Jason Kidd may have been right - 籃球

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2014-11-30T10:16

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By Matt Moore | NBA writer

The most surprising storyline of the summer actually wasn't LeBron James'
return to Cleveland. James' move back to Ohio was shocking because of where
the Cavs were and what James had in Miami, but there had been indicator
lights throughout the year that James was interested in going home and it
was a question of when, not if he would finish his career there.
No, the most surprising came in June, when suddenly, word erupted that
Jason Kidd had attempted a power play to go above and beyond Brooklyn Nets
GM Billy King to try and grab control over basketball operations.

He failed. And in the aftermath, he had to scramble to find a gig,
eventually landing in Milwaukee in what may have been a violation of agent
certification rules under the NBPA, as Ken Berger of CBSSports.com reported,
on the part of Kidd's agent, Jeff Schwartz. It was a messy, ugly affair,
and it painted Kidd in a terrible light. He tried to go above his boss in
Billy King and essentially get his job, failed, and to avoid exile,
manipulated existing relationships to get Larry Drew's job in Milwaukee...
even before Drew himself was fired.

And in the aftermath, Kidd has become the face of the franchise,
despite John Hammond having been GM there for years. Showing a
"blatant disregard for people," as one source told Berger,
Kidd managed to fail in a powerplay, take someone else's job before that
person was fired, and from all appearances, honing in on another man's job
without any formal changes to his role. You can't justify Kidd's
Napoleon-like machinations without turning to Machiavelli.

But beyond that, when you gain some distance from the wreckage of last
summer, something interesting starts to emerge.

Kidd was probably right.

Not in forcing his way to Milwaukee and displacing existing structures
in his wake like a bowling ball dropping in a still bathtub, but about
Brooklyn. Rumors emerged after Kidd's departure that he had been vexed
with King's management of the team, by the way the roster was structured
going all the way back to November 2013. The Nets were billed as some sort
of superpower last year (and I bought in, tabbing them for 62 wins) after
adding Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. Instead, the team fell into its
identity of hyper-paid branding concept that's effectively the definition
of "meh" on the court.

Kidd struggled mightily with the Nets for the first two months of the
season and there was a widespread belief that he might get fired. Instead,
the team turned it on and managed to use its veteran wiles to push its way
into the playoffs and get past a Raptors team that managed to shoot itself
in the foot in Games 1 and 7 at home. Whether the Nets' turnaround was
related to Kidd or the experience on that team is up for debate.

But since then, the results have been pretty interesting. The Nets are a
mess, again, and the turnaround doesn't seem likely. Brook Lopez is back,
but struggling under Lionel Hollins' constant beratement. Deron Williams is
back... and that doesn't seem to matter. Kevin Garnett gives good minutes
but it's like when you're excited your grandfather can still play catch.
Joe Johnson is doing his thing, and in reality, it's nothing to do with
their individual talent. They're very talented. Collectively,
they're uninspiring, unimpressive; they're just kind of there.
Maybe this is like last year and with Hollins in charge,
they'll make a second-half push.

But this comes with a huge price tag, and beyond that, reports that the
Nets lost over $100 million on basketball operations last year, and rumors
that Mikhail Prokhorov is looking to sell his share.

Meanwhile, in cold, forgotten, Milwaukee, Kidd has steered a team of
cast-offs and young pups to a 10-7 mark, good for fourth in the Eastern
Conference. Their schedule has been yogurt soft, but that's in part
attributable to their shellacking of Kidd's old team two weeks ago.
They are young, eager, defend well, play with energy, and are exciting,
more exciting than the Nets have been in any season in Brooklyn.
Their good fortune is unlikely to last, and yet, Kidd's work in getting
so many young players engaged and playing at a high level is encouraging.
The roster has flexibility, young talent, trade assets, a sound defensive
core, and is fun to watch.

So... was Jason Kidd somehow right in his initial power play to overhaul
the team and did he come out ahead?

It's too early to tell. Maybe the Nets will go on a tear, secure the
three seed and make the Eastern Conference Finals. But the book on the
Nets since Prokhorov took over and hired Billy King has been that they're
trying to spend their way into contention, and this year it certainly
appears that Prokhorov is pumping the brakes on the "spend what it takes"
plan. Meanwhile, Kidd has multiple avenues for the Bucks to improve.
While the Nets appear to be circling the drain, albeit slowly,
the Bucks are primed for a breakout, whether this year or in the future.

You don't have to like what Kidd pulled this summer. But maybe the
original source of discord in Brooklyn that sowed the seeds for all the
palace intrigue was rooted in some truth. And however he managed to land
there, Kidd may have found himself in a better situation than he was in
last season.





















唯一讓人感動的是iso Joe...


Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2014-12-03T05:07
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-12-05T23:58
Kidd很愛打臉... (不是指家暴疑雲...XD)
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-12-08T18:49
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2014-12-11T13:39
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-12-14T08:30
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2014-12-17T03:21
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-12-19T22:12

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Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2014-11-30T01:02
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David avatar
By David
at 2014-11-30T00:56
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By Freda
at 2014-11-29T23:47
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