Ichiro's thoughts on the 2010 season - 美國職棒

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-10-05T21:06

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※ 引述《GUILLEN ()》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Asian-MLB 看板 #1CgkedY9 ]
: 作者: Belladonaa ( ) 看板: Asian-MLB
: 標題: Ichiro's thoughts on the 2010 season
: 時間: Tue Oct 5 17:04:35 2010
: What are you feelings at the end of this season?


: From a players standpoint, I couldn't say I feel tired or relieved. All
: I can feel is I feel very bad towards our fans. It's like what we saw
: today. It was a tough game, but our fans believed that we would come
: back. And not being able to overcome that is very tough as a player. We
: made a lot of our fans, a lot of the people in Seattle, expect so much
: from what we believe in. But at the end of the day, to come up with
: results like this, that's very tough as a player. All you can feel is
: you feel just bad for what you've done this year. You feel very guilty.
: That's all I can say as of now."


: After last season and the offseason moves, could you imagine you'd be
: sitting here after another 100 loss season?


: I don't think anyone imagined this. I think it's stupid to imagine this.
: But here I am today. This is the evidence. This is what happened. From
: here on, you have to be aware of what could happen and that's how I look
: at it.

這是不爭的事實,事情就是這樣發生的。 從現在起,你必須對於未來將會發生的事有

: Is this the most disappointing year of year career-wise?


: I don't think you can compare season to season. We had very big
: expectations but the results were terrible. I could say the gap in
: between was the biggest.


: Why did the season dissolve?


: That's something for me to think about from here on.


: Is there any reason to expect better things next year? Are you hopeful
: or optimistic?

你對下個球季還有期望嗎? 還是僅僅抱著樂觀的態度?

: "It's actually hard to say to everyone around me, including the media
: because we all believed in this team, and thought we would play up to
: our expectations. But when you look at the results, it wasn't there at
: all. It's hard to express my feelings as of now. It's hard to say that I
: can be optimistic because I don't think anyone should be. This is
: reality. We have to take it heart. We have to go from here and move on.
: Just because we haven't done anything and remain optimistic doesn't mean
: everything will turn out next year."


: Once you are done reflecting, what do you do with that information?


: "We all reflect to our failures individually. I think we can all do
: that. We can work on what we failed. The solution what we have to find
: is how we can put that together for the team. That's the answer I'm
: trying to find."


: If it becomes clear that this a long-term rebuiliding project, would you
: ever consider ever going somewhere where winning is a more of a
: likelihood?


: I can't answer that question because we are not in that situation. You
: can say what if, and someone else will say what if, and that's not the
: situation we are in right now.


: Next spring will be your seventh manager in your tenure, does that
: bother you?


: I think you could see that in our results. It's very tough individually
: to play for many managers. The ideal is to have one manager for a long
: time and that's what we all look forward to.


: When you put this behind you, when you do start looking at next year?


: I don't know. I can't talk about the future because now is now.


: http://ppt.cc/29ot

(ps 翻的不是很好,請大家見諒......)



All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-10-08T13:24
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-10-10T19:06
恩 翻成教練比較適合
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-10-13T18:48
問題是他算是亞洲人最有成就的 怎麼可能會不想要冠軍戒
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-10-17T14:26

Ichiro's thoughts on the 2010 season

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-10-05T17:29
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