Here's Hoping Agassi Keeps Defying His Age - 網球

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2005-09-14T08:48

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Andre Agassi is not Pete Sampras. He is not looking for the right way to
leave. He keeps working on ways to stay.

IN pigtails and pedal pushers, Jaz Agassi ran full tilt down the carpeted
hallway of Arthur Ashe Stadium, her feet trying to catch up to her momentum,
her direction set on her daddy's weary legs as he walked off the court.

A moment earlier, Andre Agassi had been standing at a trophy ceremony,
leaning slightly to his left in an ode to his finicky back, as Roger Federer
held the United States Open cup.

Jaz was just happy that her daddy's work was done. It was everyone else who
was so dispirited, so unsure if they'd seen the last of Agassi, hopeful that
his tennis mortality has yet another ounce of elasticity.

Why not? If Agassi's health is intact, there is no reason that last night had
to be a sunset. Instead, think of it as extended daylight.

Agassi can play on because he isn't Pete Sampras. At the end of his career -
one underscored with his memorable 2002 United States Open title - Sampras
was in search of the right exit sign. He was always looking, wondering when
to say when.

True to his serve-and-volley form, Sampras liked the game quick and easy.
One, two, three, point. Sampras was a marvelous champion and has a sacred
place in history, but he wasn't into the labor and patience, as his French
Open experiences revealed. And Sampras was not a fan of the process, as his
abbreviated practices sometimes displayed.

Agassi craves the process and digs the labor. He is inspired by the results
he sees from running up the mountains high above the Las Vegas Strip. He is
pushed to disprove the myths of aging by running youth ragged on the court.

Agassi doesn't deny age. He just tries to defy it. All the cortisone shots in
the world can't numb him to the high of competition and the pain he still
feels from losing.

"Right now, the fact that this hurts so bad will be encouraging," said Gil
Reyes, Agassi's longtime friend and training guru. "I think it will light the

"No one forced Willie Mays," Reyes continued on the subject of retirement.
"No one forced Joe Namath. I want to make sure that we're not forcing Andre
to do what he probably shouldn't do."

Agassi seemed to feel exactly the same way after finishing off his 20th
consecutive year at the United States Open with a journey one part
mesmerizing, one part uplifting, and one part unfathomable for a 35-year-old.

"As of now, my intention is to keep working and keep doing what it is I do,"
he said. "You know, the only thing better than the last 20 years will be the
last 21 years."

So it was very appropriate that the man in the gray stubble, the one with the
two kids and sciatica, employed a strategy of longevity in a very special
effort to outlast Federer's perfection before falling, 6-3, 2-6, 7-6 (1), 6-1.

"He's the best I've ever played against," said Agassi, adding: "Pete was
great, no question. But there was a place to get to with Pete. You knew what
you had to do. If you do it, it could be on your terms. There's no such place
like that with Roger."

How do you nudge Picasso's elbow in mid-brushstroke? Agassi extended the
match and Federer with a savvy selection of drop shots and dastardly angles,
with Ben-Gay groans as he reached for gets, with winners concocted from years
of experience. For a while, Federer's beautiful mind was confused by Agassi's

Then, with Agassi ahead, 4-2, in the third set, Federer regained his liquid
moves and unflappable demeanor and began methodically dismantling the rowdy
vibe of a crowd that was practically linked together in a seance, trying to
mentally and spiritually lift Agassi.

"Well, over the last 20 years, I've come full circle," Agassi said. "It's
been an amazing journey and discovery of each other as I've grown up out

The fans stood in appreciation of a living time capsule. One look at Agassi
and out spills two decades of memories. There were the rebellious years
filled with rock-star locks, neon shorts, a resistance to authority and a
drive-through diet.

There was the Zen period with Barbara Streisand, and his marriage to Brooke
Shields and 1997, the season he plunged to No. 141 and was forced to play in
a satellite event.

He exited the bottom with enough perspective to start building a school for
the disadvantaged and the energy to renew his vows to tennis. Soon, everyone
would discover Agassi's true love, Steffi Graf.

Somehow, despite his wealth and fame and celebrity, Agassi was the everyman.
Hadn't everyone been a rebellious kid? Hadn't everyone been into Day-Glo
shorts? Hadn't everyone misstepped with love once or twice?

Last night, Agassi was the crowd, and the crowd was Agassi. Who would want to
see that relationship end? To let go of Agassi would be for the fans to
release a little of themselves.

If Jaz Agassi was latched on to her Daddy after the match, so was everyone

It seems only natural for everyone to ask Jaz, "Can your daddy play a little

Maybe, just maybe, he'll say, "Yes." After all, Agassi is not Sampras. He is
not looking for the right way to leave. He keeps working on ways to stay.

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2005-09-14T00:48
借這篇來回一下 ※ 引述《ouch (Soma)》之銘言: : 2005年09月13日08:04 華商網-華商報 :   隨著一記回球出界,阿加西在本屆美網上所書寫的神話也落下了最後一個句號。他走 : 向網前和費德勒友好地握手,阿加西的笑容流露出對新天王 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2005-09-14T00:12 2005年09月13日10:31 金羊網-新快報 王星   我知道勝利者是費德勒,這個不需要你提醒,但我依然會向那個失敗者送上敬禮,送 上祝福,送上眼淚,因為---,阿加西,這個名字就是用來致敬的。   有多少美國人在9月11日的下午期待著一個奇跡,期待 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2005-09-13T23:50 2005年09月13日09:17 上海青年報   跌宕起伏的比賽,雙方都稱得上完美的發揮,再加上全場2萬5千名觀眾製造的人浪 ---2005年的美網終於在一場經典戰役之後謝幕。不可一世的球王費德勒以6:3/2:6/ 7:6(1)/6:1戰勝了35歲的老將阿 ...

阿格西 誓言明年再來

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2005-09-13T23:42
【編譯林滄陳/綜合外電報導】 今年的美國網球公開賽男單決賽,正好是「九一一」四周年,35歲的美國老將阿格西在逾 23000名爆滿球迷的熱烈加油中,和當今球王費德勒激戰四盤,打出多記讓人高聲叫好的 好球,甚至從近乎無懈可擊的費德勒手中搶下一盤。阿格西老而彌堅,在場上永不服輸的 表現,讓紐約人隨著他在場上的奮戰 ...

費德勒稱王 尊稱阿格西是傳奇

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2005-09-13T23:40
【記者彭薇霓/綜合外電報導】 經過兩個多小時的奮戰,瑞士球王費德勒終於拿下美網冠軍。雖然沒有辦法像女單冠軍克 莉絲特斯拿到「雙倍」獎金,不過贊助商卻意外贈送他一輛跑車,讓費德勒領獎時像個小 孩般笑得很開心! 今年美網為了吸引選手參賽,打出「冠軍獎金加倍」的噱頭,如果能在北美系列賽奪冠再 拿下公開賽第1,就 ...