Is less more for Roger Federer? - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-06-09T02:59

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Is less more for Roger Federer?

對 Rog 而言,少即是多嗎?

It was the third set of his French Open final against Rafael Nadal, and Roger
Federer was looking pretty good. He was likely thinking that Nadal was
showing signs of tiring, while he still had some energy to burn.

法網決賽第三盤,Rog 看起來挺好的。他可能想說 Nadal 看起來有點累的樣子,而自己

Not bad for a 29-year-old playing a guy who just turned 25. True, the
Spaniard had been doing more running in the match, but Federer had been
through a long and arduous four-setter with Novak Djokovic a couple of days

這對一個29歲打的是剛滿25歲的人來說還不賴。不錯,Nadal 都是比賽中跑最多的,但
Rog 才在一天前跟小德打了一場艱辛的四盤大戰。

Of course, we all know what happened in the fourth set -- Nadal clawed back
from a 0-40 deficit in the first game to win six of the next seven games,
romping home to his sixth French Open title.


Still, that third-set feeling was not something Federer expected coming into
the tournament. In the three months leading up to the French Open, he played
24 matches in six tournaments, taking part in the Dubai tournament and the
nonmandatory Monte Carlo Masters in addition to Masters events at Indian
Wells, Miami, Madrid and Rome. Last year, he played 14 matches in five events
in this period.

但第三盤那種還有體力的感覺不是 Rog 在法網開始前所期待的。法網前的三個月 Rog 打
了六個錦標、24場比賽:Rog 參加了杜拜、非強制參賽的蒙地卡羅、印地安泉、邁阿密、
馬德里跟羅馬大師賽。去年同時期 Rog 只打了五個錦標14場比賽。

"I was really tired after Rome," Federer told reporters in French after the
final in Paris on Sunday. "Sometimes after Miami I'd take ten days off in the
past, but this year I didn't.

決賽後記者會 Rog 說「打完羅馬我真的有點累。過去邁阿密後我習慣休息十天,但今年

"I've trained and practiced a lot after Monte Carlo. I decided to play Monte
Carlo because I was fit. I played a lot from Dubai until Rome. I didn't take
a longer break."


He arrived in Paris feeling the effects. "I hoped I could practice more here,
but I was so tired that I said, 'OK, I'll practice just what is enough,'" he
said. "I could never hear the alarm clock in the morning ringing, I was so

以想說『那就適可而止就好。』。」Rog 說。「早上我都聽不到鬧鐘,我很累。」

"At the beginning of the tournament, I didn't think I could manage this way,
but after two matches, I thought, OK, I feel better. I'm in the tournament."


The rest was (almost) history; a reminder of what the 16-time Grand Slam
champion can still produce. And for Federer and his camp, perhaps an
encouraging sign that doing "just what is enough" remains enough.

剩下的(幾乎)都後話了。提醒你一下一位16屆大滿貫冠軍還能打。而對 Rog 跟他的團隊

"Overall, I thought it [the final] was a very high level match," said
Federer's co-coach, Paul Annacone, in an interview with "Rafa, you
have to give him credit. He did what he always does on clay. Makes you hit
one extra ball, and puts the ball [in] parts of the court where it's very
difficult to attack."

Rog 的教練 Paul Annacone 說:「總的來說決賽是場非常高水準的比賽。你必須稱讚拉

The win over Djokovic in the semifinals was even more satisfying. "Everyone's
talking about how that's one of the highest level matches they've ever seen,"
Annacone added. "So, I feel good about it. And I think that proves he's still
there, and he's worked really hard to stay there and maintain that level, so
I don't think there's any reason why he can't keep repeating that."


The well-respected coach, who also saw Pete Sampras through the late stages
of his career, challenges the assumption that Federer's age spells physical
decline. "I think a lot of that is a fallacy, too," he said."The strength and
conditioning people, if you talk to [them] -- at 29 years old, he can still
do it. There's no question."

這位備受敬重的教練,也曾陪伴 Sampras 度過他的職業晚期,挑戰Rog年紀大體力就變差

But, he added, "I think it's harder to do it for 40 weeks, over 11 months.


"The idea is to structure your schedule so you're playing your best tennis
here, and in Wimbledon, New York, and you know, if you do that, things will
go just right. So, it's a matter of trying to manage all that stuff, which he
does really well."

對了。所以就是試著把所有都安排好,這點 Rog 做得非常好。」

Grand Slams also pose different challenges from regular tournaments because
the matches are longer -- best-of-five sets rather than best-of-three -- but
players get days off between matches because the event lasts two weeks
instead of one. Recovery, not endurance, is often the biggest issue for
players as they get older.


"It's better for the body to recover, but it's three out of five sets. So,
it's a longer workload over a longer period of time," Annacone said of the
Slams. "But it's always nice to have a day off."


Even with the day off and his comments about feeling physically good in the
final, Federer felt his French Open campaign took enough of a toll for him to
pull out of his regular grass-court event in Halle, Germany, this week. "My
body and especially my groin need a rest after the French Open," he said in a
statement. "After talking with my team this morning, I feel that it is too
big a risk to take a chance and aggravate it before Wimbledon."

雖然有多休一天,Rog也說決賽體力還不錯,但 Rog 感覺法網真是讓他累壞了所以要退出

In an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper last month,
Federer also indicated that he might pare down his schedule next season.
After saying he opts to play nearly all the Masters events instead of more
smaller events because "it's good for tennis," he added, "But I wonder if
I'll be back at Indian Wells next year or go directly to Miami."

上月跟 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 的訪問 Rog有暗示下個賽季他可能削減自己

Federer, whose twin daughters are now almost 2, later continued, "I see
myself mentally capable of playing for many years. … For me, it's just
important to keep a balance between training, matches, holidays, family life."


With the ascendancy of Nadal and now Djokovic, Federer's mindset is also
changing. For perhaps the first time since he became a top-flight player,
Federer went into his semifinal against Djokovic saying he didn't have much
to lose. "Sure, I'd love to be again in the Grand Slam final because I
haven't achieved that in a few slams," he said. "But nothing major for me as
long as I keep on giving myself chances."

隨著 Nadal 與 小德的崛起,Rog 的心態也在改變。也許自曾為頂尖球員以來,Rog 第一
幾次叩關都失敗。但沒什麼比我給自己機會重要了。」Rog 說。

This more selective and opportunistic approach means the tennis world might
be seeing less of the Swiss maestro in the seasons to come. But, as at the
French Open, less could turn out to be more.

Rog 更選擇性打比賽意味著我們之後看到他的機會就更少了。但在法網,少即是多囉~

PS 翻完才發現通篇都是明擺著的廢話 XD
大概只有大滿貫跟 Basel 是必打的
其他我看不出沒有退出的理由 XDDD

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-06-11T23:07
推! 很好看的文章! 謝謝翻譯!
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-06-14T19:15
"心態上"可打好幾年 有種淡淡的哀傷 QQ
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-06-17T15:23
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-06-20T11:31
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-06-23T07:40
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-06-26T03:48
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-06-28T23:56
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-07-01T20:04
David avatar
By David
at 2011-07-04T16:12
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-07-07T12:21

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By Victoria
at 2011-06-09T00:38
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