Jeremy Lin - NCAA

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-12-13T15:13

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Immigrant dream plays out through son
Harvard's do-it-all star learned the game from his father and a host of NBA


哈佛的全能球星從他父親及一個 NBA傳奇中學到了比賽

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O'Neil By Dana O'Neil

STORRS, Conn. -- The jump hook he used to score his first bucket of the game?
That came from Kareem.

他在比賽中得第一分的跑勾是從 賈霸 學來的。

The perfect form on his jumper? Larry Bird deserves credit for that.

那他完美的跳投呢?拉瑞˙鳥 可以記上一筆。

The power end-to-end drive with a dunk to finish? Vintage Dr. J.

那強力的一劍穿心加上爆扣?傳統的 Dr.J Style。

The sweet dribble penetration and kickout? Score one for Magic.


As Jeremy Lin dissected and bisected Connecticut to the tune of 30 points
Sunday afternoon, his father sat in front of a computer screen on the other
side of the country, watching his videotape library of NBA greats come to
life in the form of his son.

就當 Jeremy Lin 把 UConn打得支離破碎的那個週日下午,他爸爸坐在
這國家的另一邊的一個電腦螢幕前,看著他兒子活生生展示著 NBA傳奇球

All those years Gie-Ming Lin spent rewinding his tapes so he could teach
himself how to play a game he never even saw until he was an adult? All those
hours spent in the local Y with his boys, schooling them in fundamentals over
and over, building muscle memory without even knowing what the term meant?
That silly dream, the one in which his children would fall in love with
basketball as much as he had?

這幾年來, Jeremy Lin 的爸爸看著這些在他成年之前從沒看過的比賽

There it was, borne out in a gym in Storrs, Conn.

"Every time he did something good, they'd play it over and over again,"
Gie-Ming said from his home in Palo Alto, Calif. "I kept watching, and they
kept showing him."

這些都在康乃提克, Storrs的體育館裡開始。


Soon the rest of the college basketball world might be turning its collective
eye toward Jeremy Lin. Think about what the senior has done just this week
for Harvard, which is off to its best start (7-2) in 25 years.

很快其他的大學籃球世界都會一起注意 Jeremy Lin 。想想看這個禮拜
這個大四生為哈佛做了什麼,他們可是取得了 25 年來的最佳成績,七勝

In keeping his team in the game right to the end, Lin scored a career-high 30
points and grabbed 9 boards in a 79-73 loss to No. 12 UConn. Then, in the
Crimson's 74-67 upset at Boston College on Wednesday -- the second straight
season Harvard has beaten BC -- Lin contributed 25 points.

在努力著他的夢想時,林先生在對全國排名 12 的 Uconn以 79-73輸球
BC的那場74-56 的比賽,林得了 25分。

So in two games against New England's annual NCAA tournament participants,
Lin scored 55 points and shot 64 percent from the field and 80 percent from
the free throw line.

所以在對上英格蘭每次都進錦標賽的兩隊時, Lin 得了55分,64%投籃
命中率同時80% 的罰球命中率。

He boasts an all-around repertoire rarely on display. Last season Lin was the
only player in the nation to rank among the top 10 players in his conference
in points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, field goal percentage, free
throw percentage and 3-point percentage.

他在球場上展現了很少見的多才多藝。上一季 Lin是全國唯一一個在自

This year? He is merely second in the Ivy League in scoring (18.6 points),
10th in rebounding (5.3), fifth in field goal percentage (51.6 percent),
third in assists (4.6), second in steals (2.4), sixth in blocked shots (1.2)
and top of the pile in turning the heads of esteemed basketball minds,
including Hall of Famer Jim Calhoun.

今年?他在常春藤聯盟裡面得分只有排第二,18.6,籃板第十 5.4,投
籃命中率51.6%,助攻第二 4.6,抄截第二 2.4,火鍋第六1.2,而且吸引
了很多籃球人的目光,包括進入名人堂的 Jim Calhoun。

"I've seen a lot of teams come through here, and he could play for any of
them," the longtime UConn coach said of Lin. "He's got great, great composure
on the court. He knows how to play."

久的 Uconn教練評論Lin。「他在場上很沉著,他知道如何打球。」

And he learned how to play thanks to his father's determination.

Jeremy is not the product of some Marv Marinovich in high-tops, desperate to
cultivate the perfect basketball player, but rather a 5-foot-6 immigrant who
long ago fell in love with a game and realized that in that game, his own
children could gain entry into mainstream America.


Jeremy不是個像 Marv Marinvich那種全力養出來的籃球員,他是個五

Gie-Ming Lin was born in Taiwan, where academics were stressed and athletics
ignored. He caught an occasional glimpse of basketball and, for reasons he
can't explain, was immediately smitten with the game.


He dreamed of coming to the United States for two reasons: to complete his
Ph.D. and "to watch the NBA."


That happened in 1977 when Gie-Ming enrolled at Purdue University for his
doctorate in computer engineering. He flipped on the television, and there it
was: the NBA in all its late-1970s glory. Kareem, Moses and Dr. J, with
Jordan, Bird and Magic waiting in the wings.

當節敏 1977 年到普渡大學修電腦工程博士學位時,他在電視前看到了
七零年代後半的 NBA榮光。賈霸、摩斯馬龍、 J博士,還有九但、大鳥和

"My dad," Jeremy said, "is a complete basketball junkie."


Gie-Ming's first job took him to Los Angeles, where the grueling demands and
long hours had him searching for some sort of athletic release.


"I thought it would be great to play basketball," Gie-Ming said.

Only problem? He didn't have the slightest idea how. He had never picked up a
ball in his life.



So he turned his attention back to those gripping NBA games. Armed with
videotapes of his favorite players, Gie-Ming studied the game with the same
fervor he studied for his Ph.D.

所以他把他的注意力轉向了 NBA比賽,擁抱了他最愛的 NBA球員的影帶

"I would just imitate them over and over; I got my hook shot from Kareem,"
Gie-Ming said, laughing.


It took him years to feel comfortable enough to play in a pickup game, and as
he bided his time he decided then -- long before he even had children -- that
his own kids would grow up knowing the game from an early age.

---- 在他有孩子的很久之前 ---- 他的孩子對於球賽的瞭解來自於很

When first-born Joshua turned 5, Gie-Ming carted him to the local Y to begin
teaching him those valuable skills stored on his videotapes.


Jeremy followed, and then youngest brother Joseph joined in what became a
three-nights-a-week routine. The boys would finish their homework and around
8:30 head to the Y with their father for 90 minutes of drills or mini-games.

Jeremy後來跟進,最後是最小的 Joseph 弟弟,之後變成了一個禮拜三

Forget that all of the players on those videos had long since retired, that
the guy with Kareem's hook shot wouldn't hit Abdul-Jabbar's armpit. Gie-Ming
recognized what so many other youth coaches have forgotten over time: The
foundation for success is the basics.


"I realized if I brought them from a young age it would be like second nature
for them," Gie-Ming said. "If they had the fundamentals, the rest would be


His passion soon became their passion, and as the boys grew up, those
90-minute sessions would turn into wee-hour wars, with the boys scrounging
for whatever gym they could find to play.


Joshua would star at Henry M. Gunn High School. Jeremy would enroll at rival
Palo Alto High, where Joseph is now a senior.

Joshua曾是Henry M. Gunn高中的明星球員,而 Jeremy 就讀死對頭的
Palo Alto高中,現在Joseph在Palo Alto念高四。

Jeremy was special. He had his father's passion, his own inner motivation and
a frame that would sprout to 6-foot-3. A good enough scorer to play 2-guard,
Jeremy also was a savvy enough playmaker -- thanks to his dad and Magic -- to
play the point. He's a solid outside shooter, but his dad, Julius and Kareem
conspired to give him a reliable game around the rim.

爸和魔術強森。他是個很棒的外線射手,不過他爸爸,J 博士和賈霸一起

In other words, he was otherworldly, a kid so talented that his freshman
coach stood up at the team banquet and declared, "Jeremy has a better skill
set than anyone I've ever seen at his age."


Named to the varsity as a freshman, Jeremy would earn honors as sophomore of
the year and two-time most valuable player in his league.


Immersed in the game as he was, Jeremy never thought he was anything but a
normal kid who liked basketball.

像他這麼沉浸在籃球中, Jeremy 一直都只認為自己是個喜歡籃球的小孩。

Until, that is, the insults came at him, the taunts to go back to China or
open his eyes.


He was an Asian-American basketball player, an oddity and a curiosity in the
cruel world of high school, where nothing is safer than being like everyone


"It was definitely a lot tougher for me growing up," he said. "There was just
an overall lack of respect. People didn't think I could play."


His father offered sage advice.


"I told him people are going to say things to him, but he had to stay calm
and not get excited by these words; they are only words," Gie-Ming said. "I
told him to just win the game for your school and people will respect you."


Once more, Gie-Ming was right. In his senior season Jeremy averaged 15
points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds and 5 steals, leading Palo Alto to a 32-1
record and a stunning 51-47 victory over nationally ranked Mater Dei in the
CIF Division II state championship game.

節敏又對了一次。在他高四球季在對上全國有排名的 Mater Dei的州際
第二級冠軍賽裡,以 15 分, 7助攻、 6籃板、 5抄截,以 51-47打敗他
們,同時球隊戰績是 32 勝 1 敗。

Along the way, he converted some of the people who had mocked him. When Palo
Alto played Mater Dei, students from both Jeremy's high school and rival
Henry M. Gunn High crowded a local pizza joint to cheer for Jeremy and his

因為這樣,他轉化了那些嘲笑他的人。當 Palo Alto對上 Mater Dei,
Jeremy自己高中和死對頭 Hery M. Gunn 高中的學生擠進了當地的比薩店
為 Jeremy 和他的隊伍加油。

Converting people outside Northern California was more difficult. By his
senior season, Lin was the runaway choice for player of the year by virtually
every California publication. Yet he didn't receive a single Division I
scholarship offer.

入年度最佳球員的候選之一。不過他甚至沒有拿到任何一個 Division I

Lin doesn't know why, but believes his ethnicity played a part.


Asian-Americans make up just 0.4 percent of Division I basketball rosters,
according to the latest NCAA numbers. That equates to 20 players out of 5,051.

亞裔球員在全國的 Division I 籃球陣容內只佔了 0.4% ,也就是在

Harvard offered an education with a hefty price tag. (The Ivy League offers
no athletic scholarships.) But it also offered the chance to play Division I
ball. So Lin went without hesitation.


Four extremely successful years into his college career, he now finds himself
packaged into an uncomfortable box. Lin is at once proud and frustrated with
his place as the flag-bearer for Asian-American basketball players.


The Harvard uniform, the Asian background, it all still makes Jeremy
something of a novelty. What he longs for most of all is to be a basketball


Not an Asian-American basketball player, just a basketball player.


"Jeremy has been one of the better players in the country for a while now,"
said Harvard coach Tommy Amaker, who, as a Duke graduate and former head
coach at both Seton Hall and Michigan, knows a thing or two about talent.
"He's as consistent as anyone in the game. People who haven't seen him are
wowed by what they see, but we aren't. What you see is who he is."

「Jeremy已經是全國數一數二的球員之一一陣子了。」哈佛教練 Amaker
說,他本身是杜克畢業,同時當過 Seton Hall 和密西根的總教練,對於

But stereotypes die hard and remain propagated by the ignorant. At UConn, as
Jeremy stepped to the free throw line for the first time, one disgraceful
student chanted, "Won-ton soup."

不過刻板印象還是很難消去,一樣被忽略的人忽略。在 UConn,當 Jeremy
第一次站上罰球線的時候,一個不尊重人的學生模仿著:「Won-ton Soup。」

"I do get tired of it; I just want to play," Lin said. "But I've also come to
accept it and embrace it. If I help other kids, than it's worth it."


In their 109-year history, the Crimson have never won an Ivy League title and
have managed only three second-place finishes. They have had just one league
player of the year -- Joe Carrabino in 1984.

在 109年的歷史中, Crimson從沒有拿過常春藤聯盟的冠軍,頂多就三
次第二名。他們只有一個年度最佳球員:1984的Joe Carrabino。

The last Harvard man to suit up in the NBA? Ed Smith in 1953.

上一個哈佛進 NBA的?1953的 Ed Smith。

Lin could change all of that, a thought that boggles the mind of the man who
fell in love with a sport so many years ago.


"All this time he was growing up, I never thought about Jeremy playing in
college or professionally," Gie-Ming said. "I just enjoyed watching him play.
I'm just so proud of him and so happy for him. I told him my dream already
has come true."


Dana O'Neil covers college basketball for and can be reached at
[email protected].

Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-12-18T10:26
這位同學辛苦了 推你一個~
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-12-20T02:35
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-12-21T00:03
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-12-24T08:18
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-12-24T21:33
Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-12-28T06:18
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-01-02T05:57
push~hope I can see him play in UW-Seattle
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-01-06T01:03
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-01-07T13:17
Joshua Jeremy Joseph 也可以湊個3J XD
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-01-09T19:14
個人意見 僅供參考:
William avatar
By William
at 2010-01-10T18:29
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-01-13T13:50
啊 Sorry 我想我看錯了 沒有人比較對 XD
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-01-15T23:39
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-01-17T12:38
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-01-21T08:17
好了 留給NBA板去討論吧
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-01-24T02:18
推 翻譯
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-01-26T07:02
對了還有個地方Senior我猜說的是高四 不是大四
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-01-27T06:36
算了那邊我懶得改了 XD
John avatar
By John
at 2010-01-28T14:24
補充一下, a host of 跟 a number of意思是差不多的
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-01-28T22:46
都是很多的意思, 所以後面用"legends";挑一點小毛病:p
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-01-30T22:10
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-02-02T07:43

Jeremy Lin

William avatar
By William
at 2009-12-13T09:56
※ 引述《ccris (DESPERADO)》之銘言: : Harvard的大四隊長,目前數據是 : PPG APG 3P% RPG BPG SPG : 17.8 4.6 .353 5.6 1.4 2.4 : 前一場對UConn他拿了30分9籃板3助攻3抄截和2火鍋 : 記得去年Harvard就打敗過剛u ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-12-13T01:05
時間皆為美國時間,台灣時間請加13小時 12:00 PM EST | Kentucky at Indiana c 12:00 PM EST | Ohio State vs. Butler http://www.jus ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-12-12T23:52
這是ESPN網站上的民調 其中還是學生的John Wall也在裡面 但是其他兩位都是NBA球員 民調目前的結果出人意料: Brandon Jennings 22% Derrick Rose 47% John Wall 31% John Wall竟然 ...

(6) Syracuse vs (10) Florida

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-12-11T10:13 SEC/Big East 邀請賽 - ...

Immigrant dream plays out through son

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-12-11T07:32
Harvard 後衛 jeremy Lin 上ESPNU NCAA的首頁了;id=4730385 STORRS, Conn. -- The jump hook h ...