ITF即刻停止所有賽事直至 04/20 - 網球 Tennis

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2020-03-12T23:42

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The ITF COVID-19 Advisory Group has been continuously monitoring the global
spread and impact of the COVID-19 virus, in consultation with medical, travel
and security experts as well as the relevant international and national
authorities. We are aware this situation is evolving on a daily basis.

Following today’s ATP announcement and based on our discussions with both
Tours, the ITF is taking the precautionary measure to postpone all ITF-owned
and sanctioned events, across the men’s and women’s ITF World Tennis Tour,
the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors, the UNIQLO Wheelchair Tennis Tour, ITF
Beach Tennis World Tour, and ITF Seniors Tour.

因應 ATP 稍早聲明與雙方討論,所有 ITF 所屬賽事將即刻起暫停辦理。

This will be reviewed on a weekly basis but no ITF events will take place
until at least the week of Monday 20 April. We will work closely with our
partners and other stakeholders, Regional and National Associations, to
determine suitable alternative dates, with the goal of enabling the
resumption of playing opportunities across each category as soon as the
situation allows.

ITF 將視疫情逐週檢討措施,但 04/20 該週以前都不會舉辦 ITF 賽事。

Professional tennis is a collaboration between the ITF, the ATP and the WTA.
Our respective organisations will therefore work hard to keep those affected
informed and to minimise disruption to playing schedules and rankings.
Matches currently in progress - including those subject to a rain delay - may
be completed today but cannot be carried over until tomorrow. Any matches yet
to be started today will be postponed.

本週進行中的 ITF 賽事就比到今日(03/12)為止,此刻尚未開賽者則取消。

The health and safety of players, player support teams, event staff and
spectators must be the priority. It is not possible to predict the length of
time that tennis as a whole will be affected by COVID-19, but we will
continue to monitor the situation and act accordingly.

Tags: 網球

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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2020-03-12T21:56
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at 2020-03-12T15:50
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Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2020-03-12T14:32
連溫網都沒得看了?官方不考慮閉門打 若必要將取消賽事 2020/03/12 14:16 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕武漢肺炎疫情蔓延,全球體壇都受到影響,網球賽事部分包括印 地安泉大師賽以及聯邦盃決賽都確定取消,現在傳出每年夏天最大盛事、溫布頓網球錦標 賽,都有可能取消。 武漢肺炎疫情持續在歐洲升溫,稍早傳出 ...