IU的Creek戰勝傷病,重回賽場 - NCAA

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2012-11-03T00:54

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A meaningless exhibition game between powerhouse Indiana and NAIA Indiana
Wesleyan did produce one meaningful storyline.

Maurice Creek, who has played just 18 games since December 2009 as a result
of three severe injuries, shed his warmups and checked into the game early in
the first half to a standing ovation and the sound of the Indiana student
section chanting his name. Creek then unexpectedly showed his battered legs
still have some spring left in them, scoring a team-high 12 points in 15
minutes as Indiana pulled away for an 86-57 win.

There were times during the game when the magnitude of the moment appeared to
hit Creek. Even after the game, he was still emotional, especially when
talking with reporters about the warm reception the crowd gave him.

"It was a great, great, great reaction," Creek said during the postgame press
conference. "Standing ovation? That's big time. That's love. I can't do
nothing but thank them. I appreciate everyone who stood up for me."

No.1 Indiana在一場不痛不癢的表演賽裡擊敗了某小校,但本場的亮點是Maurice Creek

的動人回歸。在賽後記者會,Creek感謝IU球迷的standing ovation和三年來的不離不棄


在經過三次重傷、兩次手術、連續兩年替補席看球的艱苦歲月後,曾經的Eric Gordon接

班人Maurice Creek終於回來了。在昨天IU對Wesleyan的表演熱身賽裡他拿下全隊最高的







一樣進入NBA DrafExpress的prospect ranking,但他擊退的是大多數球員都無法想像的


good job, Maurice, good job




Tags: NCAA

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