADY been ready.)
PI 的報導
來自 Bill Bavasi 的一線曙光:
"Knowing we had Adam Jones was very much a part of our decision-making
process," Bavasi said. "Now that the trade deadline is past, (calling up
Jones) is in play."
大家期待一下吧。其實 Ibanez 打得好,升上 AJ 與否倒也不急,但是
椰子現在正在防守端與攻擊面雙重傷害球隊,Jones 可能就是扭轉乾坤
"I heard the Royals wanted Jones for (reliever Octavio) Dotel," closer J.J.
Putz said before Tuesday's game. "When you hear something like that, it's
just ridiculous."
Balentien for Grienke 還有點機會啦 XD
All Comments

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at 2007-08-03T21:14
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