ISU 可能考慮重新研究評分 (朝鮮日報) - 花式滑冰 Figure Skating

By Mia
at 2010-03-04T16:41
at 2010-03-04T16:41
Table of Contents
Figure Skating Body to Reexamine Scoring System Kim Yu-na's record-shattering
score of 228.56 points in the Vancouver Winter Olympics has prompted calls
for a change in the way figure skating is judged. Many believe that Kim was
able to rise to the top of the podium with the "unimaginable" score because
the current scoring system, which the International Skating Union came up
with in 2004 after the vote-trading scandal of the 2002 Salt Lake City
Olympics, is also problematic. Now there are calls for a new judging
procedure to promote the development of technical aspects.
In its general assembly scheduled for June, the ISU might adopt a new system
to provide cushion for skaters who courageously go for technically difficult
jumps. Under the current rules, when a triple Axel jump falls short of full
rotation it is downgraded to a double Axel, and the base value for an
attempted but under-rotated triple Axel falls from 8.20 to 3.50 points. Such
high penalties can deter skaters from attempting challenging jumps. The new
system is aimed at making penalties less severe.
In Vancouver, many skaters avoided attempting some of the most difficult
jumps. Men's singles champion Evan Lysacek of the U.S. decided to take
quadruple jumps out of his program and instead concentrate on nailing triple
jumps in order to accumulate grade of execution (GOE) points. Men's silver
medalist and the 2006 Olympic champion Yvgeny Plushenko of Russia was unhappy
about how the most difficult jumps were not given due credit.
But ladies' silver medalist Mao Asada of Japan has already declared her bid
to win the gold in the 2014 Olympics in Sochi with a plan to include a
quadruple in her arsenal.
Kim Yu-na's coach Brian Orser smiles before Kim's performances in the
women's figure skating competition at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, wearing
a patterned brown or plain blue tie to match her outfit.
Amid this discussion, expectations are rising that Kim should include more
demanding technical elements in her performances. Her coach Brian Orser said
on Monday, "I'd love her to learn the triple Axel, that would be pretty
sweet." The move is the most important next step and Kim could learn it
pretty easily, he added.
Orser hopes his student will remain in competition until the Sochi Olympics,
although her immediate goal is to defend her title in the World Championship
in Turin, Italy from March 27 to 29. He believes Kim should have no problem
staying in good physical condition until 2014, when she'll be just 24 years
old. Now she needs to defend her world title, and then she will take a break
before preparing for next season, Orser said. "I'm not sure what's in for
Yu-na after that. Everything is up to her."
大致瞎翻了一下 XD
總之...女單的比賽已經進化到4周跳和3A的對決了 囧囧囧
不管是Mao還是 Kim,還是先好好保重身體健康吧,千萬不要成為Lipinski第二....
"If you get up in the morning and nothing bothers you, you're dead."
- Lyosha on sports life
All Comments

By Regina
at 2010-03-08T19:06
at 2010-03-08T19:06

By Hedwig
at 2010-03-12T21:31
at 2010-03-12T21:31

By Ula
at 2010-03-16T23:56
at 2010-03-16T23:56

By Kumar
at 2010-03-21T02:20
at 2010-03-21T02:20

By Audriana
at 2010-03-25T04:45
at 2010-03-25T04:45

By Mary
at 2010-03-29T07:10
at 2010-03-29T07:10

By Caitlin
at 2010-04-02T09:34
at 2010-04-02T09:34

By Tom
at 2010-04-06T11:59
at 2010-04-06T11:59

By Regina
at 2010-04-10T14:24
at 2010-04-10T14:24

By Kumar
at 2010-04-14T16:49
at 2010-04-14T16:49

By Vanessa
at 2010-04-18T19:13
at 2010-04-18T19:13

By Erin
at 2010-04-22T21:38
at 2010-04-22T21:38

By Mia
at 2010-04-27T00:03
at 2010-04-27T00:03

By Dorothy
at 2010-05-01T02:27
at 2010-05-01T02:27

By Hardy
at 2010-05-05T04:52
at 2010-05-05T04:52

By Elizabeth
at 2010-05-09T07:17
at 2010-05-09T07:17

By Noah
at 2010-05-13T09:42
at 2010-05-13T09:42

By Kama
at 2010-05-17T12:06
at 2010-05-17T12:06

By Adele
at 2010-05-21T14:31
at 2010-05-21T14:31

By Elizabeth
at 2010-05-25T16:56
at 2010-05-25T16:56

By Ursula
at 2010-05-29T19:20
at 2010-05-29T19:20

By Erin
at 2010-06-02T21:45
at 2010-06-02T21:45

By George
at 2010-06-07T00:10
at 2010-06-07T00:10

By Lucy
at 2010-06-11T02:35
at 2010-06-11T02:35

By Elvira
at 2010-06-15T04:59
at 2010-06-15T04:59

By Elizabeth
at 2010-06-19T07:24
at 2010-06-19T07:24

By Megan
at 2010-06-23T09:49
at 2010-06-23T09:49

By Donna
at 2010-06-27T12:13
at 2010-06-27T12:13

By Eartha
at 2010-07-01T14:38
at 2010-07-01T14:38

By Ursula
at 2010-07-05T17:03
at 2010-07-05T17:03

By James
at 2010-07-09T19:28
at 2010-07-09T19:28

By Frederic
at 2010-07-13T21:52
at 2010-07-13T21:52

By Hamiltion
at 2010-07-18T00:17
at 2010-07-18T00:17

By Hedwig
at 2010-07-22T02:42
at 2010-07-22T02:42

By Hamiltion
at 2010-07-26T05:07
at 2010-07-26T05:07

By Elizabeth
at 2010-07-30T07:31
at 2010-07-30T07:31

By Ula
at 2010-08-03T09:56
at 2010-08-03T09:56

By Odelette
at 2010-08-07T12:21
at 2010-08-07T12:21

By Edwina
at 2010-08-11T14:45
at 2010-08-11T14:45

By Damian
at 2010-08-15T17:10
at 2010-08-15T17:10

By Sandy
at 2010-08-19T19:35
at 2010-08-19T19:35

By Zanna
at 2010-08-23T22:00
at 2010-08-23T22:00
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