Japan – new station - 溫網 Tennis

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2008-09-15T23:49

Table of Contents


照片三枚 孝順女沒讓媽媽提袋子喔
還有兩張 看衣服應該是今天日本player party的照片 真及時啊
(USO照片拿掉了 為了排版吧 不然圖太大張擠到XD 其實用些html就可以救了啦)


Japan – new station

日本 - 新一站

As I left New York I was very busy and I didn't have a chance to write to
you guys. Finaly I have oportunity to write to you and I am going to tell you
what is new with me.


Maybe some of you who read this blog were in the crowd on Sunday in final US
Open fo women. To those of you who were there and to those who watched on TV,
I really appreciate the support you have given me. I think once the
disappointment from the defeat sets in, I will look back with happy memories
for how the last two weeks went. To reach my first Grand Slam final after 5
semi finals is another step in the right direction for me. The atmosphere out
there on Sunday night was electric and I think the level of tennis was really
high. Serena is a great fighter and I always knew it was going to be a tough
match. I had my chances in both sets and if I could have won a few more
important points, the match could have gone in my direction. Hopefully, I can
be in the same position again and with a some hard work and a bit of luck I
can be #1 again.



New York has so much energy and it really is the city that never sleeps. When
I was driving home late from the site, there were still people awake walking
around the city looking as if they had places to go. What they had to do at
2am in the morning I have no idea! I didn't get too much time to do the
shopping that I was looking forward to but I hope to come back for a few days
when I am not playing. Before the tournament started I was busy doing sponsor
appearances and media. One of the highlights was a Reebok photo shoot at the
top of the Empire Hotel. I was shot in my new Reebok dress and I got many
compliments about it so I am happy for that! With my Mom I helped to design
it so even if I didn't win the tournament people told me I was the best
dressed player ;-)

城市中走動,就像他們正要去某處。我還真不知道凌晨兩點他們可以做什麼! 我沒太
,我忙著贊助記者會和媒體訪問。其中一個亮點是在Empire Hotel頂樓的Reebok拍照
。我穿著我的新Reebok戰袍且我得到很多讚美,對此我很開心! 和我媽我協助設計它
,所以就算我沒法贏得比賽,人們告訴我可是穿得最棒的喔 (眨眼自信微笑)

After NY I went back to my second home wich is in Florida, and I was training
there and preparing for the tournament in Tokyo from where I am writing you.


From Tokyo I go to Beijing and then Europe so no down time for me yet.
I just arrived from players party in Tokyo and I am attaching a few new



I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. I wish you all the best
and am sending you a big smile.


With Love,


睡前看到順手翻 翻完收工睡覺去

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-09-19T20:55
JJ日記出現了XD duffy大翻譯也好快XD
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-09-23T18:01
強人 m(_ _)m
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-09-27T15:07
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-10-01T12:13
謝謝~~~ (立刻收進精華區)
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-10-05T09:19
其實我是邊看邊翻:P 除了有時句子拉火車 還不會太難啦
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-10-09T06:25
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-10-13T03:31
偶以為JJ是不好好照顧自己又藉口多 球迷只好開玩笑自我安慰


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-09-15T22:26
Court 2 (from 14.30hrs) 1. Wickmayer vs. Rus 2. Amanmuradova/Rodionova vs. Liang/Zhao 3. 詹謹瑋 C.Chan/Olaru vs. Parmentier/Pin 今年第二次參加WTA雙打賽事 (二月在Pattaya與日本 ...

Re: 大家好!我是凱貞 (代PO)

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-09-15T22:20
哈囉~~大家好我是凱貞...哈哈...我用朋友的帳號偷偷跑近來玩一下~!!~ 看到那麼多人支持我我很開心...也很感謝幫我PO這篇文章的人..謝謝他!! 這裡有點複雜~可是還不錯玩...有空的話會常常來跟大家聊天留話的!! 謝謝大家...老頭~謝謝你嚕!! ※ 引述《stu950617 (阿萬)》之銘言: : ...

峇里島女網賽 明年加碼升級冠軍女網賽

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-09-15T21:52
峇里島女網經典賽(Bali Classic), 明年將升級為職業女子網球協會(WTA)的 重頭戲之一。 除了基本獎金加碼,參賽者還有機會贏得一百萬美元紅利獎金。 峇里島女網賽甫於14日落幕,由瑞士女將史妮德(Patty Schnyder)封后。這項 比賽原本安排在美國公開賽的次週舉行,明年將改名為「冠軍女網賽 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-09-15T20:02
上週Bali女網賽冠軍Patty Schnyder因傷退賽 Marta Domachowska成為第9種子 首輪對上法國選手 Camille Pin 籤表補上會外賽獲勝以及遞補參賽選手 1-ZVONAREVA Vera (RUS) vs. RODIONOVA Anastasia (RUS) DUBOIS ...

WTA賽事9/15結果 (泛太平洋&廣州)

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-09-15T19:51
Monday, September 15, 2008 泛太平洋女網賽 Singles Qualifying - Final Round (1) Katarina Srebotnik (SLO) d. (7) Anne Keothavong (GBR) 63 63 (3) Kaia Kanepi (EST) ...