Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 2019 AO R1 - 法網 Tennis

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-12-28T08:21

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2019 Australian Open

Men's Singles - 1st Rnd. Match Completed
Court 7 ════════════════

Match Statistics
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga FRA 6 6 77
Martin Klizan SVK 65
Elapsed Time by Set: 42 46 58

View detailed serve statistics

Match Summary Tsonga(FRA) Klizan(SVK)
1st Serve % 53 of 89 = 60 % 75 of 113= 66 %
Aces 23 8
Double Faults 4 5
Unforced Errors 30 31
Winning % on 1st Serve 50 of 53 = 94 % 56 of 75 = 75 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve 20 of 36 = 56 % 18 of 38 = 47 %
Winners 53 30
Receiving Points Won 34 of 113= 30 % 15 of 89 = 17 %
BreakPoint Conversions 2 of 13 = 15 % 0 of 0 = 0 %
Net Approaches 18 of 25 = 72 % 18 of 24 = 75 %
Total Points Won 109 93
Fastest Serve 217 KMH 199 KMH
Average 1stServe Speed 188 KMH 174 KMH
Average 2ndServe Speed 156 KMH 138 KMH

Return Winners:2 Return Unforced Errors:7
1st Serve Total Points In: 53 1st Return Total Points In: 75
2nd Serve Total Points In: 36 2nd Return Total Points In: 38
Serve Total Points In: 89 Return Total Points In:113
1st Serve Total Points Won: 50 1st Return Total Points Won: 19
2nd Serve Total Points Won: 20 2nd Return Total Points Won: 15
Serve Total Points Won: 70 Return Total Points Won: 34
1st Serve Points In Play: 17 1st Return Points In Play: 51
2nd Serve Points In Play: 26 2nd Return Points In Play: 24
Serve Points In Play: 43 Return Points In Play: 75

Approach Drops Ground Lobs Overhead Passing Volleys
Shots Shots Strokes Shots Shots
Winners 3 0 0 0 15 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 5
Unforced Errors 1 0 0 0 10 13 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

07 Jeff Francis- CAN 26 NP:3485 L/L 08 Aaron Cook- USA 28 NP:3062 R/R
17W-9L R:103 BB:063 HBP:07 IP:215.1 ERA 16W-9L R:102 BB:048 HBP:04 IP:211.1 ERA
GS:34 H:234 ER:101 IBB:07 SO:165 4.22 GS:32 H:236 ER:093 IBB:02 SO:096 3.96
09 Jorge De La Rosa-MEX 29 NP:3054 L/L 10 Ubaldo Jimenez- DOM 38 NP:3601 R/R
16W-9L R:095 BB:083 HBP:09 IP:185.0 ERA 19W-8L R:073 BB:092 HBP:09 IP:221.2 ERA
GS:32 H:172 ER:090 IBB:03 SO:193 4.38 GS:33 H:164 ER:071 IBB:07 SO:214 2.88

Tags: 網球

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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-12-28T00:03
薩巴蒂尼談當今女子網壇 原創: 楊過 網球之家 今天 近日,在接受採訪的時候,阿根廷網壇名宿薩巴蒂尼對當今的女子網壇發表了自己的意見 。薩巴蒂尼曾拿到了27個單打冠軍和14個雙打冠軍,拿到過1990年美網冠軍。當然,她還 有一個身份,那就是尤文圖斯球星迪巴拉的現任女友的姑姑。以下是問題精選: 問:現在的 ...

納達爾專訪:要孩子還不是時候 我會記得

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2019-12-27T21:29
納達爾專訪:要孩子還不是時候 我會記得每一個丟球 楊過 網球之家 今天 近日,納達爾在自己的網球學院裡接受了西班牙媒體的採訪。昨天,網球之家給您帶來了 《馬卡報》的專訪,今天讓我們一起來看看《阿斯報》的專訪內容。 阿斯報:在外人看來,你有一個非常出色的2019賽季,你怎麼來形容它呢? 納達爾:從各 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-12-27T19:31 Teaching atdjokernole how to jump!! Was a pleasure to see you and train with you my friend!! 擁有驚人跳躍力的C羅在IG上PO出跟 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-12-27T18:43
大家好~ 小弟球齡4~5年間,單打居多,球技約3.0~3.5間,底線:網前=8:2 從開始學球以來,都覺得拿重一點的拍才是厲害的人該做的事! 所以一直都沒去嘗試過輕拍,我自己覺得295g以下算輕拍 一直把『球速』看得很重,曾買過一些重拍,現在想想真的都算是買錯了 之前內人告訴我他們的網球教練,也是 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2019-12-27T17:28 「祝大家聖誕快樂!祝你們和你們的家人在新的一年里身體健康,幸福快樂,充滿激情。 話雖如此,我想宣佈2020年作為我作為職業網球運動員的告別年。 首先,我要感謝我的父母,感謝他們 ...